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Course: Curso Profissional Tcnico de Marketing

Subject: English Teacher: Lcia Rebelo Theme: Animals in Exctinction

The Iberian Lynx lives in very small areas of central and southern Spain; It used to live throughout Spain and Portugal; Its numbers have been drastically reduced to the point where it is now one of the most endangered wild cats in the world; In the early 1950s a virus named Myxomatosis was illegally introduced by a French scientist to wild rabbits on his estate to protect his vegetable patch;

Spanish rabbits also died thus thousands of lynx starved to death; Habitat loss, hunting and trapping also have decimated the lynx; They are protected now, but they still get caught in fox traps. Another cause of death recently is getting hit by cars in Donana National Park; Population size is approximately 100 to 150; Females breed about once a year, with a litter size of 1-3 cubs.

The Sumatran Tiger is decreasing substantially by poaching; Recent research has indicated that the clash between tigers and humans in Sumatra that has killed both species is due to the aggressive destruction of forests by Asia Pulp and Paper; Some tigers live in a nature preserve on the island, but poachers are killing as well; Population: Approximately 400.

Found in central Africa, the lowland gorilla has been all but wiped out in recent years; This was due to widespread hunting thus the meat is an expensive delicacy; The disease from the Ebola virus also has a major effect on the gorilla population; A rapid deforestation is also destroying their habitat; These three together make it impossible for it to thrive.

Madagascar is known as the hottest hotspot, both because of its rich biodiversity, and because deforestation and other threats are destroying wildlife on the island. The Fish Eagle, found in highly limited numbers along the west coast, is no exception.

The rodent is one of the most endangered mammals in North America; There are less than 40 individuals found in an area less than 10 sq. km; Logging is most likely the cause of its diminishing numbers; Marmots live in burrows and are herbivores.

The population of the black rhino declined by 90% over the last six decades; This due to poaching, for its horns; In the mid 1990s there was less than 3,000 of the African rhino Slowly the population has increased steadily, and now there are over 4,000 Rhinos and increasing.

Found on the Philippine island of Mindoro, the dwarf water buffalo was once widespread; Now it is found in less than 300 sq. km of land; The major threat is expanding farmland, which is cutting into the water buffalo's habitat;

This species of lemur only lives on the island of Madagascar in the northeastern rainforests; Its population is very small and it is hunted by some local people for meat; Unfortunately, the species has a low birth rate; Population is approximately 100 to 1000; Generally females birth one infant every two years, but there are cases of a female birthing one infant per year.

Group work: - Ana Sousa n1 do 11N - rica Ruela n4 do 11N - Estela Marques n5 do 11N

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