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The Evolution of the Concept of Citizenship

Republic of Moldova

in the


1. 2. 3.

Each person has the right to have a citizenship No discrimination The plenitude of citizens rights and liberties The right to vote and to be elected in the representative state bodies Every citizen of the Republic of Moldova is guaranteed the right to choose his place of residence anywhere within the national territory, to travel in and out of the country, also to emigrate at will. The citizens of the Republic of Moldova have the right of participating in the administration of public affairs, either directly or through their representatives. No citizen of the Republic of Moldova can be extradited or expelled from his/her country The citizens of the Republic of Moldova have the right to be protected by their State both at home and abroad. 4. No one may be deprived arbitrarily of his/her citizenship or the right to change it. 5. The avoidance of statelessness.

In the Republic of Moldova, the citizenship was defined for the first time in the Law on the Citizenship:

The main improvements concerning the relation between the citizen and the state: the right of the person to give up or change its citizenship the right to travel anywhere in the world with no time limit the absence from the country doesnt affect the validity of the citizenship.

Obtaining of the RM Citizenship

Ways of obtaining the RM citizenship Acquisition of citizenship by birth Acquisition of citizenship by recognition Acquisition of nationality by adoption Regaining the citizenship Acquisition of citizenship upon request (naturalization)

Requirements that have to be met for the obtaining of the RM Citizenship

Knowledge and respect of the Republic of Moldova Constitution Knowledge of the state language at a sufficient level to be able to integrate into the social life Legal sources of existence Loss or renunciation of citizenship of another state if such is held, unless the loss or renunciation is not possible or cannot reasonably be required

Cases when multiple citizenship is permitted by the law of RM: a) children who have at birth simultaneously acquired the citizenships of R. Moldova and of other state; b) Moldovan citizens who hold the citizenship of another state if the citizenship is acquired by marriage; c) if the plurality outcomes from provisions of international agreements to which Moldova is party.

PROPOSAL The state recognizes multiple citizenships and the citizenship acquired by birth cannot be repealed. Any state is obliged to respect the constitutional rights and interests of their citizens as well as of the foreigners and stateless people as the International Conventions to which the respective state is part, provide. The state has also the obligation to protect its citizens against any type of violence or rights infringements both on its territory as well as abroad via the embassies and consulates. In the Republic of Moldova, a foreign citizen or a stateless person has the same rights and duties as a citizen except: a) Right to elect and be elected in the national governing and administrative bodies. b) The duty to protect the state via military service

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