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Teacher required to handle more challenging

behaviors in their students. Such as, bullying, harassment, alcohol and drug abuse, violence, stealing, truancy, racism, sexism and prejudice. Special skill required for teacher to resolve such conflicts. For instance, anger management, assertiveness training, conflict resolution and peer mediation.

Bullying is an abuse of power that takes the form

ongoing aggression involving words or actions by individuals or groups and directed towards particular victims who are unable to defend themselves. Bullies takes advantage of situations where they can victimise others who may be physically smaller, younger, less strong, outnumbered or simply unable to defend themselves.

Characteristics of bullies
Strong tendencies towards aggressive behavior.

Relatively week control over their aggressive

impulses. Relatively high tolerance for aggressive behavior.

Forms of bullying
Verbal forms, such as ridicule and sexual

harassment that involves name calling. Psychological forms, such as being isolated or subject to gossip and hurtful rumours. Physical forms, such as being hit or physically threatened, or having property damaged or stolen. * Bullying occurs as often in one on one situation as it does in group encounters (involve groups).

Affects of bullying
Victim Made them angry(boy) Make them sad(girl) Have poor academic performance High rate of absenteeism Low self esteem Significant mental health problem Tend to be anxious Insecure Isolated from their peer

Bullies Have high self esteem High social and physical self concept Overestimate their levels of social competence and the quality of their relationship

Interventions to reduce bullying

School tended to ignore bullying

Traditional; report incident to adults and teachers.

But most of the conflict resolution tend to, leave

the conflict unresolved, ask an adult to help resolve the conflict or achieve resolution through one of the protagonists winning.

Modern intervention, Classroom arrangements (provides opportunity for students to work together, reducing the incidence of bullying) School curriculum modified to increase the awareness of bullying. Introducing exercise that promote alternative forms of social interaction so as to avoid conflict. Changing school environments to reduce bullying oppurtunities.

Peer counseling Assertiveness training Anger management training

Instruction on conflict solution

Anti violence curriculum The Rock and Water program

Disputing parties

Strengths and limitations of conflict- and problem- behavior -management interventions

Strengths Number of students who resolve their conflicts by discussion and agreement increase Increase students academic award through conflict resolution Training in skills such as peer mediation and conflict resolution has the potential to reduce the number of students conflicts occurring in school.

Limitations Skills students learn in such training programs may not be maintained over the time, nor may they generalise into other situations.(school or at home) Lack of sustainment and generalisation may continue to be a factor until more is known about how conflicts develop and how students manage such conflicts, with and without others help.

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