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Competition for brains and funds (horizontal diversity) Competition for academic performance and reputation as a result of performance-based

funding, rankings etc. (vertical diversity)

International Student 5% International Staff 5%

Score calculated based on the proportion of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) faculty that are international.

Score calculated based on the proportion of total students that are international.

Academic Peer Review 40%

Citation/Staff 20%
Score based on research performance factored against the size of the research body . Five years of publication data with citations from Scopus. Number of citations is divided by the number of FTE staff to give an indication of the density of research.

THE-QS Rankings

Academics indicate which field they specialise in and then list up to 30 universities they regard as leaders in this field. Composite score drawn from peer review survey (which is divided into five subject areas). Results compiled based on three years worth of responses totaling 6,354 in 2008. Safeguards against individuals voting for their own university strengthened. Rise of Asian universities is least apparent in this ranking.

Staff/Student 20%

Employer Review 10%

Score based simply on the student faculty ratio, the higher the number of faculty per student the higher the score. Full- and part-time numbers for staff and students obtained; FTEs used throughout as far as possible.

Score based on responses to employer survey. 2,339 responses in 2008. Recruiter names are sourced through QS databases, media partners and partner schools & universities. Responses are weighted by region to reach a final score.

Classic measure of research

Citations per staff member (not

per paper)
Number of publication per

Source: Scopus


Sumber: SCIMAGO Journal Ranking (

Targetted outputs of a University

Research Productivity: -No of papers published in international peerreviewed journal -No of competitive research grants - No of IPR

Research Impact: - No of citation of papers - No of research based-teaching materials - No of research based-teaching books

Research excellence: -No of highly cited papers - H-index of the last 2 years - No of publication in highly impact journals




Quality of Education

Alumni of an institution winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals Staff of an institution winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals Highly cited researchers in 21 broad subject categories Articles published in Nature and Science*

10% 20% 20% 20% 20%

Quality of Faculty

Research Output

Articles in Science Citation Index-expanded, Social Science Citation Index

Academic performance with respect to the size of an institution

Size of Institution


Dosen disyaratkan mempunyai derajat pendidikan post graduate (S-2/S-3) Seorang guru besar harus bergelar S-3 Tawaran posisi profesional memerlukan gelar akademik tertinggi Publikasi ilmiah/post-doc memerlukan gelar akademik tertinggi Dengan memperoleh derajat pasca sarjana akan memperoleh nilai tambah


Mengalami lingkungan pembelajaran dan kebudayaan yang baru Kemampuan bahasa asing Penggunaan fasilitas perpustakaan dan laboratorium yang lengkap Kesempatan bertemu dan belajar dengan mahasiswa luar negeri pada tingkat paskasarjana Kesempatan membangun jaringan serta kontak langsung

Mendapatkan keahlian tertentu khususnya berkomunikasi Mendapatkan ketrampilan yang sangat membantu peningkatan pekerjaan Mendapatkan jaringan internasional Mendapatkan pengalaman atmosfir akademik yang berbeda Mempunyai wawasan yang lebih luas


Setiap negara mempunyai sistim pendidikan tinggi yang berbeda-beda (sekolah tinggi, teknik university, university, dsb) Program post graduate bermacam-macam (MA, M.Phil, Ph.D, D.Eng, dll) Syarat degree berbeda-beda (by course, by research or mix, program master leading to Ph.D)

Kalender akademik yang berbeda-beda (menentukan waktu aplikasi) Lokasi dan cuaca ( metropolitan, kota pinggiran, minus 15 oC, dll) menentukan pilihan PT tujuan Sejarah PT akan berpengaruh terhadap akademik atmosfir Program pembelajaran : internasional atau reguler Personality supervisor

Lama studi Ketersediaan program studi Keahlian staff Reputasi /akreditasi PT khususnya di DIKTI Lokasi kampus Cuaca/ weather climate Biaya studi (tuition fee, student fee, dll) Biaya hidup (kemudahan lain spt diskount public transport) Kemudahan bea siswa

Fasilitas Pendukung: asrama/dormitory, poliklinik Metode Program (i.e. full-time/part-time) Waktu mulai program studi Pengalaman internasional PT (mhs asing atau kegiatan internasional, dll) Kesempatan tambahan : pendidikan anak, kerja di PT

2. 3. 4. 5.

Tentukan keinginan spesialisasi yang ingin anda capai Cari informasi supervisor yang mendalami spesialisasi yang anda inginkan Buatlah komunikasi dengan calon supervisor seintensive mungkin Cari informasi PT LN : via web, pameran pendidikan, dll Segera Apply ke PT yang dituju


What are the main challenges of postgraduate study? What issues are you uncertain about/need to discuss?


Be prepared to keep going

The motivational slump The mid-term blues Self-awareness/self-discipline

Time management & organisation Collaborative work with your supervisors Meticulous study skills Enhanced writing skills Rest & relaxation Communication/working with others


Metode program Jumlah tempat kuliah/research Tanggal penutupan tawaran Besar tuition Fees dan biaya hidup

Ukuran Departement Fasilitas Tipe supervision Research interests

Web site PT Jurnal ilmiah (E-mail peneliti & fakultas) Teman Dosen Kantor perwakilan negara sahabat (Postgraduate Study section) - information on GRE & GMATtests Guide to studying in the US Online applications to Australian Universities

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