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Contour Lines:
In general, note how the contour lines are sub parallel, they never cross or touch and they never split. Notice also that every 5th line is a heavier line. These are called index contour lines and they are emphasized on the map to make the counting of contour lines easier. For example the index contour directly above the 2000 line is 2100. (*) How can you tell? You have to find out what the contour interval is. This bit of important information is located at the bottom center of the map. (*)

Contour Lines:
In general, note how the contour lines are sub parallel, they never cross or touch and they never split. Notice also that every 5th line is a heavier line. These are called index contour lines and they are emphasized on the map to make the counting of contour lines easier. For example the index contour directly above the 2000 line is 2100. (*) How can you tell? You have to find out what the contour interval is. This bit of important information is located at the bottom center of the map. (*)

Contour Lines:

Below this it also states: Dotted lines represent 10-foot contours. (Below that it states that the data for the contour lines was bases on
information obtained in 1929.)(*)

Here is an image of the bottom of the map. There is a lot of information located here, but for now take a look at the area below the graphical scales. (*)

Below the scales it says the contour interval is 20 feet. (*)

Contour Lines:

In this part of the map there is a contour of 1140. (*)

The next normal contour line would be the 1160 which is 20 feet higher. Find it on the map.(*)

But, this area of the map is so flat that another contour line was added. Instead of the normal 20 feet on the map it is only 10 feet different than the one above or below it. (*) This is not the normal situation on topographic maps. (*)

Contour Lines:

In this part of the map there is a contour of 1140. (*)

The next normal contour line would be the 1160 which is 20 feet higher. Find it on the map.(*)

But, this area of the map is so flat that another contour line was added. Instead of the normal 20 feet on the map it is only 10 feet different than the one above or below it. (*) This is not the normal situation on topographic maps. (*)

Contour Lines:

So, you can see that the difference in elevation from one normal contour line to the next is 20 feet. The dotted contour line is found only in the flat area of the map. (*)

Contour Lines:

Back to Squaw Peak Now that you understand that the normal contour lines are separated 20 feet from the lines above it and below it, it makes sense that every 5th line is 100 feet difference in elevation. To make it easier to count these lines the 5th line is darkened. These are the INDEX COUNTOUR lines. (*)

Check out the position of the 1700 foot line. (*)

What is the elevation of the little unnamed hill just above it on the right side of this illustration? (*)

Contour Lines:

What is the elevation of the little unnamed hill just above it? Remember the purple line is the 1700 foot line. (*) Going up to the summit (blue dot) of the hill, the next INDEX CONTOUR line is the 1800 foot line (red line). (*) Finally, there is one more index contour line closer to the summit. This is the 1900 . foot contour line (black) (*)


BUT, we are not yet quite to the summit. There are 3 normal contour lines. The next contour line would be the 1920, the next is the 1940 and the one closest to the summit is the 1960. (*)
So, the summit of this hill is a little over 1960 feet. But it is below 1980 otherwise there would be another contour line. (*)

Contour Lines:

While your looking at Squaw Peak, notice that the brown contour lines have different spacing. Where the contour lines are close together, there is a steeper slope. Where the contour lines are farther apart, the slope is more gentle. (*)

Contour Lines:

One last thing about contour lines is that they V upstream when they cross a river drainage. Check out one of the many unnamed streams on the map below. Blue represents water features on topographic maps, and the line and three dot pattern of the streams on this map indicate an intermittent stream sometimes it flows and sometimes it doesnt. (*) Next, notice how the contour lines form a V and that the V points towards the top of Squaw Peak (higher elevation), The rule of thumb is that the Vs point upstream,(*)

There are even other drainages that are not marked by streams but simply by the pattern of the Vs. (*)

In this illustration of North Mountain Park (top central area of map) all the stream drainages will be highlighted in purple. It includes the blue stream lines as well as the unmarked drainage. Before you advance to the next image see if you can visualize where this additional drainage would be on just the west side of the mountain. (*) What was done was to draw a line that connects the tips of the Vs. As you can see, this is a good example of dendritic (branching) drainage. (*)

Lets take another look at the information at the bottom of the map. (*)

This is the name of the map and when it was created. Photorevised means that the map was reevaluated in 1982 and that changes to the 1965 map were indicated in purple. Obviously, the map needs to be revised again. (*)

Lets take a look at the scale next. (*)

Lets take another look at the information at the bottom of the map. (*)

This is the location of the Sunnyslope Quadrangle with respect to the rest of the state of Arizona.

