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Virginia Avenel Anderson

"The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge"
Virginia Avenel Henderson

Who is she?
First Lady of Nursing, The Nightingale of Modern Nursing, Modern-Day Mother of Nursing, The 20th Century Florence Nightingale She was born in Kansas City, Missouri on November 30, 1897 She was the fifth of eight children and had a family history of scholars and educators. Virginia was named for her mother's (Lucy Minor (Abbot) Henderson) native state and later educated there at a boys school run by her grandfather. Her father is a lawyer by profession named Atty. Daniel B. Henderson. Early education in Virginia in the community Army School of Nursing, Washington, D.C. Graduated in 1921 at Teachers College, Columbia University (Bachelor of Science degree completed in 1931 while Masters of Science degree in 1934) Honorary doctoral degrees from the Catholic University of America, Pace University, University of Rochester, University of Western Ontario, Yale University

Her writing, her presentations, her research and contacts with nurses have profoundly affected nursing and impacted the recipients of care by nurses throughout the world. Henry Street Visiting Nurse Association, New York, New York (1921), Visiting Nurse Association, Washington, D.C. (1923-1924) She worked as an Instructor and Educational Director at Norfolk Protestant Hospital, Norfolk, Virginia (1924-1929) She worked as an early advocate for the inclusion of psychiatric nursing in the curriculum and served on a committee to develop such a course at Eastern State Hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia (1929) Also worked as a Supervisor and Clinical Instructor at the Outpatient Department at Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, New York (1930) She also worked as an Instructor and Associate Professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, where her revision of Bertha Harmer's Textbook of the Principles and Practice of Nursing became widely used. (1934-1948)

She published her book, Nature of Nursing, expressed her belief about the essence of nursing and influenced the hearts and minds of those who read it.

14 Basic Human Needs (Need Theory)

14 Basic Human Needs (Need Theory)

The importance of Hendersons theory is the patients selfindependence, she described that if the patient is assisted by different health services to basically meet the 14 basic human needs, the patients recovery will continue to progress even after being released from the hospital.

Metaparadigm of the theory

Individual person or client is a whole, complete, independent being with biological, sociological, and spiritual components. Henderson believed that a single person should be able to perform the 14 fundamental or basic human needs If the needs are not met the patient should require assistance to achieve health and independence or peaceful death

1. Breathe normally

14 Basic Human Needs

2. Eat and drink adequately 3. Eliminate body wastes 4. Move and maintain desirable postures. 5. Sleep and rest. 6. Select suitable clothesdress and undress. 7. Maintain body temperature within normal range by adjusting clothing and modifying environment. 8. Keep the body clean and well groomed and protect the integument. 9. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others. 10. Communicate with others in expressing emotions, needs, fears, or opinions. 11. Worship according to one's faith. 12. Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment. 13. Play or participate in various forms of recreation. 14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use the available health facilities

Metaparadigm of the theory

It is equated with independence or ability to perform activities without any aid in the 14 fundamental or basic human needs. Individuals will achieve or maintain health if they have the necessary strength, will or knowledge (concept of independence).

Basic to human functioning which is needed in achieving the theory's needs. Promotion of health is more important than care of the sick

Metaparadigm of the theory

It encompasses all external conditions and influences that affect life and development.
The environment may also include individuals in relation to families and the settings in which an individual learns unique pattern for living There are seven essentials that must be present in the environment which include light, temperature, air movement, atmospheric pressure, appropriate disposal of waste, minimal quantities of injurious chemicals, and cleanliness of any surfaces coming in contact with individual. Nurses function is to alter the environment in such a way as to support the patient, because environment can have a positive and negative effect to the patient

Metaparadigm of the theory

She described nursing roles in relation to patient needs instead of creating a general theory of nursing, she then classified the role of the nurse as one of the following: Substitutive, which is doing something for the patient Supplementary, which is helping the patient do something; Complementary, which is working with the patient to do something. All of these roles are to help the patient become as independent as possible. She expressed the view that a nurses role is to follow and assist with the medical plan of care outlined by a physician and also to assume the leadership role of planning and providing basic nursing care. Nurses are independent practitioners for providing appropriate basic nursing care, however, they should not independently diagnose an ailment, prescribe medical treatment, or formulate a prognosis

Metaparadigm of the theory

The nurse attends to the holistic needs of the patient through the educated and emphatic attention to the 14 needs outlined by Henderson. The nurse is an independent authority on excellent basic nursing care and also a vital aide to other practitioners in the field of healthcare in ensuring the provision of germane medical treatment for patients with conditions requiring it.


Physiologic Function

Psychologic aspects of communicating and learning

Spiritual and Moral Aspects

Sociologically oriented to Occupation and Recreation

Needs met/performed?

Degree of difficulty of client to perform the basic needs


Unable to perform Substitutive

Able to perform task but with difficulty

Supplementary Healthy Individuals

Able to do task but with supervision


Attainment of Health or Peaceful Death

Diagram of the need theory

Nurse-Patient Interaction



Nurses care for patients until patients can care for themselves once again. Patients desire to return to health or a peaceful death and will act in such a way to achieve this. Individuals will perform activities leading to health if they have the knowledge, capacity or will The 14 basic needs represent nursings basic function Nursings goal may be subsumed into the medical treatment plan.

The principles of Hendersons theory were published in the major nursing textbooks used from the 1930s through the 1960s, and the principles embodied by the 14 activities are still important in evaluating nursing care in the 21st centaury. Her emphasis on basic human needs as the central focus of nursing practice has led to further theory development regarding the needs of the person and how nursing can assist in meeting those needs.

If the assumption is made that the 14 components prioritized, the relationship among the components is unclear. Assisting the individual in the dying process she contends that the nurse helps, but there is little explanation of what the nurse does. No concept of the holistic nature of human being. Lacks inter-relate of factors and the influence of nursing care.


1. Blais et al. (2002). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. DAntonio et al. (eds.). (2007). Nurses work: Issues across time and place. New York: Springer Publishing.

3. Cora Anonuevo et al. Theoretical Foundations of Nursing.UP Open University

4. 5. George, J.B (ed.) (1995). Nursing Theories: the base for professional nursing practice (4th ed).Northwalk CT Appleton & Lange

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