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GROUP 3 Casiyah, Saidatun N., Adriani P.S.

Masters In Linguistics DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY 2011


Types of Descriptive Research Purposes Advantages and Disadvantages


What is Descriptive Research?

Descriptive research is conducted to make the description of facts, characteristics and relationships between phenomenon that investigated systematically, factually and accurately (Nazir, 2005:54) . According to Narbuko and Achmadi (2007: 44) a descriptive research is a research which attempts to describe problem solving based on the data in recent condition. It presents, analyzes and interprets the data.

Descriptive research is concerned with conditions or relationships that exist, opinions that are held, processes that are going on; effects that are being evident, or trends that are developing (Best 1981:93) It is concerned with how what is or what exists is related to some proceding event that has influenced or affected a present condition or event.

Best (1981: 106) has presented five characteristics which distinguish descriptive research from other types of research. 1. It is non experimental, for it deals with the relationships between non-manipulated variables in a natural, rather than artificial, setting. Since the events or conditions have already occurred or exist, the researcher selects the relevant variables for an analysis of their relationships. 2. It involves hypothesis formulation and testing.

3. It uses the logical methods of inductive-deductive reasoning to arrive at generalizations. 4. It often employs the methods of randomization so that error may be estimated when inferring population characteristics from observations of samples. 5. The variables and procedures are described as accurately and completely as possible so that the study can be replicated by other researchers.

According to Nazir (2005: 61-62) descriptive method has two criteria. They are general criteria and specific criteria.
General criteria: a) The problem which is formulated should be proper, there is a scientific value and not too wide. b) The purpose of research should be obvious, explicit, and not too general. c) The data of the research should reliable fact and not from the opinion. d) The standard which is to make a comparison should have validity. e) It should be a clear description about time and place of research. f) The result of research should have contents in detail either of collecting data or analyzing data with literature study.

Specific criteria

a) The principles and the data which is used should be declared in value.
b) The facts and the principles which is used about status problem. c) It has ex post facto characteristic, so there is no control to variable and the researcher does not hold the arrangement or manipulation to variable.

The purposes of the descriptive research (Best, 1981: 107) are: To describe prevailing practices or condition. To discover the relative importanceof, or interest in, certain topics or problem To discover level of difficulty of presentation in textbooks or in other publications. To evaluate bias, prejudice, or propaganda in textbook presentation.

According to Subana and Sudrajat (2009: 37), the descriptive research has some advantages such as:

1) It is preferable in various kinds of investigation; 2) It is logic to give information; 3) It is suitable for normative standard research based on general condition.

Subana and Sudrajat (2009: 37) stated that the disadvantages of descriptive research are: 1) This research can be bias; 2) The result of this research is limited due to that the independent variables can not be manipulated and subject can not be randomly assigned to treatment group; 3) This research can be invalid since causes are often multiple than single.

To analize types of errors in studentswork. To analyzes the use of symbols representing persons, political parties or institutions, countries, or points of view. To identify the literary style, concepts, beliefs of a writer. To explain the possible causal factors related to some outcome, action or even.


These are several types of descriptive research (Nazir, 2005:55): 1. Survey 2. Continuity (Longitudinal) 3. Case study 4. Job and activity analysis research 5. A comparative study 6. Time and motion study

Descriptive research is a research which solves the problem by describing the facts that exist in certain condition without any data treatment or nonmanipulated data.

The result of this resarch illustrates the real condition of the object which is investigated. The use of statistics may help to interpretate data and to draw conclusion.

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