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Project Presentation

Design of an Efficient Architecture for 2-D Lifting-based Discrete Wavelet Transform

Internal Guide Syed Amzad Ali Professor .E.C.E,LIET Head of the Department ,E.C.E

S. GANGAIAH ROLL NO: 08M21D7712 M.Tech in Embedded Systems and VLSI Design

The digital data can be transformed using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The images need to be transformed without loosing of information. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) was based on time-scale representation, which provides efficient multi-resolution. The lifting based scheme (5, 3) (Here 5 Low Pass filter coefficients and the 3 High Pass filter coefficients) filter give lossless mode of information as per the JPEG 2000 Standard. The lifting based DWT are lower computational complexity and reduced memory requirements. Since Conventional convolution based DWT is area and power hungry which can be overcome by using the lifting based scheme. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is being increasingly used for image coding. This is due to the fact that DWT supports features like progressive image transmission (by quality, by resolution), ease of transformed image manipulation, region of interest coding, etc. DWT has traditionally been implemented by convolution. Such an implementation demands both a large number of computations and a large storage features that are not desirable for either high-speed or low-power applications. Recently, a lifting-based scheme that often requires far fewer computations has been proposed for the DWT. In this work, the design of Lossless 2-D DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) using Lifting Scheme Architecture will be modeled using the Verilog HDL and its functionality were verified using the Modelsim tool and can be synthesized using the Xilinx tool.

Why Discrete wavelet transform The wavelet transform has gained widespread acceptance in signal processing and image compression. Because of their inherent multi-resolution nature, waveletcoding schemes are especially suitable for applications where scalability and tolerable degradation are important Applications of the project Medical application Signal de-noising Data compression Image processing What is an image? An image (from Latin imago) or picture is an artifact, usually 2-Dimentional, that has a similar appearance to some object or person What is an image compression? Image compression is minimizing the size in bytes of data without degrading the quality of the image to an acceptable level.

Introduction (cont..)
There are two types of compressions 1.Lossless Digitally identical to the original image. Only achieve a modest amount of compression 2.Lossy Discards components of the signal that are known to be redundant. Signal is therefore changed from input Lossless compression involves with compressing data, when decompressed data will be an exact replica of the original data. This is the case when binary data such as executable are compressed. What is wavelets? Wavelet transform decomposes a signal into a set of basis functions. These basis functions are called wavelets What is Discrete wavelet transform? Discrete wavelet transform (DWT), which transforms a discrete time signal to a discrete wavelet representation.

Literature Review
Lifting schema of DWT has been recognized as a faster approach The basic principle is to factorize the poly-phase matrix of a wavelet filter into a sequence of alternating upper and lower triangular matrices and a diagonal matrix .

Figure 2 Image Analysis levels

Literature Review (cont..)

2-D DWT for Image

Figure 3: one level Image decomposition using DWT

Base Paper Explanation

Lifting scheme of discrete wavelet transform has been recognized as a faster approach Allows good localization both in time and spatial frequency domain Transformation of the whole image introduces inherent scaling Better identification of which data is relevant to human perception, higher compression ratio It is perceived that the wavelet transform is an important tool for analysis and processing of signals and Images. The wavelet transform in its continuous form can accurately represent minor variations in signal or Image characteristics. Critically sampled version of continuous wavelet transform, known as standard DWT

Base Paper Explanation

DWT is very popular for de-noising and compression in a number of applications by the virtue of its computational simplicity through

fast algorithms, and non-redundant. There are certain signal

processing applications (e.g. Time-division multiplexing in Telecommunication)

Signal Analysis and Reconstruction in DWT

Generalized Architecture for DWT

Tools (H/W and S/W)/technology used

MODELSIM Simulations XILINX-ISE Synthesis ModelSim is a verification and simulation tool for VHDL, Verilog, SystemVerilog, and mixed language designs. The following diagram shows the basic steps for simulating a design in ModelSim. In ModelSim, all designs are compiled into a library. You typically start a new simulation in ModelSim by creating a working library called "work". "Work" is the library name used by the compiler as the default destination for compiled design units.

After creating the working library, you compile your design units into it. The ModelSim library format is compatible across all supported platforms. You can simulate your design on any platform without having to recompile your design. Loading the Simulator with Your Design and Running the Simulation With the design compiled, you load the simulator with your design by invoking the simulator on a top-level module (Verilog) or a configuration or entity/architecture pair (VHDL). Assuming the design loads successfully, the simulation time is set to zero, and you enter a run command to begin simulation. Debugging Your Results : If you dont get the results you expect, you can use ModelSims robust debugging environment to track down the cause of the problem.

Modelsim Procedure

Xilinx-ISE Procedure

Design steps using Xilinx ISE 10.1

1. Create an ISE PROJECT for particular system application. 2. Write the assembly code in notepad or write pad and generate the verilog or vhdl module by making use of assembler. 3. Check syntax for the design. 4. Create verilog test fixture of the design. 5. Simulate the test bench waveform (BEHAVIORAL SIMULATION) for functional verification of the design using ISE simulator. 6. Synthesize and implement the top level module using XST synthesizer.

Applications of Discrete Wavelet Transform

Medical application Signal denoising Data compression Image processing Future scope of the Work: As future work, This work can be extended in order to increase the accuracy by increasing the level of transformations. This can be used as a part of the block in the full fledged application, i.e., by using these DWT, the applications can be developed such as compression, watermarking, etc.


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