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Loads and settlements of foundations - Safe foundations Types of soils that make up the foundation - P ope ties P ope ties of foundations! St en"th# Sta$ility# D aina"e# et%. &stimatin" soil p ope ties! &'plo ation and testin" (onst u%tion of foundations - Type of soil laye s at the top# e'%a)ation# suppo t fo soil# soil st en"thenin"# de-*ate in"
Types of foundations - Shallo* and deep - Influen%e +one P e%autions - Seismi% $ase isolation, Unde pinnin" du in" %onst u%tion, -etainin" *alls, .ate p oofin"# d aina"e# einfo %in" / insulation, F ost p ote%tion Foundation desi"n fo optimal %ost


Function of a foundation is to transfer t e structura! !oads fro" a #ui!din$ safe!% into t e $round. A #ac&%ard too! s ed "a% need on!% 'ooden s&ids to s(read its !oad across an area of $round surface) ' ereas a ouse 'ou!d need $reater sta#i!it% and conse*uent!% its foundation s ou!d reac t e under!%in$ soi! t at is free of or$anic "atter and unreac a#!e #% t e 'inter+s frost. A !ar$er and ea,ier #ui!din$ of "asonr%) stee!) or concrete 'ou!d re*uire its foundations to $o dee(er into eart suc t at t e soi! or t e roc& on ' ic it is founded is co"(etent to carr% its "assi,e !oads- on so"e sites) t is "eans $oin$ a undred feet or "ore #e!o' t e surface. .ecause of t e ,ariet% of soi!) roc&) and 'ater conditions t at are encountered #e!o' t e surface of t e $round and t e uni*ue de"ands t at "an% #ui!din$s "a&e u(on t e foundations) foundation desi$n is a i$ !% s(ecia!i/ed fie!d of $eotec nica! en$ineerin$.


Types of loads on foundations! Dead) !i,e) 'ind) inc!ined t rusts

and u(!ift) 'ater ta#!e and eart *ua&e forces

Types of settlements! Unifor" and differentia! - Differentia!

sett!e"ent "ust #e "ini"i/ed) de(ends on site soi! conditions and distri#ution of !oads on co!u"ns su((ortin$ t e #ui!din$

-e0ui ements of a safe foundation! Structure-foundation s%ste"

safe a$ainst sett!e"ents t at 'ou!d !ead to co!!a(se - Foundation sett!e"ent s ou!d not da"a$e t e structure - Foundation "ust #e tec nica!!% and econo"ica!!% feasi#!e

Foundation 1oads

Dead 1oad 1i,e 1oad Wind 1oad 3ori/onta! 4ressures .e!o' 5rade Structura! 2e"#er Forces U(!ift Eart *ua&e


NO S&TTL&1&NT 2 TOTAL S&TTL&1&NT 2 DIFF&-&NTIAL S&TTL&1&NT Unifo m settlement is usually of little %onse0uen%e in a $uildin"# $ut diffe ential settlement %an %ause se)e e st u%tu al dama"e


-o%ks and soils - Roc&s6 .ro&en into re$u!ar and irre$u!ar si/es #% 7oints - Soils 8(articu!ate eart "ateria!96 6oulde 8too !ar$e to #e !ifted #% ands9) %o$$le 8(artic!e t at can #e !ifted #% a sin$!e and9) " a)el a"" e"ates 8course $rained (artic!e !ar$er t an :.;""9 ) sand 8frictiona!) si/e ,aries fro" :.; to <.<:""9) silts 8frictiona!) !o' surface-area to ,o!u"e ratio) si/e ,aries fro" <.<: "" to <.<<2""9 and %lays 8co esi,e - fine $rained - i$ surface-area to ,o!u"e ratio) si/e s"a!!er t an <.<<2 ""9 - Peat 8soi!s not suita#!e for foundations9 - In USA c!assified accordin$ to Unified Soil (lassifi%ation System

4orous 8sand%9



St en"th! 1oad #earin$ ca(acities6 Cr%sta!!ine roc&s 8,er% stron$ 12)<<< (sf9) sedi"entar% roc&s 8inter"ediate - :)<<< (sf9 and ot er t%(es of soi!s 8re!ati,e!% !o'er - 2)<<< to 0)<<< (sf9

Sta$le unde loads 8cree() s rin&a$e and s'e!!in$9 D aina"e %ha a%te isti%s! 4orosit% and (er"ea#i!it% Soil p ope ty estimation! Su#surface e=(!oration 8test (its - !ess
t an > ft in de(t - #orin$s - $reater t an > ft9 - Esti"ate !e,e! of 'ater ta#!e - Testin$ of soi! sa"(!e in !a#orator% for ,arious (ro(erties6 4artic!e si/e distri#ution) 1i*uid !i"it) 4!astic !i"it) Water content) 4er"ea#i!it%) S rin&a$e? s'e!!in$) S ear?co"(ressi,e stren$t ) Conso!idation 8cree( and sett!e"ent9