This simply means thatThe an inch on the is the equivalent to scale: 24000 inches on the surface top scale ismap called fractional of the Earth. OR 1mm on the map is equivalent to 24000 mm on the Earths surface. (*) Scale 1: 24000. (*) One unit of ANYTHING on the map is equal to 24000 of those things on the Earth Surface. (*)

Lets take another look at the information at the bottom of the map. (*)

This is the area of the two scales. (*)

This is the graphical scale. The one you will be using in the lab is the mile scale (the top of the three scales). Note that the total length of the scale is 2 miles. (*)

Lets take another look at the information The left side of the scale is into of 1/10s and the at divided the bottom the map. (*) right side is one mile. It is very important to note the zero in the middle. It could make a huge difference in your measurements and thus the accuracy of your answers. (*)

Some Basic Information about Topographic Maps

COLORS: BLACK Artificial features like buildings, dams, trails, railroad lines BLUE Water bodies or glaciers BROWN Contour lines GREEN Vegetation RED Some main roads, fences, public land system revisions

PINK Urban areas

PURPLE - Revisions (*)


The Public Land Survey (PLS) The Public Land Survey system is a grid system based on points of reference across the United States. All reference sites are located with reference to a BASELINE which is an east west line and a MERIDIAN which is a north south line. (*)

The Public Land Survey (PLS)

From this point an east west lineThis is drawn. This is the . dot represents a BASELINE spot of geographic prominence in an area. It could be a hilltop, the confluence of two rivers or any easily recognizable and easily accessible point. (*) MERIDIAN Next a north south line is drawn. This is the MERIDIAN.

The next step in the survey is to accurately establish more north south and east west lines at 6 mile intervals. (*)

The Public Land Survey (PLS)

These vertical north south lines can also be extended farther east or west by the survey team. (*) 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles MERIDIAN 6 miles 6 miles 6 miles BASELINE

These east west line can extend as far as needed by the survey team. (*)

The Public Land Survey (PLS)

From this basic grid pattern a system of location can be established.

Where is the star located? (*)



It is located on the second row south of the BASELINE and on the fourth column to the west of the MERIDIAN. (*)

The Public Land Survey (PLS)

This is basically how it is done, except that the rows the horizontal squares are called TOWNSHIPS and the vertical squares are called RANGES. (*)

Range 4 West

Range 3 West

Range 2 West

Range 1 West

Range 4 East

Range 2 East

Range 3 East

Range 1 East



The Townships are numbered in a similar manner. (*)

The Public Land Survey (PLS)

This is basically how it is done, except that the rows the horizontal squares are called TOWNSHIPS and the vertical squares are called RANGES. (*)

Township 4 North Township 3 North

Range 4 West

Range 3 West

Range 2 West

Range 1 West

Township 2 North Township 1 North Township 1 South Township 2 South Township 3 South Township 4 South

Range 1 East

Range 4 East

Range 2 East

Range 3 East


So the star is located in Township 2 South and Range 4 West. T2N. R4W (*)


That star is in a square that is 6 miles on a side. This is an area of 36 square miles. If that star were your house and you told a friend that it was located in Township 2 South (T2S) and Range 4 West (R4W), your friend may have a hard time finding your house. (*)

So each of these 36 square mile areas (these are called townships) is divided up into 36 squares. Each square is 1 mile on a side or 1 square mile in area. (*)

Each square of the township is called a SECTION. There are 36 sections in a township. Note how they are numbered - (*) Now you can narrow down the area of where the star is located. It is located in Section 29 of T2S and R4W. (*)




























One square mile (a section) is a very large amount of land. Again, if it were your house and you told someone that you lived between Olive Ave and Peoria and Between 51st Ave and 59th Ave, they would find your house, but it would take a while. The area mentioned is actually one square mile. (*) To make it easier, the section is further divided. It is divided into quarters.

