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What is Health ?
No Disease may not mean Good Health !? But
Good Health certainly means No Disease

How Health Suffers ?

Man, today, is living in the modern world with high degree of automation
and artificial comforts. He leads a stressful life. He suffers from pollutions
of all sorts air, water, food and noise. Due to these problems, the
NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM of the body is weakened, leading to various
infections attacking the body repeatedly. Thus the body suffers perennially
from diseases and disorders, without a definite solution.
What is Cell?
CELLS are the building blocks of the Body. There are trillions of cells,
which make the body.
If the cells are healthy, the body is healthy.
If they are unhealthy, the body becomes sick.
If the cells are active, the body is active;
If the cells are inactive (or damaged) the body suffers degeneration.
Therefore, it is essential to make the cells healthy and active. In order to
achieve this, the cells should be continuously DETOXIFIED and the
functions of the cells be NORMALIZED.
Cycle Of Body Father Mother

Cell Tissue


1. How does the body take care of itself ? 2. How does the body take care of itself ?
Cell Cell


Toxins attack the

Barrier Barrier cell & its nucleus

3. How does the body take care of itself ? 4. How does the Ganoderma helps our
bodies ?
Cell The Cell
Matrix Matrix
body has
immune Detoxification
Disease is Ganoderma
system. Barrier Mushroom
5. How does the Ganoderma helps our bodies ?


Barrier Mushroom
Battle won. Cell is cleaned from toxins
6. Proposed Mechanism for entry of Ganoderma food
supplement to the human body


Covering of the Cell

How does Ganoderma work?
Ganoderma works on cell level directly and helps a healthy person to keep the
disease away from the body as well it helps a seek person to achieve a quick
recovery of his ailments.

Ganoderma on the body in the following manner/stages.

Scanning Stage:- The first action of Gano is to scan the whole body and
start looking for the disease germs/toxins present (it takes 1day-30day).

Cleansing & Detoxification Stages:- In this stages, it start throwing these

toxins such as uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposits etc. out of the body
through urine, sweating perspiration, rashes and the like when some positive
improvements reflections takes place. (It takes 1 week to 30 weeks.)
Regulating / Balancing Stage:- During this stages, it exerts balancing effect
and strengthens the system so as it becomes devoid of all toxins and start
regulating functions of (Electrical and Chemical Balance) all organs and cell. (It
takes 1 months to 12 months).

Building Stage:- During this stage it starts healing those cells that have
already been damaged due to toxin effects and strengthening the immune
system so that it resists the diseases (It takes months to 24 months.)

Regeneration Stage:- During this stage it starts revitalizing all the old cell
and building the new cell and restores the youthful appearance (it takes 1to 3

It is known as the KING OF ADAPTOGEN:-

 It is non toxic & is therefore free from all side-effects.
 It is Non – Specific, thereby meaning that is action is not limited to
any part of the body, but it acts on whole body.
 It normalizes whole body functions.
What is Ganoderma?
There are more than 38,000 varieties of Mushrooms known to mankind. Out
of this, about 2000 varieties are fit for human consumption. In that, about
200 varieties have therapeutic (medicinal) properties.The predominant
variety in this group is GANODERMA LUCIDUM. It is also called Reishi ( in
Japanese), Lingzhi ( in Chinese) or Chaga ( in Russian). The DXN
technology combines SIX best varieties out of this 200, to achieve highest
Nutritive & Therapeutic values.

Kimashen Gano Peacock Gano Brain Gano

Ruyi Gano Liver Gano Heart Gano

NUTRITIVE :- Proteins, Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals and dietary Fiber. They are
all essential nutritional elements to build the body strong and healthy.

THERAPEUTIC :- Five important active elements are noted for their therapeutic benefits.
They are as follows :
1.Polysaccharides :- They are excellent in activating the body immune system
CLEANSES the body of all toxic matters.

2.Organic Germanium :- This OG is good in BALANCING the bio-chemical factors

as well as bio-electric factors in the body. Thus it balances the body functions. It
improves oxygen supply to the cells- particularly for the brain cells.
3.Adenosine :- It acts as a REGULATOR of all hormone functions in the body.

