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Global Warming !

Global warming is the term given to the increase in the Earth's surface temperature.
Between the years 1900 and 2011 the average temperature of the Earth has risen by around 1.5F, causing soil and ocean temperatures to rise, and polar ice caps and glaciers to melt.

The effects of global warming are wide ranging and affect people, plants, sea life and man. Glaciers have begun to melt at an alarming rate, sea levels continue to rise and cloud forests are drying up. Man's activities have caused heat-trapping gases to be released as a byproduct of the energy requirements of modern life, and various species that cannot cope with the changes brought about by global warming are dying out.

Petrochemical Pollution
The ways in which people utilize energy resources are responsible for pollution in various ways. For the most part, fossil fuels made from dead plants and animals - like oil and petroleum -- are burned to generate electricity for the planet and also energy for vehicles.
When fossil fuels are burned, chemicals that cause pollution of the air, water and land are released into the air. Some of these chemicals are called greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse Gases
The increase in man-made emissions of various greenhouse gases is a major cause of global warming. The chief natural greenhouse gas is water vapor, which causes the greenhouse effect on Earth. Other gases include carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride and chlorofluorocarbons. These greenhouse gases reflect back onto the Earth part of the

Rainforests form a cooling band around the Earth's equator, but accelerated deforestation is destroying this band. Increased carbon emissions from deforestation total far more than the emissions from cars, planes and factories.

Construction and Buildings

As world populations continue to rise, more residential and commercial buildings are being built to accommodate the growing demand. To construct a building, a huge amount of fuel needs to be burned. This results in large amounts of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere.

The hunting and breeding grounds of animals such as the polar bear and sea turtle are adversely affected by global warming and rising ocean levels. Polar bears rely on glaciers on which they hunt, rest and breed. As ice in the Arctic melts, ocean levels rise so the polar bears have less time to breed and rest on ice shelves.

Addition Info
The sea turtle has been affected by an increase in temperatures on sand, resulting in more female turtles being born as higher incubation temperatures bias growth towards females. The breeding grounds of the sea turtle are also affected by beach erosion caused by rising ocean levels in countries with breeding grounds, such as the Maldives and Australia.

Within the ocean, billions of plants grow that have important responsibilities towards maintaining the atmosphere of the Earth by trapping carbon dioxide within themselves and reducing the amount of the gas in the atmosphere.

Addition Info
Small plants called phytoplankton are grown in the billions beneath the surface of the ocean. These plants grow best in cool waters. Climate change causes rising temperatures and a reduction in the number of phytoplankton grown. Phytoplankton is an important part of the food chain of the ocean; a reduction in their numbers leads directly to a reduction in fish and mammals that feed on the plants.

The rising temperatures of the ocean have an effect on the animals and plants found within the world's waters. With melting ice caps and glaciers, the oceans of the world are seeing an increase in water levels, causing problems both on land and in the water. On land, increased sea levels are causing the rate of beach and rock erosion to increase.

Violent Storms
Global warming is already leading to more violent storms and less predictable weather patterns. According to the Pew Center on Global Warming, since 1995, only two years have not had above average hurricane activity.

Flora and Fauna

Global warming will have drastic effects on local ecosystems. Most plants and animals are adapted for a certain environment. Generally, each species does well when the temperature is in a certain range, and the seasons work in a regular way

Effects on Humans
It is hard to predict exactly how severely global warming will affect individual locations. The combination of violent storms, rapid changes in local climates, disruption of the water cycle and extinction of plants and animals will probably cause local food shortages and disruption of infrastructure in some areas

Climate Shifts
Global warming will destabilize the weather in other ways. In all likelihood, it will change worldwide

The increased warming will cause the polar ice caps to melt more quickly. This could flood the coastlines of the world and decrease the salinity of the oceans. Global warming will also mess with seasonal water cycles. Many rivers are powered by mountain glaciers which grow in the winter and thaw in the summer, producing seasonal flows. As these glaciers melt, these rivers could decrease or even dry up.

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