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Factors Contributing The Emergence

Industrialisation Changes in life styles Changes inValues Changes in Practices Guidance movement

What is counselling?
Counselling as hygiology. Counselling as a helping relationship. Counselling as a solution to human problem. Counselling is a process involving human beings Counselling as consultation deliberating together

Counselling is a process involving an interaction between counsellor and client, in a professional setting, which is initiated, and maintained to facilitate changes in the behaviour of a client

Counselling aims at:
Helping to deal with the developmental tasks appropriate to the clients age culture and environment. Prevention of disruptive deviations Long-range education and vocational planning Preventive mental health Creative help and helping normal persons to make choices in order to further their development. Alleviating normal anxieties and fear.

Three different bodies of supporters

The phenomenological school, social workers. Nomothetic school, medically oriented. The individual difference school, student personal services.

Concept Of Human Nature

Essentially Evil Essentially Good Essentially Neutral

Potential Of Man
Potential of man Worth of the individual Right of freedom to choose Free to choose Responsible for actions

Models Of Counselling
The directive or Authoritarian Approach (Psycho Analytic Approach)-Sigmund Freud Humanistic Approach Carl Roger

Behaviour Modification
Supportive Counselling Approaches Learning Approach Re-educativeClient-centred Insight Reconstructive Psychoanalytic

Techniques -Psycho Analytic

Free Associatoion Dream interpretation Analysis of Resistance Analysis of Transference


Each of us exists in a private world of experience in which the I, me or myself is the centre. Our most basic striving is toward the maintenance, enhancement, and actualization of the self. We react to situations in terms of our unique perception of ourselves and our world. We react to Reality as we perceive it and in ways consistent with our self-concept.

A perceived threat to self is followed by defense, including the narrowing and rigidification of perception and coping behaviour and the introduction of self-defense mechanisms such as rationalization. Our inner tendencies are toward health and wholeness. Under normal conditions, we behave in rational and constructive ways and choose pathways toward personal growth and selfactualization or fulfillment.

Techniques -Humanistic
The Attitude Establishment of a non threatning climate Considerable respect for Clients Encourage clients to listen themselves concern in clients choices

Behaviouristic Approaches
All human behaviour is learned. Behaviour is the result of environmental forces and the individuals genetic endowment. Focused on stimulus in the environmentcould be related to the acquisition, modification and elimination of behaviour pattern.

Rooted in a variety of theories of learning Operationally defined, observable and measurable.

Classical conditioning
Reinforcement Operant conditioning

Disagreements on the Approaches

Psycho analysis Man is a slave Behaviouristic- Enviornmental pressures determine his behaviour Humanistic-importance of the individual Potentialities Extentialistic-Makes his existence meaning full in terms of his uniqueness

Characteristics Of The clients

* Negative self image * Poor social image * Needs and motivation * Failures of adjustment * Frustration * Threat * Conflict * Anxious * Mild depression

Characteristics Of The Counsellor

Superior intellectual ability Originality Fresh and insatiable curiosity Interest in persons as individuals Insight in to ones own personality Sensitivity to complexities of motivation Tolerrance, Unarrogance

Characteristics Of The Counsellor [cont.]

Ability to adopt a therapeutic attitude Industry Ability to tolerate pressure Acceptance of responsibility Tact and cooperativeness Integrity,Self control and stability Discriminating sense of ethical values Breadth of cultural background

Stages In The Counselling Process

Need to help Enter in to counselling Relation ship Expression and Exploration of feelings and of problems Helping Phase Awareness of self and reorientation

Counselling Process
Aperson to person relationships
Mutual partcipation Structured around The felt needs of the counsellee

Self direction and self acceptance

Steps In Counselling
An initial appointment Exploration of the clients concern Development of a facilitative relationship Goal specification,Identification,and consideration Implementation of a programm towards goal achievement Evaluation of results Termination of relationship Follow up

Counselling Relationship
Physical setting Privacy Acceptance Trust Understanding Responsibility Empathy Rapport

Classification Systems In Counselling

* Personality Problems
* Difficulties pertaining to adjustmental problems * Family conflicts * Personal problems

Educational Problems

Inadequate general Scholastic aptitude Ineffective study habits Lack of motivation Under achievement

Vocational Problems
Unwise vocational choice Differences between interest and aptitude

Group for the advancement of psychiatry classification

hy responses ive disorders opmental deviations nality disorders o neurotic disorders otic disorders osomatic disorders yndrome


nd place and person

Affects Object relations Drive behavior Defense organization Judgment and insight Self esteem Adaptive capacities Positive attributes

Financial Problems

Need for self support at school and college

Health Problems

Inability to go about cues routine activities owing to problems of health

Clinical Counselling
Analysis Synthesis Diagnosis Prognosis Counselling Desensitization Therapy Treatment Follow up

Classification By Bordin
Dependence Lack of information Self conflict Choice anxiety Lack of assurance

Psychotherapy Aims At :
Alleviation of human suffering. Achieving personal change. Fostering personal growth-By the application of learning concepts psychological principles.

Psychotherapy Aims At :
Helping a person over come difficulties, in appropriate to their age, culture or environment.
Primarily dealing with deviations already present and secondarily with prevention. Permitting reality testing in a completely sheltered situation. Producing personality change.

Remediation, curing or treating mental illness Bringing about change in the patients personality so that adjustment difficulties are over come. Treating neurotic anxieties and fears.


Happiness dosent happen ..we have to make it

Your world is very real.. and very much yours but it may not be my world at all for in the sense my world is a mental creation of my mind just as yours is of your mind..

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