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Interactive or Transmedia Story Creation

A guide for implementing it in educational settings.

Creation of the case and exercise by Nohem Lugo http !! http !! nohemi.lugo.rodrigue"

The )orld )ill face a terrible problem in *+*, due to the )ay )e are living. -hich one is it and )hat )ill happen.

$ournalism% Sustainable &evelopment% 'ealth% Literature% (thics% 'istory.

Transmedia or interactive story based on Hipotetical Case

Creative Challenge &esign. (ducation /rame.

0igots1y 2go to the follo)ing level3. 4loom highest level 2To design3% 2To implement3. They )ill have to ma1e an effort% learning something they don5t 1no). 6a1e sure that the challenge it is not that high that produces frustration. Tight re7ueriments vs. /reedom The first help to establish a basic 7uality and effort% fullfill the academic ob8ectives. The second motivates students% helps adapting the excercise to their o)n competences% pace and self learning desires.

1. Get Inspired. Start from pasion. As1 them to loo1 for examples that they 2loved3. 2. Analyze. Add critical thin1ing to the first step. They )ill analy"e their favorite examples using theory 9according to your class or exercise ob8ectives:.

Collapsus. The -orld after *+;*. <ut of energy. =o to /ictional Story. >ou can choose time line. 6ap $ournalism Approach.

What if

6a1e students thin1 in possible conse7uences of the )ay )e are living currently. They can vie) it at home and you can design 7uestions about it. As1 them to thin1 ho) does this story engages them and )hy. .

>ou can add more interactive stories to revie) according to your topic. Connected learning. They can learn more about history% literature% sustainable development% etc. even if the topic is not included in class. They )ill learn by seeing. As1 them to revie) strategies for designing an interactive story. &id they li1e it. -hy. 'o) they )ere engaged. -hat they felt. -hat did ma1e them thin1 of.

!est History App 2"12

2London3 )as evaluated as best 'istory App *+;*. London. =ood example of ho) to include social% historical aspects. 6ultimedia maps% videos% line time% intervie)s% audio tours. Those are things they could integrate using free platforms. This is my o)n )all on ?interest. It is a collection of interactive stories I as1 my students to revie) or to enrich )ith their examples.

@. 6anaging Creativity and the ?roduction ?rocess

!rainstormin#. 6a1e them thin1 in an abundant 7uantity of ideas. <ther)ise is easy that they don5t )or1 enough on this step and later the pro8ect is not strong enough. They need to turn in a creative document in a free format that is a proof of their creative process. If creativity in the document is a re7uirement% they )ill have to be serious about this step. If your students are very young or bloc1ed ma1e a creative session and moderate the process. This is an example. $tartin# the pro%ect. As1 them to select an idea and get inspired. Aevie) apps% interactive boo1s% sites% etc. According to their topic or purpose. &a'e them thin' critically. As1 them to analy"e one or several of the interactive stories depending on your class ob8ectives. If it is a 'istory Course they can analy"e historical aspects on the app revie)ed. >ou can as1 them to revie) strategies for their o)n interactive story. It is recommended that that they turn in an analysis and share it )ith the group so every team has more resources. Asses. As1 them for a brief li1e this and ma1e sure to ma1e recommendations on time about focusing the pro8ect according to the time and competences. (et them choose platform to produce. Adolescents and young adults )ill surprise you )ith their ability to find )ays to solve technology problems. &on5t spend class time solving technology issues in class. 4e clear that you are not a technology expert and they )ill need to solve this 1ind of problems. The technology challenge is up to them. They can use the simplest soft)are% program or platform or one more complicated according to their interest in self learning and competences. 'o)ever% ma1e sure to promote innovation collaborative )or1% trough policies and evaluation. )se *hat you have. This could be done by hand% using ?o)er ?oint or more sophisticated platforms if available. Asses later% )ith emphasis in your interests according to the ob8ectives of the activity for your class. +valuate ,uality- innovation- use of )hat has been learned in class by ma1ing the interactive story.

6ore Aesources http !!)))!nohemilugo There you )ill find examples of the process and additional resources. Creation of contents using movile devices.

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