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By: Prashant Kumar Arya

An integer is a number that can be written without a fraction or decimal component. Integers can also be defined as a collection of whole numbers and their negatives. For e.g.:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,..., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...

Who invented it?

The integers were a result of a long and gradual development. The Integer term was first used by Thomas Digges in 1571. The Indian mathematician Aryabhatta is credited for the discovery of zero.

Types of Integers:
Integers can either be negative(-), positive(+) or zero. The integer zero is neutral. It is neither positive nor negative, but is an integer. Integers can be represented on a number line, which can help us understand the value of the integer.

Number Line:
It is a method to represent integers graphically. If on a line, several points are marked at equal distances, with some point marked as zero, then each of the points represent an integer.

Positive Integers
Positive integers are the set of natural numbers including zero. They have value greater than or equal to zero. They are present to the right of the zero on the Number-Line. The are represented by a positive sign before the number. For e.g. +3, +7, etc.

Negative Integers
Negative integers are the set of negative numbers before 0. They are present to the left of the zero on the Number Line. The are represented by a negative sign before the number. For e.g. -3, -7, etc.

Usage of Integers:
The integers are used in computers for calculations. The temperature can be positive or negative for a place, and can be recorded as an integer. The height/depth of a place above or below sea level can be recorded as an integer. An image can be described as a collection of integers.

Rules for Integer operations:

Addition of Integers:
Addition of 2 positive or 2 negative integers:
o Add their absolute values and prefix the sign of addends to the sum. For E.g. -2 + (-3) = -5

Addition of 1 positive and 1 negative integer:

o Find the difference of their absolute values and prefix the sign of the integer whose absolute value is greater. For E.g. 2 + (-3) = -(3-2) = -1

Rules for Integer operations: (contd.)

Subtraction of Integers:
Subtracting 1 negative from another negative:
o When there are 2 negative(-ve) signs placed side by side with no numeral in between, the 2 like signs become a plus sign. For E.g. -2 (-3) = -2 + 3 = 1

Subtraction of 1 negative from 1 positive:

o Convert the like signs in case of negative signs and then add the integers. For E.g. 3 - (-2) = 3 + 2 = 5

Subtraction of 1 positive from 1 negative:

o Convert the signs and then add the absolute values of integers add prefix minus sign. For E.g. -3 (+2) = -3 -2 = -5

Properties of Integers:
Closure property:
The integers are closed on addition, i.e., the sum of two integers is an integer. Similarly, for subtraction: the difference between two integers is an integer. And the product of two integers is also an integer.

Properties of Integers: (Contd.)

Commutative property:
o For any two integers, a and b, a+b=b+a. For e.g. 5+(-6)=(-6)+5=-1.

o For any two integers, a and b, a*b=b*a. For e.g. 9(-6)=(-6)9=-54.

Associative property:
o For any three integers, a, b and c, (a+b)+c=a+(b+c). For e.g. 5+(-6+4)=(5-6)+4=3

o For any three integers, a, b and c, (a*b)*c=a*(b*c). For e.g. [(-3)(-2))4]=[(-3)(-24)]=24

Properties of Integers: (Contd.)

Distributive property:
Distributive property of multiplication over addition:
o For any three integers, a, b and c, a(b+c) = ab+ac.

Distributive property of multiplication over subtraction:

o For any three integers, a, b and c, a(b-c)= ab-ac.

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