So"e a"ount of e'%a)ation re*uired for e,er% #ui!din$ - To( soi! consistin$ of or$anic "atter is re"o,ed - 6elo* the e"ion of soil e osion 9$y *ate and *ind: / $elo* the le)el of pe maf ost - To t e re*uired de(t at ' ic t e #earin$ ca(acit% necessar% for t e #ui!din$ is "et - A )a iety of ma%hines used fo e'%a)ation - T e sides of e=ca,ation too #e (rotected fro" ca,in$ in #% $en%hin"# sheetin" 8so!dier #ea"s and !a$$in$) s eet (i!es) s!urr% 'a!!s) etc.9 o $ a%in" 8cross-s!ot) ra&ers or tie#ac&s9 - De-*ate in" usin$ *ell-points / sumps# and *ate ti"ht $a ie s - 1i'in" the soil #% rotatin$ (add!es .u!!do/ers @ S o,e! do/ers @ .ac& oes .uc&et !oaders @ Scra(ers @ Trenc in$ "ac ines 4o'er s o,e!s @ Tractor-"ounted ri((ers @ 4neu"atic a""ers Dro( #a!!s @ 3%drau!ic s(!itters @ .!astin$


.ac& oe

Un est i%ted Site

6en%h and<o An"le of -epose 1ust ha)e pe imete %lea an%e (onside ations .an& Erosion Water Di,ersion Safet% Stora$e of .ac&fi!! 8A cost9 1ost likely - least e'pensi)e

.enc ed E=ca,ation

So!der .ea" A 1a$$in$

S eet 4i!e O(tions

S!urr% Wa!!
1a%out E=ca,ate t e soi! Inter7ect S!urr% to (re,ent Co!!a(se as E=ca,ation Continues Insta!! Reinforcin$ 4!ace Concrete 8re(!aces t e s!urr% "i=9

Tie#ac& Insta!!ation

Rotar% Dri!! 3o!e

Insert A 5rout Tendons

Tendons Stressed A Anc ored





.an& Re*uirin$ a Retention S%ste"

Retention S%ste" De(ends On6

4ro=i"it% to .ui!din$s T%(e of Soi! Water Ta#!e 1e,e! Te"(orar% or 4er"anent Contractor 4reference Cost - BEC Consideration


A (rocess of re"o,in$ Water and?or !o'erin$ t e Water Table 'it in a construction site 4ur(ose6 To 4ro,ide a Dr% 'or&in$ (!atfor" 8t%(ica!!% re*uired #% Code and S(ecification9

If t e Water Ta#!e is a#o,e t e 'or&in$ (!atfor"O(tions6 D Bee( 'ater out D 1et 'ater in A re"o,e it D Co"#ination

Waterti$ t .arrier Wa!!s

Bee( Water Out .arrier "ust reac an i"(er,ious strata T%(es E S!urr% Wa!!s E S eetin$ '? (u"(s 2ust resist %drostatic (ressure


A #ui!din$ consists of supe st u%tu e# su$st u%tu e and the foundations - T*o types foundations ! Shallo* and Deep De(ends on ' et er t e load t ansfe is at dee(er de(t s or s a!!o'er de(t s - Need for t ese t'o t%(es 8soi! stren$t ) $round 'ater conditions) foundation !oads) construction "et ods and i"(act on ad7acent (ro(ert%9 -Shallo* foundations 8co!u"n footin$s 'it out or 'it tie?$rade #ea"s) indi,idua! or co"#ined 'a!! footin$) s!a# on $rade) raft9 - Deep foundations 8caissons 'it or 'it out soc&ets) end #earin$ or friction (i!es) (i!e $rou(s9) /one of inf!uence) "ade of concrete 8re$u!ar or site-cast9 or stee! or 'ood

2a7or .ui!din$ 4arts


Su#structure Foundation

4ri"ar% Factors Affectin$ Foundation C oice

Su#surface soi! 5round 'ater conditions Structura! re*uire"ents

Secondar% Factors Affectin$ Foundation C oice

Construction access) "et ods A site conditions En,iron"enta! factors .ui!din$ Codes A Re$u!ations I"(act on surroundin$ structures Construction sc edu!e Construction ris&s

S a!!o' Foundations

E Suita#!e soi! #earin$ ca(acit% E Undistur#ed soi! or en$ineered fi!!

.asic t%(es or confi$urations

E Co!u"n footin$s E Wa!! or stri( footin$s

(om$ination Sp ead / St ip Footin"

S a!!o' Foundations
Ste((ed stri( footin$s

??? ???



