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Unit 3 The Nutritional Process

1. Introduction

2. Digestive system
3. Respiratory system

4. Circulatory system
5. Excretory system

1. Introduction
There are 4 system involved in nutrition: Digestive system: - digestive tract -associated glands Respiratory system: -respiratory paths -lungs Circulatory system: -heart -blood -blood vessels Excretory system: -kidneys -urinary tracts

Substances which enter the organism:

air water foods

Products expelled by the organism (waste products)

Products expelled
Carbon dioxide Urea, water and salts Faeces

Lungs Kidneys Intestin

2. Digestive system
2.1 Main parts
mouth pharynx oesophagus stomach small intestine large intestine

Gut (digestive tube)


salivary glands SALIVA (it contains amylase) liver BILE (it does not contain any enzyme) pancreas (It contains lipase, pancreatic amylase, protease) PANCREATIC JUICE

2.2 The digestive process

There are three phases in food processing: -Digestion (mouth, stomach and small intestine) separation of substances (nutrients) that can be used from the food

-Absorption (small intestine)

nutrients pass into the bloodstream

-Expulsion of waste (large intestine) unusable substances

are expelled

PERISTALTIC MOVEMENTS = Movement of food through the digestive tract. It consists

on the narrowing of the tube through the contraction of the muscles of the walls, what pushes the food.

2.3 Digestion
Mechanical digestion cutting, crushing food (physical changes)

A. Types of digestion
Chemical digesion substances attack the food and break it down into smaller chemical compounds (nutrients)

B. Stages of digestion

Physical digestion

Chemical digestion

In the mouth mastication and salivation take place The salivary glands produce saliva, a liquid containing digestive enzymes (which act chemically on the food) Chemical digestion in the mouth amylase breaks down the starch into maltose





In the stomach begins gastric digestion (both physical and chemical digestion take place simultaneously) Movement of the walls of the stomach Food is mixed with the gastric juices, which contain HCl and enzymes

As a result of gastric digestion, a pulp known as chyme leaves the stomach via the pylorus = gastric digestion

First section of the small intestine (duodenum)

Chemical digestion the chyme is mixed with

intestinal juices. They come from

the walls of the duodenum

the liver produces bile

the pancreas produces pancreatic juice

The result is called chyle

2.4 Absorption (in the jejunum and illeon)

The digested food (nutrients) passes into the bloodstream through the intestines walls.

The walls of the intestine are filled with intestinal hairs (deep folds in the wall and many blood vessels) this increases the efficiency of absorption considerably.

2.5 Large intestine

Leftovers and water arrive to the large intestine.

water and some ions pass into the bloodstream (absorption of water and ions) Functions faeces are released through the anus = digestion and absorption

Page 65, activities 1 and 3

3. Respiratory system

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