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Carbon, Hydrogen, oxygen and Nitrogen

Tertiary structure Quartenary structure Secondary structure

Essential amino acid amino acid that cannot be synthesised by the body. Can only be obtained from the diet

Non-essential amino acid- amino acid that can be synthesised by the body.

Lipase to break down oily stain Protease to hydrolyse protein stain

F: Warm water has optimum temperature / 37-40 C E1: the activity of enzyme is maximum E2: Stains can be removed easily

S // Duodenum

P1: Bile salt emulsify lipids

P2: Breaking lipid into tiny droplets P3: lipase hydrolyse lipid into fatty acids and glyserol

P1: hydrochloride acid to destroy most bacteria / lower the pH of the Stomach content P2: Pepsin hydrolysis protein into polypeptides P3: Rennin coagulates milk by converting the soluble milk protein(caseinogen) Into insoluble casein

F1: enzyme trypsin and pancreatic amylase are not secrete

E1: the digestion of polypeptides to peptides is not complete E2: The digestion of starch to maltose is not complete

-excess glucose is converted into glycogen and store in organ P -when the glycogen store in organ P is full, excess glucose is converted into lipids -synthesis plasma protein/globulin/albumin/fibrinogen from amino acids

-converts amino acid to glucose in short supply of glucose and glycogen

-excess amino acid are broken down to urea.

Point T is called compensation point. It is the light intensity at which The rate of CO2 produced during respiration
is equal to Carbon dioxide consumption during photosynthesis.

In green house, light intensity is controlled at higher level The rate of photosynthesis exceeds the rate of respiration CO2 produced during respiration is no longer sufficient for the plants. Plant must take in CO2 from atmosphere to supply the need of higher CO2 during photosynthesis. At the same time, plant release excess O2 into atmosphere. In this way, the rate of sugar production will exceed the rate of sugar consumption and the excess sugar is used for growth. Photosynthesis takes place at all time This result in higher yields and productivity.

Partial pressure of CO2 increases as a result of active cellular respiration. CO2 react with water to form carbonic acid. Higher CO2 concentration level in blood result in a drop in the pH value of blood and tissue fluid bathing the brain. Drop in pH is detected by central chemoreceptor (Receptor) located in medula oblongata Central chemoreceptor send nerve impulses to the respiratory centre Respiratory centre (Control centre) sends nerve impulses to effectors (diaphragm & intercoastal muscle) to contract and relax at faster rate. Breathing rate and ventilation rate increase Excess CO2 is eliminated from the body CO2 concentration is back to normal and pH value of blood return to normal.

Regulatory mechanism of CO2 content in the body During vigorous activity,

Reflex arc which involves three types of neurones

Pain receptor in the skin receive stimulus and generates impulses Afferent neuron transmits impulses to the interneurone Interneurone transmits impulses to the efferent neurone Efferent neurone transmits impulses to the effector (biceps and triceps) Biceps contracts to produce response/ move hand away from thumbtack

F1: injured of P cause body to lose part of touch sensor but still able to move the limb P1:because the stimulus is converted into impulse but cannot be transmitted by afferent neurone via P F2: injured of R cause the body to become paralysed but the touch sensor still fine P2: because impulses can be transmitted to CNS but cannot be transmitted to the effector F3: Injured of Q cause part of the body limb cannot move/paralysed P3: because impulses cannot be transmitted to CNS and impulses cannot be transmitted from CNS to effectors

Negative feedback mechanism

It means , when the value of glucose in blood increase The corrective mechanism comes into play to reduce the value of glucose in blood to normal again

Regulation of blood sugar level

Hormones X and Y are produce by islet cells in pancreas Hormone X is secreted by alpha cells and Y is secreted by beta cells If blood sugar level is lower than normal, more hormone X is secreted into blood stream Hormone X is transport by blood to the liver In the liver, hormone X stimulates liver cells to convert glycogen to glucose This cause the level of glucose to rise and return to normal

If the blood sugar level is higher than normal, more hormone Y is secreted into the blood stream Hormone Y is transported by blood to the liver In the liver, hormone Y stimulate the liver cells to convert glucose to glycogen and fats This cause the level of sugar fall and return to normal

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