NW 1/4

NE 1/4

SW 1/4 SE 1/4

The star is located in the top right quarter of the section. In PLS terminology the star is in the northeast quarter of section 29. Here are the quarter designations. Remember that north is always to the top. (*)

So the star is located in the NE quarter of Section 29, T2S, R4W. In most cases this may be enough to locate an object on a topographic map. But each of these quarter can be subdivided into quarters. (*)

Each of the of a square mile can be further divided into quarters. (*)



NW 1/4


NE 1/4

The top right quarter becomes the NE of the NE . Followed by the NW, SW and the SE s.


SW 1/4 SE 1/4

So the star is located in the NE of the NE 1/4 of Section 29, T2S, R4W.

This will be the extent of using the PLS system in the lab. But you can see that even this little ( x = 1/16 of a square mile) NE can further be divided into many more quarters to create a smaller area in which the object is located. This is the method of location commonly used by real estate as well as many cities and municipalities. (*)

The second method of location is by latitude and longitude. With the extensive use of GPS Global Positioning Satellites, latitude and longitude is the preferred method of location of an object anywhere on the surface of the Earth. Current technology allows a common hand-held GPS unit to determine position to within an accuracy of about 1 inch (although the US military has degraded the signal for security reasons so that the handheld units are accurate to only within 10 feet. (*)
Actually there are a total of 24 satellites that are in the constellation that orbit the Earth. (*)


Latitude and Longitude

The spherical Earth is divided into a grid pattern using north-south lines (longitude) and eastwest lines (latitude). The basic east west line is the Equator This is the zero line of latitude. Parallel lines above and below the equator are then drawn in. The poles are 90o north and south of the equator. (*) The basic north-south line is called the Prime Meridian, it is the zero line of longitude. It is drawn from the geographic north pole to the geographic south pole through Greenwich, England. Then other north south lines are drawn in east and west of the prime meridian. (*) Using this grid, any point on the Earths surface can be given an east-west and north-south designation. (*)

As an example we will take a look at a portion of the Sunnyslope map the top right hand corner of the map. (*) This RED line is a line of latitude. It represents an angular measure that is 33o 37 30 above the equator. This reads: 33 degrees (o), 37 minutes () 30 seconds (). (*)

33o 37 30

To Equator Angular measure refers to distances along a sphere. (*)

ANGULAR MEASURE IN LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE North Pole This is a cross sectional view of the Earth with the white dot being the center of the Earth. (*) This line drawn from the center out to the Earths surface is drawn at 30o above the equator. (*) 30o Equator So, if you were standing on the spot where this line emerged from the center of the Earth you would be 30o above the equator. (*)

ANGULAR MEASURE IN LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE Equator In a similar way, if you are looking down on the Earths North Pole (now the white dot) the prime meridian is the bold red line passing through Greenwich, England. This line drawn from the center out to the Earths surface is drawn at 30o east of the prime meridian. (*) So, if you were standing on the spot where this line emerged from the center of the Earth you would be 30o east of the prime meridian. (*)

30o Prime Meridian

Take a look at the map again. (*)

One other note about angular measure, one degree is divided into 60 minutes and each minute is divided into 60 seconds. If you think of a degree as being an hour, then it makes some sense. (*) Take a closer look.

1o = 60 1 = 60

This small part of a circle is one degree. It can be divided into 60 equal parts. Each part is 1 minute (1). (*)

This view shows the one degree segment enlarged on the right. It is divided into 60 equal parts. Each one of these parts is a minute. (*)

1o = 60 1 = 60

This view shows the one degree segment enlarged on the right. It is divided into 60 equal parts. Each one of these parts is a minute. (*)

1o = 60 1 = 60

Each tiny minute is further subdivided into seconds. There are 60 seconds to every minute. It is obvious that 1 is a very small angular measure.

