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SSUSH2 a & b
a.Explain the development of mercantilism and the trans-Atlantic trade. b.Describe the Middle Passage, growth of the African population, and AfricanAmerican culture.

Definition: the theory that the states power depends on wealth
The British felt that having colonies would increase their wealth because the colonies would provide raw materials for their manufactured goods. It was also believed at the time that wealth was based on natural resources, specifically gold and silver, so the more one country had, the less any other country could have.

Trans-Atlantic Trade

Trans-Atlantic Trade
British companies make rum.

British merchants then traded the rum to West Africans in exchange for enslaved Africans
African slaves were transported across the Atlantic to the Caribbean and traded for sugar to make more rum.

The Navigation Acts - all goods shipped to or from the British colonies had to be shipped on British ships. Any exports not going to Britain had to first stop in Britain to pay a tax. Some goods could ONLY be exported to Britain. These restrictions were meant to give Great Britain control of the transAtlantic trade.

Navigation Acts

The Royal African Company was granted a charter from King Charles that allowed them to engage in slave trade with the colonies. The sea voyage that carried Africans to North America was called the Middle Passage because it was the middle portion of a three-way voyage made by the slave ships. Many people that boarded the ships died before ever making it to North America.

Middle Passage

Middle Passage Videos 30011-assignment-discovery-the-middlepassage-video.htm VI-ck

Growth of African American Population in the US

Slavery was an alternative to having indentured servants. Most people didnt want to work the 7 years of servitude anymore. The farm owners didnt want to let the workers leave either. So, slavery replaced Indentured Servants When the first British settlers arrived in 1607 in Jamestown there were no slaves, but by 1700 there were thousands to support the agricultural society, primarily in the south.

Slavery in the Colonies

Early slavery was not based on race. Colonists thought that they were helping the Africans by teaching them Christianity. In 1638 Maryland was the first state to recognize slave as a legal property, this began slavery based on race instead of religion. Slave codes were later put in place to regulate slaves relationships with white people.

African American Culture in US

Slaveholders would specifically buy slaves from different regions of West Africa so the slaves could not speak to each other and plot a rebellion. Slaves in the south began combining culture. Their language was a mixture of African and English. Slaves also mixed African religious tradition with Christian to form their own style of Christianity and African music made its way into songs and rhythms. Family names and cultural traditions were often passed down even if the family was separated.

Questions and Summary

Together as a group, create the following: 1. 2 Questions based on your notes (Test style)- Put them in the questions part of your Cornell Notes

2. A summary of your notes (Main Ideas and Points) - Put this in the summary section of your Cornell Notes

Work Session- Visual Vocabulary

In Pairs
Directions1. Divide your paper up into four sections. (1 for each word) 2. For each word, complete the following: a. Write the word at the top of the box b. Define the word- Use your notes, or the textbook c. Write the definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS d. Draw a representation or example of the words

On your sticky note, place the topic for today in a concept cup. Make sure you explain WHY!

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