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Names: Manuel Molina Villacs Susana Garca Juan Pablo Moncayo Vanessa Cabrera Group: 2160

What is the meat?

Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food Meat is mainly composed of water and protein, and is usually eaten together with other food. Meat consumption varies worldwide, depending on cultural or religious preferences, as well as economic conditions.

Red and White Meat

Meat can be broadly classified as "red" or "white" depending on the concentration of myoglobin in muscle fibre. The meat of adult mammals such as cows, sheep, goats, and horses is generally considered red, while chicken and turkey breast meat is generally considered white

Kinds of meat
There are different kinds of meat such as: Lamb, steak, beef, sausage, and others.

The composition of the diet, especially the amount of protein provided, is also an important factor regulating animal growth. Red meat (beef, veal and lamb) is a nutrient dense food, which provides high quality protein and essential nutrients - iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids - without lots of fat.

Methods of preparation
Sausage is generally eaten cooked, but there are many traditional recipes Meat is a typical base for making sandwiches. Popular varieties of sandwich meat include ham, pork, salami and other sausages, and beef, such as steak, roast beef, corned beef, pepperoni, and pastrami.


A sausage is a food usually made from ground meat with a skin around it. Typically, a sausage is formed in a casing traditionally made from intestine, but sometimes synthetic. Some sausages are cooked during processing and the casing may be removed after. Sausage making is a traditional food preservation technique. Sausages may be preserved by curing, drying, or smoking.

Sausage Nutrition
100 grams of fresh beef sausage, cooked contains 18.21 grams of protein, 332 calories and 27.98 grams of fat. Turkey sausage also contains more protein and a higher percentage of the dietary reference intake, or DRI, for many vitamins than pork sausage. DRI percentages listed are based on recommended daily values for adults under age 50.


Lamb meat animals usually corresponds to less than 300 days old and usually weighs between 5.5 and 30 kilos after this time is called mutton.

Features lamb
The color of lamb meat is pale pink or rose, taking as criterion the photographic pattern European standard classification of carcases of light lambs.

Meat Type
Red meat: usually comes from adult animals. For example: beef (beef), pork, veal and beef.

Gastronomy of lamb
Mediterranean International

The Mediterranean cuisine abounds use lamb and pork, in the first case and the second in cooked meats such as salami or ham.

As in Mediterranean cuisines lamb meat is a very common ingredient, as well as in Indian cuisine and in parts of China.

Roast Lamb Lamb Stew Leg of Lamb Lamb sauce


Chickens are omnivores In the wild, they often scratch at the soil to search for seeds, insects and even larger animals such as lizards or young mice.

Delicius Food!
The Chicken

Gastronomy of Chicken
Chicken Food!

The meat of the chicken, also called "chicken", is a type of poultry meat. Because of its relatively low cost, chicken is one of the most used meats in the world. Nearly all parts of the bird can be used for food, and the meat can be cooked in many different ways. Popular chicken dishes include roasted chicken, fried chicken, chicken soup, Buffalo wings, tandoori chicken, butter chicken, and chicken rice. Chicken is also a staple of many Fast food restaurants.

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