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Lung Structures

A/P diameter - 2:1
Barrel chest = 1:1

Ease of breathing
Use of accessory muscles Intercostal retractions Nasal flaring

Chest excursion: place hands at T9 or T10

Tactile Fremitus
Palpable vibrations 99, 1-1-1, blue moon

Detection of air, fluid or solid How to assess Normal findings
Resonance over air Dullness over bone

Abnormal findings
Flatness Hyperresonance


Normal Breath Sounds

Bronchial (tracheal) loud over trachea and larynx Bronchovesicular - moderate; over major bronchi @ 1st and 2nd ICS, posterior scapular Vesicular - soft; over peripheral fields

Abnormal Breath Sounds

Decreased Sounds
Obstruction by secretions/mucous/foreign body Loss of Elasticity and decreased force of inspired air

Absent breath sounds no air moving Increased breath sounds -

Adventitious Sounds
Crackles (rales) dependent lobes Rhonchi trachea & bronchi Wheezes throughout lung fields Pleural friction rub anterior lateral fields

Voice Sounds
Bronchophony amplified sound Whispered pectoriloquy amplified sound Egophony ee sounds like ay

The End

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