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A Survey of Major Watershed (RainfallRunoff) Models

Knowing what is out there in the Workplace Capabilities of each model Requirements of each model What is the best model? Examples Ungaged area needing WRE management (expansion) Balancing $$, needs and requirements (Consulting) Flood-frequency analyses, forecasting, extrapolating for future scenarios

Consider this Scenario:

1. A major expansion of urbanization is planned in forested land malls, apts, parks, industry

What kind of Water Resources Management Strategy/Measures would be needed to ensure longterm water needs?
Watershed Models are used to answer such questions

2. How will the planned urbanization change the response of the land to rainfall? Increase chances of floods? Flashier? Bring down GWT?

Be aware of the Major Models out there and their basic workings Understand Data needs and requirements Merits/Demerits of Models (situational) Ponder over: What is the Best Model? (open question)
Be able to make an informed decision on the choice of a Model (for Consulting, Industry, Public Works)

The Hydrologic Cycle

All watershed Models (or Rainfall-Runoff) attempt to model the Hydrologic Cycle at the watershed scale.

Watershed? Natural System with all major components of cycle Hydrologic Cycle? (Water Cycle) Water Distribution Model? Abstraction of reality using Mathematics

The Major Processes of a Model

Unsaturated Zone flow Groundwater (saturated

zone flow)
Overland Flow River Flow Evapotranspiration Rainfall is usually the major input in Hydrologic Models it is not modeled!

Classification of Models
Based on mathematical representation of processes Conceptual Models Physically-based Models

Based spatial nature of input/output of models Lumped Rainfall, Runoff, ET, GW flow Distributed Rainfall, Runoff, ET, GW flow

Conceptual Vs Physically Based

Conceptual Models Idealization of processes as stores, buckets, parameterizations simplified equations representing mass, momentum, energy.

Physically-based Models rigorous numerical solution

of partial differential equations governing flow through porous media, overland and channel flows.

Lumped Vs Distributed Models

Lumped - The spatial and temporal variation of meteorological, hydrological, geological and hydrogeological data across the model area is described as one aggregated value for input and output
!All models are lumped at the finest scale!

Distributed - The spatial and temporal variation of meteorological, hydrological, geological and hydrogeological data across the model area is described in gridded form for the input as well as the output from the model

Data Requirements for Models

Rainfall Data (Major Input) More Physically-based Soils Data (Infiltration, means more data Runoff) requirement DEM channel network More Conceptual (River routing) requires less data! Vegetation Data (For ET) GWT Data (Saturated zone flow) Data acquisition is an investment Historical Rainfallthat needs to be commensurate Streamflow Data with the model (Calibration) Evaporation Data (ET)

Sources of Data
Rainfall Gage, Radar (NWS), Satellite Soils STATSGO, USDA DEM USGS, Topo maps, Satellites Vegetation Satellites, USDA Streamflow USGS Reliability Ready availability Cost $$$ Resolution (space, time)

Is all data needed?

Physically-based Insatiable needs but potential high returns Conceptual modest needs with modest returns Calibration needs historical data. What is Calibration? What to do in ungaged regions where there is No Data? Transfer experience. PUB

What affects $$ operational costs of a Model?

Level of data needs Data is expensive Level of physical complexity (Physically-based means qualified personnel; Rational Method nobrainer Scale of the problem being addressed larger/heterogenous more $$$ The multiple needs of the TVA river reservoir system

Some Models Out there

HEC-1 PRMS HSPF (Fortran) MIKE 11

Make your own survey if you wish

(Consider, DSS Riverware, BASINS)

For a comprehensive guide refer to: VP Singh Computer Models for Watersheds

Developed by Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) of US Army Corps of Engineers

Flood Hydrograph Package single storm even simulation. Lumped model

Loss Function approach SCS, Green Ampt, Holtan Data Needs sub-basin delineation, rainfall, runoff, routing parameters Based on Unit Hydrograph or kinematic for runoff routing Other capabilities Snowfall/melt, dam safety, pumping, diversions Customer Support? Try HEC, San Diego, CA.

PRMS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System

Developed by USGS more of an educational tool to build your own models Lumped/sub-basin continuous simulation see Handout Data needs (depends) precip, streamflow, DEM, minmax air temp, radiation, vegetation..(see handout) Code in F77 Capabilities - many Customer Support? Try USGS

HSPF Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran

USGS multi-use model Can do water quality. Mainly for land-use change, reservoir operations, flow diversions etc. Data needs A lot (see Hand-out) Software In Fortran 77 Capabilities A lot (see hand-out) Customer Support? Try USGS Real Example 62,000 sq mi tributary area in Chesapeake Bay.

Danish Hydraulic Institute DHI Very sophisticated physically-based, high-end model Data needs a lot (dependent of in-situ measurements Softwares commercial (and expensive) Capabilities Many (see hand-out) Customer Support? Try DHI or Vendors Real Example River Jamuna, Bangladesh

USGS educational, conceptual/physical Data needs? Softwares Capabilities Merits/Demerits (can/can not do) Customer Support? Real Example -

What is the best Model?

This is situational It All Depends! Primary objectives $$ budget Level of Tolerable Accuracy/precision Complexity and uniqueness of the problem Time frame for delivery

Data availability
Its a highly complex question whose answer is sensitive to a multiplicity of factors

Homework Problem
Given watershed, Given data Given $$, deadline Choose your model (make strong arguments in favor of your choice over others)

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