4.Triterpenoids :- They are BUILDERS of the cells. They activate the inactive cells,
improve all the digestive functions, strengthen the muscles of the Heart and the Liver

5.Ganoderic Essence :- It is a combination of various vegetable essences present

in gano. GE is known to take care of the Health of skin.
 1970:- China and Japan successfully planted Ganoderma in
laboratory using spore Separation cultivation method.
 1975:- Commercial Production in Japan.
 1980:- Commercial Production in Taiwan.
 1983:- Commercial Production in Malaysia.
 1993:- Product Launched.
Technical Background:- CEO of DXN
 Spore Separation Method DR. LIM SIOW
Using spore to reproduce. The disadvantage of this method is the JIN
instability in species control.
 Tissue Culture Method
Exact reproduction of the mother plant, so the control of high
quality species is possible. DXN is using this method of
 Organic Cultivation Method
1. 100% Organic farming.

2. No chemical fertilizer, insecticide, hormone etc.

3. Highly nutritional cultivation method, using paddy, brown rice powder etc.
 Company Experience

1. Highest therapeutic effect is obtained from Red Ganoderma.

2. Many species are developed from Red Ganoderma which is a Common term for
a family of gano species.
Company Achievement Award
Company Product

Pure powder of the fruit body of the mushroom given in the form
of capsules for oral consumption. The main function deposited
toxins out from the body.

Reishi Gano (RG)

Pure powder of the roots ( mycelium ) of the mushroom in the

form of capsules for oral consumption. The main function is
prevention toxins enter the body.

Toilet soap produced using palm oil with rich extract of ganoderma.
The Vitamin-E in the palm oil nourishes and protects the skin
continuously. It moisturizes and beautifies the skin. The ganoderma
gives health to skin and protects it from degeneration.

Ganozhi Shop

It contains about 20% of rich Brazilian coffee powder mixed

along with equal quantity of Ganoderma powder. Added to this
is no-fat creamer as the filler and low-calorie sugar to taste. It is
offered in pre-mixed condition for ready to prepare condition. All
that one needs to do is to add a couple of tea-spoon full of this Gano ( Lingzhi )
powder to hot water. The coffee is ready. This lingzhi coffee is coffee
an excellent beverage for health, as it does not allow the
caffeine ( the toxin in normal coffee ) to be absorbed into the
body. Improves energy. Services the digestive system. Relieves
from migraine and improves blood circulation.
A cream prepared in food gel along with rich proportion of
ganoderma extract and some menthol. No abrasive clay
used. Good for maintaining oral hygiene and for solving
many problems associated with teeth and gums. Also can be
used effectively as a cream for external application in the
case of head ache, joint pains, running nose, sore throat,
pimples, itchy patches, etc.
Ganozhi Tooth Paste

Ganoderma Medicine/Drugs

 Cell Specific.  Diseases/Organ Specific.

 Non-Toxic (side-effect).  Side-effect.

 Normalizing of whole body  Diseases only controls.

Strengthens Immune System
 Remove all Toxins from body
 Prevent Infection Balances body Function
 Protect all Organ  Hormones balanced
 System Function Improved
 Biochemistry improved
 Anti-oxidant properties
 Correct Acidity
Micro-Nutrition provided
 Strengthens Body Cells. This
 Repairs damaged Cells. Miraculous
 Improves Body Energy Level Herb
 Provides Vitamins, Minerals.&
essential Trace Elements.
Ganoderma Benefits According to Sickness or
Illness Ganoderma Benefits
Flu or influenza ++++
Allergy +++++
Asthma ++++
Emphysema of the lungs ++++
Heart Disease ++++
Hypertension ++++
Diabetes +++++
Stroke ++++
Osteoporosis ++++
Thyroid Problems ++++
Gall Bladder disease (especially stones) ++++
Kidney disease ++++
Prostatic disease ++++
Uterine disease (especially myoma & Cysts) ++++
Liver Problems (especially its protection from) +++++
Cancer (especially its theoretical prevention) +++++

Based on present available data, results of surveys & investigation, including

author’s own assessment and analysis from DXN members’ feedbacks.
For More Detail watch
web site
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