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CHAPTER 2 The Morphology of Explanation


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The term explanation plays a prominent role in all kinds of scientific inquiry. Although the observation, description, and classification of phenomena are important in science, the explanation of phenomena remains the sine qua non of science; without explanation, there is no science.

the systematic explanation of phenomena is a logical requirement for the scientific understanding of phenomena.

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Six Different Kinds Of Explanatory Models: 1. deductive nomological explanations 2. deductive statistical explanations 3. inductive statistical explanations 4. statistical relevance explanations 5. pattern explanations

6. functionalist explanations

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The deductive nomological model explanation has the following structure : of

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The C1, C2, . . . Ck refer to the characteristics or facts of

the particular situation, and the L1,L2,. . . .Lr refer to certain

laws of strictly universal form. These laws state that every time some particular set of phenomena (C1,C2, . . . Ck) occurs,

then some other phenomenon (E) will also occur. Together,

the characteristics and the laws jointly make up the explanans. The explanans deductively implies (this is the meaning of the solid horizontal line) the explanandum E, which represents the phenomenon to be explained.

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In the deductive-statistical model (D-S) the

explanandum E is deduced from the explanans in

exactly the same fashion as in the D-N model; that is, the phenomenon to be explained is a logical consequence of the explanans. Therefore, if the explanans is true, then the explanandum must be true. If the explanandum is false, then the explanans is false.
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The schema for a deductive-statistical explanation can now be formed:

The D-S model states that, given S (the characteristics C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5 and the two statistical laws SL1 and SL2), the probability that supplier k will get two orders in succession is precisely 0.25 (that is, 0.5 x 0.5). Just as in the D-N model, the explanandum is a deductive, logical consequence of the explanans.

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inductive-statistical explanation can now be formed:

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Three problems sharply demarcate the fundamental

differences between the D-N and I-S explanatory

models : 1. consider the consequences of testing a particular D-N model 2. the I-S model concerns how to ascertain the amount of inductive support that the premises confer upon the conclusion 3. the I-S model concerns its ambiguity
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THE PATTERN MODEL Kaplan defines and discusses the pattern model: in the pattern model we explain by instituting or discovering relations. . . these relations may be of various different sorts: causal, purposive, mathematical, and perhaps other basic type, as well as various combinations and derivatives of these. The particular relations that hold constitute a pattern, and an element is explained by being shown to occupy the place that it does occupy in the pattern. . .

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FUNCTIONALIST EXPLANATION o Uses Of The Terms Function And Functional

Earnest Nagel suggests that functionalists use the term function in at least six different ways :

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The first use of the term function is when it simply signifies the dependence or interdependence between variables; that is, X is a function of Y. for example, the incidence of purchase of mayor brand gasoline is a function of the generalized self-confidence of the subjects.

2. 3.

Biologists and other use the term function to refer to certain organic processes A third use of the term signifies some generally recognized use or utility of a thing. the function of salesmens call reports is to transmit intelligence, or the function of advertising is to create sales.


functional analysis seeks to understand a behavior pattern or a sociocultural institution by determining the role it plays in keeping the given system in proper working order or maintaining it as a going concern.

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o Preliminary Problems Of Functional Explanation

Functionalist explanations, like all teleological explanations, make liberal use
of the concepts goals and purpose. Since goals and purposes refer to future events, does not this ascribe causal efficacy to future events? That is, does not this mean that future phenomena can cause preset phenomena?

For example, can the goal of an increased market share (a future event)
cause a firm to increase advertising effort and have explanatory power? Is this not contradictory? The reader will note that a simple resolution to this apparent contradiction lies in the manner of phrasing. Future events do not

cause or explain present actions; the desire for a future event may cause or
explain present actions; the desire for a future event may cause or explain present actions. Here the desire temporally precedes the behavior that one seeks to explain and the apparent contradiction dissolves.

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o The Logic Of Functional Explanation

The best way to evaluate the logic of functional

explanation is : 1. to present a classical functional explanation in the fourth sense of the term function, 2. to dissect the explanation so as to lay bare its logical structure, and 3. to evaluate that structure.

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o Functionalism in the context of discovery

In the context of discovery, the value of functionalism is
primarily an empirical question: Is it likely that adopting a particular perspective or mode of exploration will lead to the discovery of new knowledge? The study of discovery lies in the domain of the psychology or sociology or science rather than in the domain of the philosophy of sciences. If we are to evaluate the scientific worth of functionalism on the basis of the quantity and

quality of scientific knowledge that a functionalist set generates,

then the jury on functionalism is still out in both marketing and the other social sciences.

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