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Ethos/Spirit of a Community:
Culture Traditions Customs
Continued expression in,

Thoughts Actions Behaviors

Guides to social behaviour

Set of beliefs, ideas, attitudes

Of a Nation / Community / Religion

The body of knowledge which derives its solutions from the rich and huge Indian system of ethics (moral philosophy) is known as Indian Ethos in Management (IEM). Is IEM some kind of Hindu concept of management?

Certainly not.

Management is behavioral science and it has to be culture specific. IEM has as its basis, the culture base of India and as a country whose culture has its roots in religion. It does draw its lessons from the religions of the land - be it Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainnism or any other.

Golden Rule of Ethics

What you want from others Do it to others

What you dont want from others

Dont do it to others

If others action, harms you

Dont do the action to others

Distinctive Characteristics of the Indian Ethos:

Brahman or the ultimate principle beyond which the mind cannot go. It is the Creator, the preserver and the destroyer. Atman, the pure spirit is the universal soul. The soul of man is a spark of it. Concept of Self-realization:There is always a mental and moral ferment in us, a tension between what we are and what we want to become.

Every human being is Devine and therefore worthy of respect. Therefore emphasis on Cooperation rather than Competition.

Distinctive Characteristics of the Indian Ethos (Contd.):

Basic unit of social life in India has been The Family. Social organizations and Networks, cultural institutions and work places are extensions of this family. The workplace is characterized by strong, informal relationships rather than a rigid hierarchical structure. Work is Value, an offering to the Devine. The joy of work and the opportunity to serve are stressed.

Distinctive Characteristics of the Indian Ethos (Contd.):

Indian thought constantly emphasizes on the Concept of Balance. A balanced mind is aware of the transitory nature of pleasures and pains. In an effective metaphor:

The Self (Atman)=Master The Body =Chariot The Intellect(Budhi)=Charioteer The Mind(Manas)=Rein The Senses=Horses The Objects=Roads.

To develop proper management system in the organisation. Management systems based on principles as per ancient wisdom are of immense help for the smooth conduct of business. Value oriented business can be established with the help of Indian ethos. To ensure all round growth ,development & prosperity i.e., productivity, marketing & profitability

Indian Ethos teaches us that if you work sincerely for the society, for the organisation and for the Nature, you will really enjoy the life through money,harmony, peace and bliss.

Indian wisdom indicates that productivity of human being is more important than plant capacity Helps in the establishment of basic guidelines & rules for deciding which behaviour is Good and Bad.














4 Main Standards - Code of Ethics

Competence - Every member must maintain a high level of professionalism by continuing to develop their skills & knowledge, be able to perform their duties by still abiding by relevant laws & regulations - provide (accurate & timely) supportive decisions & other information and lastly to be able to recognize any limitations or constraints that relate to the success of an activity.

Credibility - Each member being able to communicate information objectively & make sure that they disclose all relevant information and delays of deficiencies that have an effect on the organization or its operations

Confidentiality - Each member of the organization keeping all personal information discrete and secret unless it is necessary that the information is disclosed. All parties involved must be aware & comply to the confidential policy. It is also assumed that under this standard each member will refrain from using information that is considered confidential to have an illegal advantage or promote unethical activities

Integrity - Ability to adhere to moral & ethical principles & have regular communication to avoid conflicts of interest. Also acting with integrity includes refraining and abstaining from engagement in any activity that will discredit the company or be deemed as unethical.

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