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Lesson 11: Keeping in Touch with God

By: Sinae Kim

How do we keep in touch with God???

What is a Prayer?
Conversation/talking with God Asking for help in difficulties Direct line with Heaven Communication process that allows us to talk to God like a person-to-person phone call. God and Jesus are with us when we do it.

What happens when we pray

God has promised to send His Holy Spirit to speak for us in our prayers. God never tires of hearing our worries, our joys, and our questions. He knows what we need and understands. When we confess, God forgives us. He gives the strength needed to endure or to change. God has promised to be with us.

How to pray
Praying isnt difficult. You can pray anywhere or anytime. Prayer is a communication with God. We pray what were thankful about and what we want. You can pray for yourself or for others. We can pray in anyways so its not difficult. When you have difficulties/problems in life He will send the Holy Spirit to will help us.

Pray on what youre thankful for Pray for others Pray for yourself

Choose a time for prayer when you or not tired or hurried. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you keep your mind from wandering. Be specific in your prayers. Thank God for specific blessings He has given you, ask for particular sins to be forgiven, tell God the exact concern you have about yourself and others. Even if you are alone, it may help to pray out loud. It may be easier to focus on praying when you say the words instead of just thinking them.

If you usually write down what is important to you try writing your prayers. If you feel you are constantly repeating the same request over and 0ver, read a passage in the Bible and talk with God about what you have read. Take time think about God and listen for that still, small Voice. We do not come to know God by rushing off too quickly.

How would prayer help?

Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, Where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. Youll feel calm and keep in touch with God. When we have problems in life, God will send His Holy Spirit to help us. Well get to know what we have to do. God will listen, hes never annoyed. Hes always open to hear our prayers.

The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we dont know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words (Romans 8:26).

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