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The primary purposes of keepings animals is transform feed into substances usable by humans: meats, milk, eggs, wool, and work (running). But, the conversion of feed to these uses must be done efficiently and economically. To do this, the principles of nutrition must be applied and they must be augmented by superior breed, good health, and competent management.

Glossary / istilah2.
Ilmu Pakan Ternak (Feed science) a dicipline scoped an animal food related to feed and nutrient contents to the condition of animal physiologic Bahan Pakan Ternak (Feedstuff) any material made into or used as feed, which is edible, digestible and palatable for such animal. Food : is an edible material than provides nutrients

Feed : refer to food but it commonly applied to animal food than human food.

Zat Makanan (Nutrient) : any chemical element or compound in the diet (or given parenterally in special case) that support normal growth, reproduction, lactation or maintenance of life processes. The 6 classes of nutrients are : water, KH, protein and amino acids, lipids, vitamins and inorganic elements.
Diet : is a mixture of feed stuff used to supply nutrients to an animal. Ransum: Pakan yang terdiri satu atau lebih bahan pakan yang diberikan kepada ternak sekali atau beberapa kali selama 24 jam. Ration : is a daily supply of feed (or food) Ransum Sempurna: Ransum yg mengandung semua zat pakan yg diperlukan ternak, dalam keadaan cukup, dimana antara zat pakan satu dan lainnya dlm keadaan seimbang dan sesuai kebutuhan.

Nilai nutrisi menyangkut: Kandungan kecernaan, Konsumsi, Efisiensi pakan dll.


Enzim: Suatu biokatalisator yg berupa protein gabungan yg dihasilkan oleh sel hdp.yg menyebabkan perubh.kimia dlm.tbh.
Katabolisme: Proses perombakan substansi kompleks menjadi substansi sederhana.

Anabolisme: Proses pembentukan kompleks dari substansi sederhana.


Ad libitum: Pemberian pakan tdk. terbatas tetapi terkontrol (terukur) Absorbsi: Proses penyerapan zat pakan melalui dinding usus. Kecernaan: Persentase dari pakan yg dikonsumsi dan diserap ke dalam tubuh dari pakan yg tidak diekskresikan. Hidrolisis: Reaksi kimia yg terjadi karena adanya air.

Tujuan mempelajari Ilmu Nutrisi Non Ruminansia: uUntuk mengetahui cara pemberian pakan ternak Non Ruminansia secara baik dan memenuhi kebutuhan dengan biaya semurah-murahnya, shg diperoleh keuntungan yg sebesar-besarnya.

1. Berdasar jenis pakannya a. Herbivora ( pemakan tumbuh-2 an) Contoh: sapi, kambing, domba, kuda, kerbau, kelinci. b. Karnivora (pemakan daging) Contoh: anjing, kucing, harimau. c. Omnivora (pemakan segala) Contoh: babi, unggas, kera.

2. Berdasar sistem alat pencernaan

a. Lambung tunggal: babi, unggas b. Lambung tunggal (sekum berfungsi): kuda, kelinci, tikus. c. Lambung majemuk: Sapi, kambing, domba, kerbau.

ORGAN PELENGKAP SALURAN PENCERNAAN 1. GIGI (teeth) 2. LIDAH (tounge) 3. KEL. SALIVA (salivary gland) 4. HATI (liver) 5. PANKREAS (pancreas)


NON RUMINANSIA 1. Lambung: tunggal/monogastrik 2. Proses pencernaan: - enzimatis/hidrolitis > (enzim dihasilkan alat pencernaan). - Fermentatif (sekum, colon). - Mekanis (mulut).

RUMINANSIA 1. Lambung: ganda/majemuk/poligas trik 2. Proses pencernaan: - Fermentatif (retikulorumen, sekum,colon). - Enzimatis/hidrolitis - Mekanis (mulut).

3. Pakan utama: Konsentrat 4. Tdk.dapat memanfaatkan NPN dan SK 5. Bentuk serapan - KH: glukosa, fruktosa, galaktosa - Prot : Asam amino - Lemak: asam lemak gliserol Penyerapan di usus kecil 3. Pakan utama Hijauan 4. Dapat memanfaatkan NPN sbg.sumber prot dan SK. 5. Bentuk serapan - KH: VFA (asam asetat, propionat, butirat). - Prot : NH3 (R-R) Asam amino (usus kecil).

- Lemak: - VFA, gliserol - Asam lemak, gliserol,monoglise rida di usus kecil.

Bagian saluran pencernaan

1. Mulut: gigi (unggas tdk.punya ttp.ada paruh, lidah, saliva, pharynk (sistem penc.dan pernafasan). 2. Oesophagus: organ yg menghub.pharynk dan lambung (ada gerakan peristaltik ke lambung dan mulut). Pada unggas oesophagus membesar membentuk kantong (crop/tembolok) untk.menyimpan pakan.

3. Lambung (perut kelenjar)

Ayam: proventriculus, ventriculus/gizzard (memprod. pepsinogen, HCl, mucin) 4. Usus kecil: duodenum, jejenum, ileum. Ada 4 sekresi yg masuk usus halus: - cairan duodenum - cairan empedu - cairan pankreas - cairan usus

5. Usus besar: tidak menghsl.kan enzim, ttp ada kelenjar mukosa (enzim dihslkan mikroba), mensintesis vit. B. 6. Sekum (caecum) 7. Colon 8. Anus (rectum)

Poultry Gastrointestinal Tract

Swine Gastrointestinal Tract

In the large intestine, the digesta is modified by flora indigenous to the gastrointestinal tract. This process digests 10 to 20% of the feed from mouth to rectum and determines the entire transit time of the digesta through the gastrointestinal tract. In the caecum and colon, digesta is still liquid. As it advances to the anus to be voided as faeces, it loses water and acquires a sticky, solid consistency

The digestive capacity of the pig increases with age. Neonates and lactating piglets depend on a well-developed gastric ability to effectively clot milk. During the first few weeks of life, both the small intestine and pancreas grow and develop, to prepares piglet for weaning. The large intestine matures slower; this explains why the pig tends to digest fibrous feeds better in direct relation to its age.

Horses Gastrointestinal Tract

In the horse both the caecum and the colon are enlarged. As in the rumen, the large cellulose molecules are broken down to smaller molecules that can be absorbed.

Rabbit Gastrointestinal Tract

The caecum in the rabbit, rat and guinea pig is greatly enlarged to provide a fermentation vat for micro-organisms to break down the cellulose plant cell walls. This is called a functional caecum. However, the position of the functional caecum after the main areas of digestion and absorption, means it is potentially less effective than the rumen.

The rabbit (and rodents) solve this problem by eating their own faeces (Coprophagy) so that they pass through the gut a second time and the products of cellulose digestion can be absorbed in the small intestine.
Rabbits produce two kinds of faeces. Softer night-time faeces are eaten directly from the anus and the harder pellets, that have passed through the gut twice.

Next week : The factors which affects the nutrients requirement of animal

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