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Associate Development Program-L1

Interpersonal Skills Part 1 Basics of Communication Skills

WIIFM By the end of the module you will :

Understand what are Listening Skills

Understand what is verbal and non verbal

Why is Questioning important?

How to be Assertive?

Activity Time

Interpersonal Skills - Listening Skills

Activity Listening Skills

Chinese Whispers

Importance of Listening Skills

1. Better customer satisfaction

2. Greater productivity with fewer mistakes 3. Increased and effective sharing of information 4. Greater number of friends and social networks 5. Improved self-esteem and confidence

Listening Facts Rosenfield Adler

The 10 principles of Listening

1. Stop talking

3. 4. 5. 6.

Prepare yourself to listen

Put the speaker at ease Remove distractions Empathize Be patient

8. 9.

Avoid personal prejudice

Listen to the tone Listen to the idea not just the words

10. Watch for non-verbal communication

Activity Verbal & Non-verbal skills

Signs of Effective Listening


Interpersonal Skills Verbal Communication

Positive reinforcement
Remembering Questioning Clarification Summarizing

Interpersonal Skills Non-verbal Communication

Smile Eye contact Posture Mirroring Less distracted Proxemics



Why ask Questions? To obtain information To help control the conversation

What is this?

Express an interest in the other person

Clarify and verify

To encourage further thought

To include participation in

How to ask Questions? What type of question should be asked?

Is the question appropriate to the person/group? Is this the right time to ask the question?
How do I expect the respondent will reply?

Type of Questions

Closed Questions

Open-ended Questions


Activity Identify the type of Questions

Would you like a cup of tea? What is your mothers maiden name? Did you have a good day at office today? Where did you do your graduation? O Tell me something about yourself.



Activity Identify the type of Questions contd

Which is the highest mountain in the world?

Tell me how youre getting on with your new team members?

Did you travel by bus or the office cab today?

What skills can you bring to this organisation that the other applicants cannot?


What is Assertiveness?

The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines assertiveness as:

Forthright, positive, insistence on the recognition of one's rights


Being Assertive

Being open in expressing wishes, thoughts and feelings and encouraging others to do likewise

Listening to the views of others and responding appropriately, whether in agreement with these views or not

Accepting responsibilities and being able to delegate to others


Being Assertive contd.

Regularly expressing appreciation of others

for what they have done or are doing

Being able to admit to mistakes and


Maintaining self-control Behaving as an equal to others


To summarize, we have seen

What are Listening Skills What is verbal and non verbal communication How to Question? How to be Assertive?


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