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FRIDAY 5:40pm to

9:00pm Lecturer: Martin J.K


Wellness is not just the opposite of sickness. It is a comprehensive, deliberate strategy for living a full and happy life. Nowadays, health maintenance organizations (HMOs) are promoting a proactive approach through planned, holistic programs of wellness and fitness

Food for thought

College life is not conducive to eating well. If you commute, have a family, job, community responsibilities, you may rely of fast foods or prepackaged meals full of fat, starch and preservatives. Because you are what you eat, do a body check: How do you feel? How do you look? Are you overweight or underweight? Do you feel dizzy, fatigued or run down? Are you prone to indigestion or frequent headaches?

Suggested Solutions
If you really want to look better, feel better, think better, here are some solutions: Cut down on sugar and salt They expose you to weight gain and depression, while excess salt is detrimental to people who have a history of heart or blood pressure Avoid red meat They clog your arteries with the wrong kind of cholesterol. White meat (fish and poultry) are a good source of protein and have less fat.

Suggested Solutions Contd

Maintain a balanced diet

Every day, try to eat a piece of a fruit; some

green vegetables; some proteins; some highfiber bread or cereal; some cheese; milk; and a tiny bit of fat or oil (preferably free of cholesterol) Avoid food from vending machines Most of it is high in salt, sugar, fat, caffeine, preservatives, and additives.

Suggested Solutions Contd

Eat a substantial breakfast and avoid eating

after supper The reason is simple, we burn a lot of calories during the day, and very few while sleeping. Be selective in what you eat Choose healthy foods and skip sweets and starches. Remember those chips (fries)always end up in your hips

Suggested Solutions Contd

Be careful at parties Alcohol is major cause of weight gain. At the party, the salted snacks and beer arent really free; you always pay for them later. Manage the munchies Its okay to graze (eat when you feel hungry), as long as it adds up to a balanced diet over 24hrs Drinks lots of water throughout the day It helps to flush your system

Getting Sleep
Most people need 7-9 hours of a sleep to

function at their peak. We often find we need less sleep when we are on vacation because we experience less stress. If you are able to deal successfully with stress by the day, you will get along with less sleep at night. If you are extremely busy, and sleep feels like leisure, make sure you take brief 10-15 minute naps.

Getting Sleep
If you are having trouble getting sleep at night, it may be because your body is full of stimulantscaffeine, nicotine, or natures own stress-induced drug epinephrine, commonly known as adrenaline. As with diet and exercise, your body will let you know if you are not getting enough sleep. Your concentration span is reduced, you become forgetful, easily distracted, confused and irritable. All the unfavorable conditions for learning

Getting into and staying in shape

The mind and body work best when they

work in harmony with each other. The basic types of physical fitness programs are: 1) Cardiovascular fitness Acquired through aerobic activity. Continued aerobic exercise produces endorphins, that cause feelings of elation and profound wellbeing

Sexual Health
The mind and body

work best when they work in harmony with each other. The basic types of physical fitness programs are:

Physical Fitness contd

2) Muscle Strength Your lifestyle will dictate just how strong you need to be. But even if you dont need great physical strength, body building is a wonderful way to lower stress and build self-esteem. 3) Muscle Endurance Results from repeated exercise with lighter weights, creating a tough rather than bulky body. Endurance is considered more important than strength.

Physical Fitness contd

You should regularly exercise to improve heart functions, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, help manage diabetes, control weight and prevent depression, colon cancer, stroke and back injury. Recommendation for adults: 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times Consult your physician (or gym instructor) to come up with an exercise plan or program that is most suitable for you DONT SAY YOU DONT HAVE TIME!! YOU DO.

Physical Fitness contd

4) Body Composition The ideal is to decrease body fat (acquired through adjustments to your diet) and increase lean body mass (acquired through strenuous exercise).

What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life where one consciously makes an effort to improve and maintain ones health as well as feel good about oneself (wellness). Physical Health The major areas to consider in relation to physical health are: Diet, exercise, weight, drug use and sexual health. 1) Diet (Nutrition) A balanced diet is an essential part of your life. It includes all the categories of food.

