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Professor Dr. Maurice Yolles

Centre for the Creation of Coherent Change & Knowledge (C4K);
International Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change
“Professor Niculae Mihăiţă is an exceptional individual.
He has tremendous academic insight that enables him to manifest non-obvious research processes to difficult areas
of study. An illustration is his recent departure into the methodological approach to create analysis in the Theatre of
the Absurd, in which he has successfully explored set narratives to identify global logical relationships that nominally
otherwise only exist at a horizon of meanings.
Beyond his excellent research capacity, Professor Mihăiţă offers strong organisational insights and is good at
creating both professional and personal relationships that more easily permit explicit goals to be achieved.
He also has a very respectable professional standing both in his own University in Romania, and abroad in other
well know universities.”

Dr. Khalid S. Soliman 
Department of Business Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods,
Frank G. Zarb School of Business,
Hofstra University   Hempstead, NY 11550
Office Tel: (516) 463-1549
“Dear Dr. Niculae Mihăiţă
It was a great pleasure meeting you at the conference. Your research paper, your presentation, and your leadership
in chairing a session shows that you are a world class scholar and it is an honor to have your research published at
IBIMA conference. I am also honored to have you as a colleague and a friend for a long time to come
We look forward to your future participation at IBIMA International conferences.”

“Dr. Niculae Mihaita is a dedicated, hard working professor. It is a pleasure to know him” -
Prof. Dr. Luca Iandoli
Associate Professor of business and organization economics 
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale
Telefono: 0817682935-0817682958

"Niculae is a gifted reseracher. I was particularly impressed by his creativity and ability to explore with inspiring
thoughts and original research approaches new areas of knowlegde" - 

Assoc. Prof. Dr Maya Lambovska 

University of National and World Economy
Department of Management, Bulgaria 
“Dear Prof. Mihaita,

I’d like to express my gratitude to you and your colleagues for the excellent organization of the 4th international
conference of ASECU with the present letter. In our (my and our colleagues from the University of national and world
economy – Sofia) view the conference was perfectly organized and carried out at a very high level. Thanks to you
and your colleagues we had a lovely time and left with excelent impressions from Romania.
As to me I was very happy to visit Romania as well as to meet you – an interesting and erudite person who works in
the same area of science.
I hope to the future mutual collaboration. It will be pleasure for me to be in touch with you in the future.

Respectfully yours,
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Maya Lambovska
University of National and World Economy – Sofia”

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