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Social Institutions

The Study of Social Institutions

Sociologically, an INSTITUTION is not a person or group. It is a part of the future, a patterned segment of the way of life of people. Social relations and social roles form the major elements of the institution. An INSTITUTION is a configuration or combination of behavior patterns shared by a plurality and focused upon the satisfaction of some basic group needs.

Source: Epitacio S. Palispis, Ed.D (2007) Intro to Sociology & Anthropology; pp 301

Functions of Institution
1. Institutions simplify social behavior for the individual person.

Ways of thinking and acting is regularized & prearranged for the individual

Provides to every person will all the needed social & cultural mechanisms through he can grow socially

Source: Epitacio Palispis, Ed.D(2007) Intro to Sociology & Anthropology

Functions of Institution
2. Institutions, provide readymade forms of social relations & social roles for the individual.

Principal roles are not invented by the individuals; they are provided by the institutions.
Source: Epitacio Palispis, Ed.D(2007) Intro to Sociology & Anthropology

Functions of Institution
3. Institutions act as agencies of coordination and stability for the total culture.

They provide a means of security because they become the normal and proper ways which the great majority of people approve of.
Source: Epitacio Palispis, Ed.D(2007) Intro to Sociology & Anthropology

Functions of Institution
4. Institutions tend to control behavior.

They contain the systematic expectations of the society.

Group behavior is subconsciously fixed through constant repetition; ascertains the normal modes, trends & procedures.

Source: Epitacio Palispis, Ed.D(2007) Intro to Sociology & Anthropology

Classification of Institutions
2 General Classifications

1. Major Institutions- are those which the largest number of people participate in, that are essential to the society
2. Subsidiary Institutions they are numerous, minor, and variable institutions that are contained within the major institutions.

Source: Epitacio Palispis, Ed.D(2007) Intro to Sociology & Anthropology

Major Institutions
1. Familial Institutions system that regulates, stabilizes, and
standardizes sexual relations and the reproduction of children. - Its most widespread form is the monogamous union of male and female living together with their children in a household.
- Subsidiary Institutions like: Courtship, Marriage, Child Care, In-law relations

Major Institutions
2. Educational Institutions systematized process of socialization occurring informally in the home and in the general cultural environment, and formally in the complex educational arrangements of the society. - Subsidiary Institutions like: Grading, Testing,
Graduations, Degrees, Homework,& Honor System

Major Institutions
3. Economic Institutions configuration of patterned social behaviors through which material goods and services are provided for the society. It involves fundamentally the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of commodities. -Subsidiary institutions like: Creit & Banking,
Bookkeeping, Advertising, Collective Bargaining, & Seniority System.

Major Institutions
4. Political Institutions functions primarily to satisfy the need for general administration and public order in society. -Subsidiary institutions like: Legal, Police, Military
Systems, Forms of Appointment, Diplomatic Relations with foreign countries.

Major Institutions
5. Religious Institutions satisfies mans basic social need for relationship with God. - It is expressed in creeds and in forms of worship people perform. - Includes moral & ethical systems indicating the rightness or wrongness of behaviors -Subsidiary institutions like: Lay-Clerical
Relationships, Systems of Prayer, Arrangements for divine sacrifices, Rituals. Etc.

Major Institutions
6. Recreational Institutions fulfills the social need for physical and mental relaxation. -Subsidiary institutions like: Games, Sports, and
Dancing, Swimming, Aesthetic Systems of Art, Music, Painting, and Drama.

Network of Institutions
The coordinated network of interdependently functioning major institutions is vital to the continuance of the culture and the society.

Network of Institutions
No institution can exist itself .
However, in spite of the fact that all the different institutions are interwoven in the web of culture and are necessarily interdependent, they are not always in harmony with one another.

Group Discussion

Marriage has lost its importance in many developed countries.

Phenomenology of Social Roles in the Society

(ECKHART TOLLE.2005. A New Earth: Awakening to your Lifes Purpose)

Different people fulfill different functions in the world. As far as intellectual or physical abilities are concerned, - KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, TALENTS & ENERGY LEVELS human beings differ widely.

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