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Why some people live long healthy life?



Long life 120 years

No disease, sickness at all Diabetes, high BP, joint pain, cancer etc NOT at all Lots of energy, stamina, joy, happiness Enough money for needs

Average age 70-75 Fever, cold/cough, other sickness once a year on average By age 50 substantial numbers suffer diabetes, high BP, (or both), joint pains, stones, fibroids, chronic cold/cough, etc.

Small number suffer kidney, stomach, liver, eye, heart problems Smaller number suffer cancers of various types By age 60 the earning capacity is almost nil, & medical expenses keep mounting exponentially


First of all get firm conviction that our health in life time is totally in our hands. &

We can extend our age well beyond 100 and also live pain free, joyful & meaningful lives.


Conviction Will power Action


There is flood of literature regarding health & healthy living all around us in books, magazines, newspapers & of course now a days on the internet & TV; Compared with this is an ocean of ignorance in the people we see around us.


None appears to be aware of such knowledge. There are other more important issues to be catered to. A few people we see in the parks going for morning walk or yoga etc.

The number is infinitely small proportion of people we are referring to.

The single most important responsibility of every individual on this earth is to keep self full of health & vibrant energy (Not merely free from sickness).



They kill themselves by their wrong actions (mostly inadvertently) before living a full life span.

Much of the damage occurs due to ignorance of natures laws and where in some cases part knowledge is available, there is utter lack of will power.

The infinitely small percentage of people who have the necessary knowledge at least at the basic level, and they make effort to implement it, they live a very satisfying life i.e. long, disease free & meaningful. Infact such people are celebrities.

What is health? Traditionally health is defined as absence of disease and this working definition is accepted by most citizens and even doctors, whose task is to repair human biological machine when it breaks down.


Cent percent fitness expected in high class athletes Better health in well nourished people Freedom from illness in average individual Unrecognized illness & minor illness in malnourished people. Life style diseases like diabetes, hypertension, joint pains etc.

Major illnesses like cancers, heart disease etc.

World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health; Health is a state of complete physical, mental & social well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.

This definition, however, considers health a state, while health is more a process of continuous adjustment to the changing demands of living.

In this context health is defined as a state of relative equilibrium of body form & function, which results from its successful dynamic adjustment to forces tending to disturb it.

Positive health implies, the perfect functioning of the body or mind in a given environment.

It is the ideal, the goal towards which people should strive.

Health has always remained one of the most neglected aspects of life. On the individual level it is subordinated to the other so called more important needs like wealth, power, prestige, knowledge etc. Health is often taken for granted and one becomes aware of its value only when it is lost.


Those addicted to excessive drinking, smoking, totally sedentary, overeating wrong foods; such people generally live short life, say around 50 - 60 years. Highly addicted will
not go beyond 50 years.

The most common variety which is the bulk of population eat rich diet, drink sometimes, dont smoke, occasional exercise, high ego, overeat always, etc. Such people live long, generally up to 75 & beyond. However such people have the following signs.

By age 50 they suffer either diabetes, or high blood pressure or both. By 60 or 65 they would have undergoes heart treatment & most likely would suffer joint pains. Occasional fevers, flu, cold / cough etc., at least once in a year. Lack of energy to work long hours or to exercise or play games.

Third category, of course minority, are healthy persons. They try to follow all the rules of eating, exercise, sleep etc. However they are limited by the lack of good knowledge in the subject and are unaware of it. They live 80 +. Fourth category are exceptionally knowledgeable & disciplined. Such people live past 100 years.


Do not carry grudges of the past, worry for the future. Live in the PRESENT with full focus on NOW. Do your best.

A small part of what we eat goes to give us energy. The rest goes to increase doctors bill. The best option is to remain slightly hungry at all times.

Train yourself to master the taste instinct. It is nice to eat tasty food with good nutrition. The pity is large number of tasty foods lack nutrition or are actually harmful. Remember the law of karma. The laws of nature are indestructible. It we do something, we cant but escape facing the consequences of our action. Our Karmas will keep chasing us till we have borne the consequences.

The action taken in on & off spirit will not help. It has to be steady & regular and are essential. Remember we are totally in command. Then why not live the life, which the creator has designed for us.

There are large number of small- small tips on day to day living, which one needs to make note & follow. The only thing to remember is that each is unique and though there are general guidelines for healthy living these need to be adapted to individual needs. Emotions of BLAME and SELF-PITY are deadliest poisons. So guard against these with nectar of LOVE & HOPE.



Diet & nutrition Oxygen, Air, Water Inner Cleansing (positivities and negativities) Yoga & Meditation Exercise, games Fun, laughter, joy Ownership for own health Love



Massage your body at least once a week. Brush your body before bath thoroughly. As for as possible use cold water for bath. In any case dont use very warm water. Expose your total body to sun rays for 10 -15 minutes early morning daily. Bath should last at least 10 -15 minutes and take shower on head.

Join some laughter club & indulge in boisterous laughter for 10-15 minutes daily. Maintain erect posture at all times. Drink 1.25 liter water on arising (+ TTK) and total of 5.5 liter in 24 hours. Drink water very very slowly. Take a large proportion of your food in raw form i.e., not cooked on fire. The food should be always undercooked.

Maintain loving & harmonious relations with all people. Avoid air pollution & noise pollution as far as you can. Sleep in airy places. Keep the windows of the rooms open while sleeping. Calm your mind through sleep ritual before going to sleep. Reduce the consumption of white sugar, salt, maida, rice, oils, milk items.

Take plenty of fresh fruits of all types in the season. Reduce the usage of preserved items & deep fried items. Develop some good purpose & meaning in life. Chew food at least 30 times each morsel. Read a lot. Always keep looking for new ideas for implementation.

Eat always in peace & calm. Dont eat when you not hungry. Dont forget to eat when you are hungry. Prefer to live only on two meals a day. In between light portions of fruit snack can be taken. Never overeat.

Save your time from deadly poisons of television & telephone and invest it in yoga, meditation & pranayam.

Avoid sedentary life as far as possible.

Wash your eyes twenty times (with water in your mouth) daily.

Do either shirsharan or sarvangasan and if not then must do inclined plane for 15 minutes for blood flow to the brain. Avoid smoking, drinking, and pan masala etc. Limit your intake of tea / coffee to 2 or 3 cups a day. It is better if you give up totally. No tea/coffee after 18:00 hours.


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