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Diet & Siklus Menstruasi Remaja

Kuliah - 3 Gizi Kesehatan Reproduksi Eri Wahyuningsih Jur. Kesehatan Masyarakat FKIK UNSOED Purwokerto

Female Hypothalamicpituitarygonadal (HPG) Axis

Figure 1 The female hypothalamicpituitarygonadal axis. The hypothalamus produces and secretes luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone (LHRH) into a system of blood vessels that link the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. LHRH stimulates the pituitary gland by attaching to specific molecules (i.e., receptors). After the coupling of LHRH with these receptors, a cascade of biochemical events causes the pituitary gland to produce and secrete two hormones, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). LH and FSH are two of a class of hormones commonly known as gonadotropins. They are secreted into the general circulation and attach to receptors on the ovary, where they trigger ovulation and Sumber: stimulate ovarian production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These female hormones cause publications/arh26-4/274monthly menstrual cycling and have multiple effects 281.htm throughout the body. In particular, estrogen has profound effects on the skeletal system and is crucial to maintaining normal bone health (Kanis, 1994).

Factors related to Hypothalamic pituitarygonadal (HPG) Axis

Nutrition & RH
Food and your diet are intricately linked to your reproductive system. What you eat, or fail to eat, can increase or decrease your chances of getting pregnant, worsen your PMS symptoms and possibly even disrupt your menstrual cycle

Nutrition & RH

Adolescence RH Vs. Nutrition

Adolescence is a time of increased nutrient needs. During the rapid growth of puberty, the body has increased need for calories and key nutrients including: protein, calcium, iron, folate and zinc. Iron and calcium are particularly important nutrients for your body during adolescence. Iron helps your blood carry oxygen to all your muscles. It helps your brain function and helps your immune system fight disease. Menstruation increases a girl's need for iron. Choosing iron-rich food sources can help keep your body working optimally.

Menstrual Cycle

Nutrition Vs. Menstrual Cycle

Status gizi remaja sangat mempengaruhi terjadinya menarke usia, keluhan, lama hari Hormon berpengaruh: estrogen & progesteron Estrogen: mengatur siklus haid Progesteron: mempengaruhi uterus mengurangi kontraksi selama haid Gizi baik & seimbang keluhan (-) Gizi baik & seimbang: nutrisi yg diperlukan (protein, lemak, KH, mineral, vit, air) digunakan oleh tubuh sesuai kebutuhan (Krummel, 1996) Pengaruh status gizi terhadap menarke: belum jelas.

Asupan Energi Total & Keragaman Komponen Diet dalam Siklus Haid
Asupan energi bervariasi sepanjang siklus haid Terjadi peningkatan asupan energi pada fase luteal dibanding fase folikuler Peningkatan konsumsi energi premenstruasi dg ekstra penambahan 87 500 Kkal/hari estrogen mengakibatkan efek penekanan atau penurunan terhadap nafsu makan (Krummel, 1996) Jenis nutrisi yg mempengaruhi perubahan asupan energi belum teridentifikasi.

Diet Vs. Siklus Menstruasi

Komposisi diet baik kualitatif maupun kuantitatif

siklus menstruasi & penampilan reproduksi

Siklus menstruasi tdk hanya dipengaruhi o/ diet vegetarian, tp bervariasi dlm hal lemak, serat & nutrien lainnya (Krummel, 1996) Wanita dg diet vegetarian : peningkatan frekuensi

ggn siklus mens; ketidakteraturan siklus mens: 26,5%

pd vegetarian & 4,9% pd non-vegetarian

Diet tinggi lemak tdk berpengaruh thdp kadar hormon seks baik dlm plasma/ urine. Diet rendah lemak 3 efek utama: 1) Panjang siklus menstruasi meningkat rata2: 1,3 hari 2) Lama waktu menstruasi meningkat rata2: 0,5 hari 3) Fase folikuler meningkat rata2: 0,9 hari Wanita vegetarian diet rendah lemak, akan memperpanjang siklus mens sbg akibat dari memnajangnya fase menstruasi & fase folikuler


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