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Advanced GIS: Ci Mandiri Watershed Characteristic

Jarot Mulyo Semedi G051080111

Master of Science in Information Technology for Natural Resources Management

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Ci Mandiri Watershed Data Used for Application Data Preparation Watershed Characteristic: Flow Direction Watershed Characteristic: Flow Accumulation Watershed Characteristic: Stream Network Watershed Characteristic: Stream Link Watershed Characteristic: Sub-Watershed Deliniaton Watershed 3D Perspective

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Ci Mandiri Watershed (1)

Located in Sukabumi Regent, southern West Java. This watershed has two upstream; Mount Gede-Pangrango Complex in the north east and Mount Salak in the north, and flowing south to Palabuhanratu gulf. Very famous because of its river rafting activity and mystical Palabuhanratu area. This watershed is formed by the famous Ci Mandiri fault which stretching 100km from Palabuhanratu to Padalarang

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Ci Mandiri Watershed (2)

Has the total area of 194.735,5 Ha, consist of:
Water Bushes Buildings Forests Plantations Settlement Grass/Open Area Irrigated Rice Non-Irrigated Rice Rocky Soil Moor/Field = 987,30 Ha = 29.556,70 Ha = 274,29 Ha = 30.379,24 Ha = 52.432,67 Ha = 17.681,26 Ha = 1.284,03 Ha = 14.905,12 Ha = 14.290,02 Ha = 2,95 Ha = 32.942,15 Ha

It is affected by the tropical climate with the temperature ranging from 26oC - 28oC, and mean annual rainfall of 2500mm.

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Data Used for Application (1)

ASTER GDEM 30m resolution data downloaded from NASA Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST). ( ome/ )

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Data Used for Application (2)

1 : 25.000 Landuse data from BAKOSURTANAL

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Data Used for Application (3)

Java Island watershed boundary from Hidrologi

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Data Preparation:
Clipping data to Ci Mandiri Watershed

Ci Mandiri Watershed mask created from Java Island Watershed Boundary.

select Ci Mandiri Watershed

30m GDEM extracted using Ci Mandiri Watershed boundary as mask

Extract by Mask

Ci Mandiri DEM

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Data Preparation:
Clipping data to Ci Mandiri Watershed

Java Island landuse data clipped using Ci Mandiri Watershed boundary


Ci Mandiri Landuse

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Data Preparation:
Creating Depressionless DEM

Removing Sink and Peak caused by DEM inconsistent value

Fill Sink

Ci Mandiri DEM

Ci Mandiri Filled DEM

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Data Preparation:
Creating Hillshade Perspective

Computes hillshade values for a raster surface by considering the illumination angle and shadows using filled DEM. It does this by setting a position for a hypothetical light source and calculating the illumination values of each cell in relation to neighboring cells. It can greatly enhance the visualization of a surface for analysis or graphical display, especially when using transparency.

Compute Hillshade Ci Mandiri Filled DEM Ci Mandiri Hillshade

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed Characteristic:
Flow Direction The direction of flow is determined by the direction of steepest descent from each cell. This is calculated as:
[change in z-value / distance * 100]

Compute Flow Direction

Ci Mandiri Filled DEM

Ci Mandiri Flow Direction

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed Characteristic:
Flow Accumulation The Flow Accumulation function calculates accumulated flow as the accumulated weight of all cells flowing into each downslope cell in the output raster.

Compute Flow Accumulation

Ci Mandiri Flow Direction

Ci Mandiri Flow Accumulation

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed Characteristic:
Stream Network Stream networks can be delineated from a digital elevation model (DEM) using the output from the Flow Accumulation function. Flow accumulation in its simplest form is the number of upslope cells that flow into each cell. By applying a threshold value to the results of the Flow Accumulation function using Map Algebra, a stream network can be delineated.

Map Algebra Formula

Ci Mandiri Flow Accumulation

Ci Mandiri Stream Network

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed Characteristic:
Stream Link Links are the sections of a stream channel connecting two successive junctions, a junction and the outlet, or a junction and the drainage divide.

Ci Mandiri Stream Network

Ci Mandiri Flow Direction

Ci Mandiri Stream Link

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed Characteristic:
Sub-Watershed Delineation A watershed is an area that drains water and other substances to a common outlet as concentrated drainage. Other common terms for a watershed are basin, catchment, or contributing area. This area is normally defined as the total area flowing to a given outlet or pour point.

Ci Mandiri Flow Direction

Ci Mandiri Stream Link

Ci Mandiri SubWatershed

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed 3D Perspective:
Landuse (1)
Combination between Transparent Landuse layer overlayed with Hillshade can give good perspective in looking the location of landuse with their slope.

Ci Mandiri Landuse

Ci Mandiri Hillshade

Ci Mandiri Landuse With Hllshade perspective

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed 3D Perspective:
Landuse (2)

View to the north


View to the south


View to the west

View to the east

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed 3D Perspective:
Sub-Watershed (1)
Combination between Transparent Landuse layer overlayed with Hillshade can give good perspective in looking the location of landuse with their slope.

Ci Mandiri Sub-Watershed

Ci Mandiri Hillshade

Ci Mandiri Sub-Watershed With Hllshade perspective

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

Watershed 3D Perspective:
Sub-Watershed (2)

View to the north


View to the south


View to the west

View to the east

ITM 542 Advanced GIS

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