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Addition Multiplication Factors
and Subtraction and Division and Multiples

100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500

Addition and
Subtraction for 100

1/4 + 2/3 =
3/7 3/4

11/12 3/12
Addition and
Subtraction for 200

4¼+3¼ =
7 2/8 7 1/2

1 1/2 1 2/8
Addition and
Subtraction for 300

7/8 – 1/4=
5/8 6/8

4/5 6/4
Addition and
Subtraction for 400

3 3½

2½ 16
Addition and
Subtraction for 500

3¾ 3¼

2¾ 2¼
Multiplication and
Division for 100

What is the reciprocal of 6/7?

6 7

7/6 6/7
Multiplication and
Division for 200

½ x¾=
3/8 4/6

3/4 6/4
Multiplication and
Division for 300
What is 4/5 of 15?

5 10

12 14
Multiplication and
Division for 400

7/8 ÷ 1/2 =
7/16 1¾

3/4 1½
Multiplication and
Division for 500

25 15

12 6
Factors and
Multiples for 100
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 are the
_______________ of 24.

factors multiples
Factors and
Multiples for 200
What is the greatest common
factor of 8 and 28?

2 4

8 28
Factors and
Multiples for 300
What is the least common multiple
of 3 and 14?

3 14

28 42
Factors and
Multiples for 400
What is the least common denominator
of 2/3, 7/8, and 4/6?

24 12

8 6
Factors and
Multiples for 500
What is the greatest common factor of
12, 32, 44, and 64?

2 4

6 8
Vocabulary for 100
The number below the fraction bar in
a fraction.

numerator denominator

factor multiple
Vocabulary for 200
A whole number greater than 1 with
only two factors – itself and 1.

mixed number factor

composite prime
number number
Vocabulary for 300
A fraction in which the numerator is
greater than or equal to the
mixed number

simplest form
Vocabulary for 400
A reversal of the numerator and

mixed number

reciprocal ratio
Vocabulary for 500
When the greatest common factor of a
numerator and denominator is 1, the
fraction is said to be in _____________.
simplest form

mixed form improper form

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You are a fraction genius!

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You are a fraction genius!

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