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Or, sometimes a crazy story still contains a nugget of truth

A Concerned Citizen
Sometimes the publics concern outweighs their knowledge and judgment. This can lead to some interesting phone calls in the office of ADH Radiation Control.

The Call Comes In

On 9/19/2012, a call is received by Staff Duty Officer Sherry Watkins from a Mr. R of Monticello, who believes that he is suffering from radiation poisoning

The Plot Curdles

some materials for a Mr. S in the closed Burlington Carpet Mill in Monticello, Mr. R had come in contact with a metal box marked Radioactive 2) He also stated that a powder substance flew out of the box and onto his skin, whereupon he immediately started to itch. 3) He complained of blisters all over his arms, hands and legs, as well as dizziness. 4) He had heard that Mr. S had similar material spread out on his land, and similar material had gone to Mr. K at a metal salvage yard, causing a rejection. 5) ADH had no record of such a DOT exemption
1) In the process of moving

ADH Radiation Control Responds

On 9/20/2012, HPs Layne Pemberton and David Stephens were dispatched to interview Mr. R; the interview was conducted in a local restaurant

The Symptoms:

Over the course of the investigation, Mr. R complained of: Itching Blistering Dizziness Vision Problems Chest Pains

The Device:
1) Green metal box attached to C rail. 2) Oatmeal-looking residue on outside of box 3) Jar-like glass object covered in a socklike material inside the box. 4) A window and hole in the box that looked like it had been blown out with gunpowder. 5) Conflicting descriptions of the box and labels.

The Laundry:
Although they had sat on the porch for three weeks in the rain, ADH inspectors surveyed the clothes worn that day and the surrounding ground beneath, No levels above background were observed. Later analysis of wipes taken showed no radionuclides above minimum detectable activity.

On to the salvage yard

Mr. K was contacted and permission was granted to enter and search for a source. Upon arrival, Mr. K indicated that he had found a hunk of scrap with a radiation symbol on it, pulled from scrap delivered by Mr. R in August (he had never mentioned it during any phone interviews). Mr. K said Mr. R professed no knowledge of its presence in the load when delivered.

Lo and Behold!!!
Mr. K indicated he had thrown the source in the grass by the fence in front of the yard, by the highway! Sometimes a crazy story still contains a nugget of truth.

instruments indicated an exposure rate of 10-14 mR/h at the window. 2) Wipes were taken and field readings with a pancake probe revealed no removable radiation. 3) Later analysis of wipes taken showed no radionuclides above minimum detectable activity.

1) Readings with various


Sr-90 Decay Scheme

Its not the parent, its the daughter you need to watch.

Device Retrieval

The bolts to the attached rail were cut free, and the device was triple-bagged and secured for the return to the ADH vault in Little Rock.

Return to Paradise
1) As the inspectors were leaving

the area, they were contacted by Jared Thompson of ADH Radioactive Materials, who advised them that the S.O. indicated another source. 2) Mr. S was contacted and escorted the inspectors through the old factory, which Mr. S was using only a part of for paper recycling. 3) The Burlington Rug factory, a one million square foot facility in operation for over 50 years, closed in 2005 after a succession of owners, leaving 175 unemployed. 4) A thorough survey of its dark, damp, rotten interior revealed no second source.

On 9/21/2012 an HP team was dispatched to Monticello to search at the metal salvage yard owned by Mr. K and a pig farm owned by Mr. S. Despite extensive surveys, no second source was found at either site.

Return to Paradise II
second source had been found, Mr. R insisted that he could pinpoint the location of the second source at the pig farm. 2) Mr. S again gave his permission for a survey. 3) On 10/1/2012 a third HP team was dispatched. 4) Mr. R was met there, along with representatives of local police and fire (apparently at Mr. Rs insistence). 5) Mr. R walked a short distance and pointed to a patch of tall weeds,
1) After informing Mr. R that no

Lo and Behold II

6.8 mR/h at the surface of the Mylar window

Later analysis of wipes taken showed no radionuclides above minimum detectable activity.

The device was triple-bagged and secured in a plastic drum

And transported the ADH building in Little Rock

After storage in the secure vault under the ADH, the sources were ultimately taken by Bionomics for disposal; the disposal was funded by the CRCPD National Orphan Radioactive Material Disposition Program. Mr. S produced a bill of sale showing he had purchased the carpet mill property at state auction; a clause of this document placed responsibility for HazMat removal on the seller (the State). This document was forwarded to ADH lawyers and presumably beyond. Since the source disposal has been paid for, this point is presumably moot.

Mr. R initially retained an attorney, but has seemingly dropped his attempt to claim radiation poisoning, since neither ADH nor any of the medical resources he consulted could support his claim.


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