Back to the map. (*)

Focusing in on the top right hand corner of the map, note the 112o 00 mark. This is 112o and 00 west of Greenwich, England. This is longitude. (*) The latitude is 33o 37 30. The top right hand corner of the map is thirty three degrees, thirty seven minutes, thirty seconds above the equator. (*)

112o 00 33o 37 30

To England

To Equator

One last look at latitude and longitude. Here are the corners of the map. (*)

Notice that the difference in longitude is 7 30. Notice also that the difference in latitude is 7 30. That is why this map is called a 7.5 minute series map. It is 7 in latitude by 7 in longitude.

The last part of this Power Point deals with GRADIENT. (*)

Stream Gradient
Stream gradient is the slope of the stream. Like the slope of a line in algebra which is the rise/run, the slope of a stream is the difference in vertical elevation (rise) divided by the horizontal distance (run). (*)

Find this area on your topographic map. (*)

This is the stream that will be used as an example.

Stream Gradient
In this example we will use the beginning of the stream as the starting point and where the stream enters into the purple revisions area as the ending point. The vertical displacement of the stream (rise) is simply the difference in elevation from where it starts to the end of the profile. (*)

The elevation here is 2020 feet. It is one contour line above the 2000 foot index contour. (*) The elevation of the end point is right on the 1400 foot index contour line. (*) The difference in elevation (rise) is 620 feet. (*)

Stream Gradient The horizontal difference (run) is determined by taking a string and laying it on
stream. As you lay it on the map be sure to match as closely as possible the curves of the stream. (*)

Next, take the string down to the graphical scale on the bottom of the map and measure its length in miles to the nearest 1/10. (*)

Stream Gradient
I measured the stream using the string a found that it was about 0.5 miles on the scale. (*)

To determine the gradient you simply divide the rise by the run. (*)

Stream Gradient



Divided by



Stream Gradient


620 feet (rise)

= 1240 feet/mile (*)

0.5 miles (run)

On the quiz and on the test I will allow for some error in your measurements. (*)

Contour Topographic Data

Basic Rules of Topographic Contours Contours are lines of equal elevation. All points on a contour are at the same elevation. They never terminate (although they may go off the edge of the map. Also, they may be omitted in certain situations for clarity, as in the case of a steep slope where the contours bunch together). Contours always close eventually. The one-meter contour may circle all the way around Europe, Africa and Asia, but it will close. They never cross (the only exceptions, overhanging cliffs or natural arches, are so rare that they have no practical importance.) If contours crossed, it would mean the same point had two different elevations. They never branch or split.

Basic Landforms
Slope (Brown)
The steeper the slope, the closer the contours, because it takes less distance to rise or fall a given amount on a steep slope. Contours are concentric with maximum elevations in the center Lower elevations in the center. Contours form V's that point upstream.

Hill (Yellow)

Valley (Blue) Ridge (Green)

An elongate hill. Elevations high in the center. Contours form V's pointing downhill.
Uncommon, and usually shown with hachured contours. The hachures are on the downhill side. The landform that confuses more beginners than any other. Land slopes downhill in some directions, uphill in others. Any time you have four elevation points, with the points on one diagonal high and the other low, you probably have a saddle.

Depression (Red)

Saddle (Purple)

How to Contour Data

1. Contour the elevation data shown. 2. Interpolate between nearby points. Also locate elevations along streams and valley bottoms. 3. Connect the most obvious segments of contours first. 4. In areas of sparse data, you may have to draw contours approximately.

Additional Pointers
Valley slopes tend to be parallel to streams. On a ridge, hilltops are unlikely to be round. They are more likely to be elongate and parallel to the ridge. Often there is insufficient data to decide whether two contours on either side of a saddle join or not, or whether an isolated high spot is a hill or a small spur. In such cases there may be several equally correct ways to contour the data

Some Common Mistakes to Avoid

In each pair of maps below the left map is incorrect and the right map is correct. There may be other ways to contour the data that are equally correct, however. Interpolate The map on the left is of no use to anybody. Beginners often draw contours through each elevation point. Don't! Use only even contour intervals and interpolate between points to locate the contours.

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