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In Sampling, the units selected should be a miniature representat Of the universe. There is known probability that the sample value of the Universe only by a measurable amount. This difference in value is attributed to the vagaries of Sample selection POPULATION: The totality of cases that conform to some designated specification. SAMPLING FRAME: The list of sampling units from which a sample is drawn.

SELECTION OF SAMPLE DESIGN CAN BE: a) Census Each & every item in the universe is taken into account b) Sampling Some items in the universe which represen the universe are taken into account.

SAMPLING CAN BE: 1. Probability Sampling : Each and every item in the unive has non zero chance of being included in the sample. Selection is independent of human judgment - Sampling frame is necessary - Knows the chance of selecting any sample unit - Statistical methods can be used to estimate the populat characteristics & the error due to sampling - Can arrive at the sample size

2. Non probability (Non random) Sampling: Relies on the personal judgement in the selection. - Cannot estimate the chance of including an element in the sample. - Estimation of error is difficult.

PROBABILITY (RANDOM) SAMPLING: 1. Simple random sampling : Each member of the univers has an equal chance of being selected as a sample unit. Calculate the size, then - Lottery method - Random Tables. 2. Stratified Random Sampling: Divide the population into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive stratum. Use simple random to each stratum.

3. Systematic Random Sampling : Random to select the first and the system to generate the rest. 4. Cluster Sample: The population is divided into mutually exclusive and exhaustive subsets. Then a random sample of subsets. - 1st stage : All the elements in the selected subset are used for sampling. - 2nd stage : Another sampling within the selected subsets is done. 5. Area Sampling : Clusters applied to geographical areas. NON PROBABILITY SAMPLING 1. Convenience Sampling : Select purely on the basis of convenience.

3. Quota Sampling: The researcher selects the basis on whi the population is divided into strata. Each stratum is assigned a number of samples on some basis. The actual selection of the sample unit is left to the interviewer. Sex Age Male Female Below 15 20% 15% Above 15 30% 35%
4. Snowball Sampling: Locate an initial set of respondents with the desired characteristics. Use them to get more sample units with the desired characteristics.

ERRORS IN SAMPLING A. SAMPLING ERRORS: Errors arising out of the very nature of sampling. Difference between true value & observed value. Error can be calculated if Probability Sampling Can be reduced if large size P.2 B. NON SAMPLING ERRORS: Arise not due to sampling errors in Conception, Statistics, tabulation, interpretation etc. Errors cannot be estimated. Pervasive and non manageble Cannot be reduced by increasing the sample size

The more efficient is the sample design, more important non sampling errors.
Non observation - Non Coverage - Non Response Observation - Field Errors - Office Errors

Non sampling Errors

Non Coverage: Not deliberately but mistakenly excluded. Problem of Sampling Frame. Over Coverage Where coverage error is low.

Non Response : Failure to obtain information from designated sample.

i. Not At Homes Non working, Women, Elderely, Sick Uneducated, Low income ii. Refusals - Nature of the Respondent. - Nature of the Organisation. - Nature of the subject - Skill of the interviewer - Situation of contact

Remedy: i. Increase initial Response rate. ii. Follow up. iii. Adjust Results.

Field Errors : Error of Omission - No answer Error of Commission - Answer incorrectly Interviewer bias Asking, Recording,cheatin Auspices bias Special Desirability Office Errors : Editing, Coding, Tabulation, Analysis. TOTAL ERROR IS THE KEY. So If large sample Cost, Control, Non sampling error If small Sampling error

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