5rade .ea"s

S a!!o' Foundations
SO5 'it

t ic&ened

Eccentrica!!% !oaded

2at foundation F!oatin$ 82at9 foundation

Dee( Foundations - 4ur(ose

transfer #ui!din$ !oads dee( into t e eart .asic t%(es
E Dri!!ed 8A (oured9

E Dri,en

Caisson Insta!!ation Se*uence

3o!e dri!!ed 'it a !ar$e dri!! ri$ Casin$ insta!!ed 8t%(ica!!%9 .e!! or Ti( en!ar$e"ent 8o(tiona!9 .otto" ins(ected and tested Reinforced Concrete (!ace"ent 8A casin$ re"o,a!9

Dri,en 4i!es
T'o #asic t%(es of 4i!es
E &nd $ea in" pile - (oint !oadin$ E F i%tion pile - !oad transferred #% friction resistance #et'een t e (i!e and t e eart

4i!e "ateria!

Stee!- 3- (i!es) Stee! (i(e Concrete- Site cast or 4recast Wood- Ti"#er Co"(osite

Dri,en 4i!es
The following photo sequence was taken at the site of the:

Nas ,i!!e Co!iseu"

E :G)<<< seat s(orts co!iseu" in Nas ,i!!e) TN E T e Faci!it% ad Deep Foundations6
D 0)H<< Dri,en 4i!es- 12=H0 3 4i!es '? End .earin$ D 4i!e !en$t ,aried fro" 2H+-GH+ D Used 0 4i!e Dri,ers '? Diese! 4o'ered 3a""ers D Dri,in$ rate6 2<-2H (i!es?da%?ri$ D Dri,in$ to!erance6 0I-:I

4recast Concrete 4!ies

Site Cast Concrete 4i!es

Cased 4i!es Uncased 4i!es

2.> P-&(AUTIONS TO 6& TA?&N

Seismi% $ase isolation in seis"ic areas - Unde pinnin" re*uired to carr% out re(airs to t e e=istin$ #ui!din$ or to add so"e c an$es in t e foundations - -etainin" *alls to o!d t e soi! #ac& fro" ca,in$ in6 Types of failu e su%h as o)e tu nin"# slidin" and unde minin" should $e a)oided) non-reinforced or?and reinforced canti!e,ered retainin$ 'a!!s) draina$e #e ind t e 'a!! to e!i"inate (i(in$ of 'ater in soi! - .ate p oofin" 8use 'ater(roof "e"#ranes) as( a!t coatin$9 and d aina"e 8(erforated (i(es9 of foundations - 6asement insulation 8(o!%st%rene or $!ass fi#er #oards (!aced on t e outside or inside 'it draina$e "ats9 - F ost p ote%tion t rou$ (rotecti,e coatin$s and (!astic foa" insu!ation - 6a%k-fillin" *ith p ope ly d ainin" soils

Seis"ic .ase Iso!ation

Retainin$ 'a!!s
T%(es of 'a!! fai!ure
E E E E Wa!! fracture O,erturnin$ S!idin$ Under"inin$

Retainin$ 'a!!s Desi$n E!e"ents to 4re,ent Fai!ure

Re!ie,e 32O (ressure
8for a!! 0 t%(es of fai!ure9

E Crus ed stone E Wee(s

E Canti!e,ered Footin$ E Reinforcin$

E Be%


Structures .e!o' 5round su#7ect to (enetration of $round 'ater 2ore e=tre"e) if #e!o' 32O ta#!e T'o #asic a((roac es to Water(roofin$ E Water(roof 2e"#ranes) or E Draina$e E 5enera!!% - #ot used in tande"

Water(roofin$ 2e"#ranes

E E E E 1i*uid or S eet 84!astic) as( a!tic) s%nt etic ru##er9 Coatin$s 8as( a!tic9 Ce"entitious 4!asters A ad"i=tures .entonite c!a%

E 4rotection .oard E Watersto(

Unit of 2easure - SF) 2i!s 8t ic&ness9

Draina$e 2et ods

Stone A 4erforated 4i(e Draina$e 2at A 4erforated 4i(e

T%(ica!!%) a !i*uid as( a!t a((!ied 'it a ro!!er or s(ra%er Not an effecti,e #arrier for 'ater under (ressure. .UT) 'i!! (re,ent $round J"oisture+ fro" "i$ratin$ t rou$ a 'a!!. T%(ica!!% used in con7unction 'i!! draina$e (i(e.


(ont olled $y many fa%to s! 8i9 Inte" ated de%ision-makin" and functionin$ of arc itects) structura! en$ineers and foundation en$ineers- 8ii9 6uildin" $elo* the *ate ta$le le)el is cost!% and so"eti"es da"a$in$ to t e #ui!din$- 8iii9 6uildin" %lose to an e'istin" st u%tu e to $e a)oided 8an% di$$in$ acti,it% on eit er sites 'i!! affect one anot er and can !ead to cost!% re(airs9- 8i,9 (olumn o *all load $e%omin" mo e t an t at ' ic can #e su((orted #% a s a!!o' foundation 8dee( foundations are e=(ensi,e9 - 8,9 Un%e tainties can #e a)oided $y usin" la "e fa%to s of safety in desi$n of foundations o,er soi!s

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