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Home Tiffin

Muhammad Wasiq Saeed 10i-0261 Section-D

Home Tiffin is a consolidation of food and services. The asic idea is to deliver home st!le food to the

customer"s doorstep.
Mainl! service #ould e from Monda! to $rida! #ith

timin%s from 12-&.

Special offers for #ee'ends ma! e introduced dependin%

upon the response.

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(1citin% ne# usiness #ith unique approach. *ustomers #ould e %iven an option to su scri e for a

10da! pac'a%e #ith different menu each da! #ith different desert.
,nspired from ,ndia"s 2Dhaa a Walas3. *han%in% lifest!le standard increasin% %ro#th rate. Tar%et Mar'et from 26 !ears and a ove #ho #or' in their

offices and strive for a %ood homel! coo'ed food for their lunch.
,nitial investment is not that much so e1pectin% the

rea'even #ithin fe# months.

*urrent ,ndustr!
Wor'in% class %ood in num er. *an ecome a trend setter as idea is unique. .ccordin% to statistics4 5a'istani people spend &26 of

their income on their food !earl!.

7nl! one direct competitor at the moment. $ast foods and other restaurants also offer free home

deliver! and have a stron% mar'et presence.

What ma'es us different8

(ase of orderin%4 convenience4 tast! and health! food4

customi9ation of meal accordin% to their choices4 relief from decidin% #hat to ma'e on dail! asis.
*ustomi9ation option availa le4 qualit! control4 deliver to

schools as #ell4 coo'ed in home4 ever!thin% is fresh and prepared dail! from handpic'ed in%redients.

Technolo%ical 5lan
Mo ile Services :ood ,nternet $acilities 5lacin% orders on #e site. ;ein% a computer scientist4 an interactive and sort of

entertainment mo ile app could also e developed in the later sta%es.

Mar'etin% 5lan
5roduct 5ositionin%-3Hi%h <ualit! health! home coo'ed

5romotion throu%h social media4 radio4 rochures4 fliers and

ca le advertisements.
5roduct #ould e a alanced diet on each da! as a

com ination of local and international cuisine #ith outstandin% presentation.

5ac'a%in%- We #ould serve food in plastic tiffin alon% #ith

5rice- 10 da! pac'a%e #ould e of /s2000. and per da!

pac'a%e should e of = minimum orders.

$inancial 5lan
*ost .nal!sis-> (quipment ?ma1imum /s1204000@ Aone

time includin% refri%erator and food factor!.

/ent and utilit! e1penses-> /s=B4000 monthl!. *hef"s salar! per month->/s2&000?t#o@. .dvertisement cost->/sB04000 initiall! #ould decline

$uel (1penses->/sB00 per da!.

5roduction 5lan
.ll the recipes #ould e %iven a home touch and timel!

deliver! of the coo'ed food #ould e ver! important.

Supplies #ould e ta'en maCorl! on #ee'l! asis4 fe# of

them #ould e ta'en for monthl! asis too.

Supplies #ould e ta'en from trust#orth! sources and

'itchen supervisor #ould ta'e care of all such issues.

7r%ani9ational 5lan
, plan to do the #hole usiness #ith = of m! friends as partners. Ditchen Supervisor. $inance Mana%er. Mar'etin% and *onflict resolver. 2-chef"s. 2 Deliver! men initiall!. So a total team of around E4F people is required.

7perational 5lan
7ur services #ould e open for B-6 da!s in a #ee' for

order deliver! from 12-&.

Dail! operations #ould start in the mornin% for pic'in% of

fresh ve%eta les and meat.?#ee'l! asis #ould e done too@.

7ffice #ould e held in :-F and t#o deliver! person

#ould e involved in ma'in% sure that the product reaches the destination at a proper time.
5roper travel time to efficientl! cover all main sectors of

,slama ad maCorl! the one"s havin% offices.

,f properl! #or'ed and implemented4 usiness seems reall! promisin%. .ccordin% to our forecasts4 #e reall! e1pect to achieve rea'-even for all our initial investment #ithin &-B months ma1imum. The promotion and sales num er should reall! e in an ascendin% flo# for that.

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