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About Child Abuse

Child abuse is the emotional mistreatment, physical, sexual, or neglect of a child.

Sexual Abuse

Child Abuse
Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse

Types of Child Abuse

There are four major categories of child abuse :
Neglect Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse

Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is the deliberate application of force to any part of a child's body which may result in a non accidental injury

Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is when an adult or youth uses a

child for sexual purpose.

Neglect occurs when a child's parents or

caregivers do not provide the requisite attention to the child's emotional , psychological or physical development.

Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse involves acts by parents

or caregivers that cause or could cause serious behavioral , cognitive, emotional or mental disorders.

Effect of Child Abuse

Lack of trust and relationship difficulties
Core feelings of being worthless or

Trouble regulating emotions.

Child Abuse Activities

Encourage child to lie, resent, fear, and retaliate, instead of loving, trusting, and listening
Lower child's self esteem, and affect child's

psychological development and ability to behave normally outside home. When child grows up, child could probably carry on the family tradition, and abuse other children.

Prevention of Child Abuse

Several Methods should be considered such as : Public awareness, such as PSAs, posters, and
brochures that promote healthy parenting, child safety, and how to report suspected abuse

Skills-based curricula that teach children safety

and protection skills. Many of these programs focus on preventing sexual abuse

Parent education to help parents develop positive

parenting skills and decrease behaviors associated with child abuse and neglect

Child abuse and neglect may lead to a wide range of adverse consequences for children and adolescents. education is the best method for preventing child abuse.
All we need to do is make sure the people

who have kids are emotionally, physically and mentally able to care for them.


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