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The importance of optimism: a deep study on the influece of the Law of Attracion in our lives.

by Matas Kohn

Research question
To what extent does the LOA affect the succesfulness in the every day life of a working or studying person?

Characteristics the LOA

Physical law. Is related to the relevance the semiconscious part of the mind has on the behaviour. It relates the unconsciousness and how it shapes the life of every person. Is always analyzed from the psychological point of view. Is way of understanding everything that happens in someones life.

If someone understands what is, how to use , and is able to apply the LOA to as many aspects of his/her life as possible, then this person will be much more successful in everything he/she does.

The power of optimism

Optimus: the best Optimism+LOA: To persevere in finding solutions that you expect to find to each problem. People who tend to look for a more favourable future are able to detect the good aspect of each situation:

Are usually happier. Enjoy and obtain more. Excercice a healthy lifestyle.

Feelings: The LOAs feedback

They let everyone know what it is in what they are thinking and how are they reacting to that thought. Tells what kind of future someone is being attracting to. Excitement Joy Gratitude Pleasure - Love Depression Fear Guilt Resentment - Anger

Influence of psychology

The scientific study of the mind, and the way it influences the behaviour. 90% of the thoughts, sensations, and even some reasoning are totally unconscious.

Popular opinion: survey

Do you think that being happier can increase your job performance?
20% 47% Yes More or less No 33%

Which of the following would you choose in order to get motivated to write an essay?

In the long term, which strategy would you use, in order to try to increase your income in your job?
36% 52%
Increase your w orking ours Improve your w orking conditions 76%

Read books about the topic Have some leisure time with friends



Watch programes about the topic in TV

Popular opinion: survey

Teenagers and actively working people are mostly ignorant about future consequences of not being happy, enjoying life, or having bad working conditions. Only 20% of Latin-Americans consider that having a better attitude in life is essential to have a better emotional health.


The first boy will have the following schedule:

Monday and Thursday: play tennis in the club. Tuesday: play football with his friends. Wednesday: Have dinner in a restaurant with the family. Friday: go out with friends to a party. Weekend: go on holidays with the family.

The schedule of the second boy will consist of spending every day in his house, watching television and playing in the computer.

100 80 60 40 20 0 Memory test Reasoning test Creativity test First boy Second boy

The unconscious part of the brain of the first boy was motivated, and fulfilled with good feelings; whereas the unconscious of the second boy was stimulated very little, and some bad feelings could have appeared. It was proved that there are some factors, which will affect performance and successfulness of someone while doing a certain task.


The Law of Attraction is present everywhere, shaping our future every second. That implementing a new lifestyle position of being the protagonist of your own choices is much easier with the help of the LOA. Will the human being one day be able to control every part of its brain? Will we be able to achieve everything we want? Only those who are in complete control of their feelings and emotions will have a greater notion of reality

Whatever you are feeling today is creating your future ~ Bob Doyle ~ Philosopher.

Everything that you live, you have first imagined and though. Believe is create. I think, then exist ~ Descartes ~

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