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Digestive System

By: Group1 (Go foods)

Agnes Abella Marianne Amatiaga Mariane Kimberly Ancajas Christine Arellano Mariel Ator Klariza Bajamunde Gilah May Bari Pardeep Basi Natasha Buxton Jen Cabansag Ruby jean Castro Ma. Avegail Bolarde Brixia Bertulfo Elaiza Bihag

Lips Tongue Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine:

*Duodenum *Jejunum *Ileum

Large Intestine:
*Ascending Colon *Transverse Colon *Descending Colon *Sigmoid Colon *Rectum


Lipsfirst taste happens; movable, and serve as the opening for food intake

Muscles involve: kissing muscles ) which surrounded by orbicularis oculi Lateral part: Zygomatic major and minor ( known to be cheeks ) ( smiling muscles) this raises the corners of the mouth upward.

Lips orbicularis oris ( also known as

and insert into orbicularis oris. ( known to be blowing trumpet ) this compresses the cheek to hold the food bet. the teeth.

Buccinator: horizontal across the cheeks

Palates of the mouth:

Hard Palate: roof of the mouth Soft Palate: posterior roof of the mouth

Uvula- is a freshly fingerlike projection of

the soft palate, this extends inferiorly from the posterior edge of the palate.

cheeks externally and the teeth and gums internally

Vestibule - space bet. The lips and

- pushes the bolus into the pharynx. *Hypoglossal nerve( tongue movements) 5 kinds of tastes: Taste buds ( Papillae ) *Sweet ,Sour , Bitter, Salt & Umami *Salivary glands-Salivary Amylase Parotid glands Sublingual glands Submandibular glands

membrane, secure the tongue to the floor of the mouth and limits its posterior movements. Posterior end of the oral cavity are paired of

Lingual frenulum- fold of mucous

lymphatic tissue, Palatine tonsils Lingual tonsils covers the base of the
tongue just beyond.

Mouth/Oral Cavitycontains, hard and soft palate, with gingiva/gums and teeth-responsible for chewing and crunching the food into smaller particles and later for into Bolus

Accessory organs of mouth

*Teeth: this tear and grind the food

Breaking down into smaller fragments: like carbohydrates breaks into smaller fragments.

*Incisors *Canines

Pharynxdivided to :Nasopharnyx, Oropharynx and Laryngopharynx

Mechanism: ( Peristalsis ) *common passage for both food and air. *should channel food without choking *plays a major role in the first phase of swallowing *it pushes the food down by muscular contraction down the esophagus.

( Gullet ), runs from the pharynx through the diaphragm to the stomach. 25 cm long, conduct food ( by persistalsis ) to the stomach

Stomach C-shaped in form.

15-25 cm length 4 liters or 1 gallon of food Storage tank for food

Cardiac region- which near to heart, this

surrounds cardioesophageal sphincter by which food enetrs the stomach from the esophagus.

Fudus- is the expanded part of the stomach

lateral to the cardiac region

After it is the Body of fundus in which it is the midportion. Pyloric antrum- narrow inferiorly Pylorus- terminal part of the stomach This continue to small intestine through the pyloric sphincter.
Rugae- when it is empty, it collapses inward and its mucosa is thrown into larrge folds. This large folds is called rugae.

SURFACE OF THE STOMACH Greater curvature Lesser curvature

Another Features Lesser omentum double layer of peritoneum Greater omentum- extension of peritoneum, this riddles fats which helps to insulate, cushion, and protect the abdominal organs, and has a large collection of lymph nodules containing macrophages and defensive cells of immune system

ANOTHER THING ABOUT STOMACH It churns, mix, and pummel the food, physically breakdown into smaller fragments. Chemical breakdown of proteins starts here It produce protective layer of bicarbonate-rich alkaline mucus that clings to the stomach mucosa and protect the stomach wall from being damage by acid and digested by enzymes

Small intestineMajor digestive organ *Duodenum- responsible for the breakdown of food in the small intestine, using enzymes.

small intestine, and it has a lining which is specialized in the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins.

*Jejunum- second portion of the

*Ileum- absorbs vitamin B12 and bile

salts and whatever products of digestion that were not absorbed by the jejunum.

Another about this: Ileum is also known as twisted intestine in which it meets the large intestine via ileocecal valve which joins the large and small intestine

Another features

known as gate keeper.. Controls food movement into the small intestine from the stomach and prevent the small intestine from overwhelm

Pyloric sphincter- also

More important are enzymes that are produce by pancreas and then ducted into the duodenum through pancreatic ducts, where they complete the chemical breakdown of food in the small intestine.
Bile also enters the doudenum through bile duct in the same area.

Another features:

Microvilli- are tiny projections

of plasma membrane of the mucosa cells that gives the cell surface a fuzzy apperance sometimes it is called brush border

projection of the mucosa that give it a velvety appearance and feel much like the soft nap of a towel. This is rich in

Villi- are fingerlike


Large Intestine
*Ascending Colon -remove the water and other key nutrients from waste material and recycle it back into the body *Transverse Colon -Cancers form more frequently further along the large intestine as the contents become more solid (water is removed) in order to form feces.



store food that will be emptied into the rectum. It is retroperitoneal in twothirds of humans. In the other third, it has a (usually short) mesentery. The arterial supply comes via the left colic artery.

*Sigmoid Colon
The walls of the sigmoid colon are muscular, and contract to increase the pressure inside the colon, causing the stool to move into the rectum.

The Walls of the Alimentary Canal Organ


membrane that lines the cavity. This cavity is also called lumen it consist a surface epithelium + lamina propia and a scanty smooth muscles

Mucosa- innermonst layer, a moist

connective tissue layer containing blood vessels, nerves ending, lymph nodules and lymphatic vessels.

Submucosa- composed of soft

3. Muscularis externa is a muscle layer typically made up of an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle cells

Serosa- outermost layer of the wall. It

consist of visceral peritoneum, parietal peritoneum and mesentery.

The rectum is the final part of the digestive tract, and is where feces, the waste products of digestion, are stored until they are expelled from the body.

Where all the waste leave the body ><

We should not forget about the ff:



is a soft, pink, triangular gland that extends across the abdomen from the spleen to the duodenum. This usually lies posteriorly to the parietal peritoneum. This location is called retropritoneal.


Only pancreas produce enzymes that breaks down all categories of digestible foods. The pancreatic enzymes are secreted into the duodenum in an alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acidic chyme coming in from the stomach. The pancreas also has endocrine function: it prodece insulin and glucagon

Largest gland in the body located under the diaphragm. It has a four lobes and is suspended from the diaphragm and abdominal wall by a delicate mesentery cord, the falciform ligament.


is a small, thin-walled green sac that snuggles in a swallow fossa in the inferior surface of the liver. When food digestion is not occuring, bile backs up the cystic duct and enters the gall bladder, bile is conc. By the removal of water. Later, when fatty food enters the duodenum, a hormonal stimulus prompts on it for contraction and spurt out stored bile, making available to the doudenum



Go Food Group! Insert kimmy

Ruby<3Deep hoy ruby behave!

Chill lang marianne!


All girls :>




Brix, Jen and Ruby! :>

Best candid shot

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