Eat a rainbow Red- Red Cherries (Fight diabetes & increases insulin) Orange- Sweet potatoes (good for eyes & bones) Purple- Grapes (Lower heart disease) Green- Leafy vegetables ( Low in cholesterol)
Limit or cut out intake of: Junk food (of which the primary ingredient is potato) Salt (sodium) Animal fats Foods that increase your cholesterol Very sugary foods and beverages Foods containing hydrogenated vegetable oil (trans fat)



As you grow older, start taking supplements (vitamins, minerals). Eat fruits, nuts (almonds), milk, cereals and bran. They increase brain power. Have regular medical check-ups. Drink lots of water to flush your system Get enough sleep (experts recommend 7 to 8 hours daily)


Include in the diet foods that have anti-cancer activity such as green leafy vegetables, tomato, cabbage, ginger, citrus and dried fruits and milk. Eat to live and not live to eat. Try to eat less in order to live longer. Turmeric powder, which contains curcumin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When smeared on bandages, it helps to heal wounds. Regular intake of this substance has shown lower rates of cancers, Alzeihmers disease and Parkinsons disease

2) Weight Weight determines your health and life as a whole. Being overweight or underweight is unhealthy. People with low weight experience: memory loss, no menstrual flow, joint pains, depression and anemia Excess body fat leads to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol , various types of cancer, stroke, heart diseases, gout etc.

Health professionals use Body Mass Index (BMI) body weight relative to height to classify a persons weight. The range is as follows: 18.5 25 : healthy range 25 30 : overweight 30 or more : obese

4) Drug Use Drugs can be detrimental to health if misused. If you do drink, drink in moderation. If you smoke, quit smoking. If you dont, DONT START.

Drug Use
Raised blood

pressure Stroke Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy Coronary heart disease High risk of infertility

Tobacco smoke increases risk of atherosclerosis Smokers are 2 times more at the risk of heart attack than nonsmokers (and are more likely to die from it) Smoking is the biggest risk factor for sudden cardiac death.

Sexual Health
With the rise of STDs, HIV/AIDS, it is extremely important to be cautious if sexually active. Be faithful and loyal to one partner Weigh the benefits/side effects of the contraceptive you opt to use

Regular Medical Check-ups

Regular check-ups and screening can help

detect early signs of disease or malfunctioning organs. Some of these may include: breast examination, cancer screening, eye-tests, blood tests and urine tests among other tests.

Getting Sleep
If you are having trouble getting sleep at night, it may be because your body is full of stimulants-caffeine, nicotine, or natures own stress-induced drug epinephrine, commonly known as adrenaline. As with diet and exercise, your body will let you know if you are not getting enough sleep. Your concentration span is reduced, you become forgetful, easily distracted, confused and irritable. All the unfavorable conditions for learning

Mental and Emotional Health How do you feel right now? ANGRY? TIRED? DEPRESSED? HAPPY?
If you are emotionally healthy, you are able to control your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. You need to be in control of yourself because you will constantly face stressful, frustrating and depressing situations in life.

1) Anger You may not know what causes your anger, how much you are holding inside and how to express it. You need to devise a way of managing it. Talk to your physician or counselor.
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. Buddha

How can you help yourself Learn to express your feelings in appropriate ways Think before you act Strike a balance in life. Take time out for things you enjoy Take care of your physical health Notice your emotions and reactions and try to understand them.

The 90/10 Principle

10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react. What does this mean? We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us. We cannot stop the car from breaking down. The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off. A driver may cut us off in traffic. We have no control over this 10%. The other 90% is different. You determine the other 90%. How? .By your reaction.

2) Stress How are you affected by stress? Stress produces stress hormones which help your body to respond to extreme need. But when too many hormones are produced for a long period of time, it wears down your body causing all sorts of health problems.

16 Stress Busters: Eliminate the word problem & replace it with vocabulary Get organized-prioritize your work Do it now- break difficult tasks into smaller ones and do the first one immediately Say No without feeling guilty Compromise- dont be rigid

Stress Busters:
Dont take on other peoples problem

Fake it- Pretending to be cool, clam &

collected often makes you look that way, but please use this technique in moderation. Smile and laugh Wait. A problem is not a problem until it its a problem. Meditate

Stress Busters:
Focus on physical fitness

Have a schedule for relaxation to create a

balance. Reward yourself Visualize- have good thoughts as they eliminate stress. Watch your thoughts, they affect your actions; watch your actions, they affect your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny

Stress Busters:
Put your troubles in perspective- compare

your challenge to more difficult challenges others face: IDPs, disease, war Get outside yourself- Notice others who seem stressed out. Give them a hug & tell them you can relate. Listen without giving advice. Be concerned with issues bigger than you- chair committees

Stress Busters:
Talk it over- when you verbalize your

concerns, you begin to identify the cause of stress. A problem shared is a problem half solved Get help

Conclusion You should take an active role to keep yourself healthy both physically, mentally and emotionally.
Take care of your body like you take care of your other valuable belongings. HAVE A HEALTHY FUTURE!!!!

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