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Cut Benefits to Bankers. No Public Services! Reduceti Profitului Bancar. Nu Serviciilor Publice!

George Osborne says that we all must pay more taxes and receive fewer public services. George Osborne spune ca fiecare din noi trebuie sa plateasca mai multe taxe si sa dispuna de mai putine servicii publice. According to chancellor there is no Plan B for the UK economy, but its utterly wrong. Potrivit Cancelariei nu exista Planul B in economia Regatului Unit, aceasta este absolut gresit. We could make one simple sending cut that could make all others unnecessary. Noi am putea face o reducere in masa pentru a putea face celelate nenecesare (inutile).

Here is the Plan B, to cut the benefits to bankers. Aici exista Planul B, sa reducem din profitul functionarilor de la banca. Banks are the most heavily subsidised businesses in the world, specially protected by governments. Bancile sunt unele dintre cele mai subventionate afaceri din lume, in special, protejate de catre guverne.
While the money runs out for the rest of us, the largest private banks still thrive. In timp ce banii se termina pentru restul dintre noi, ei prospera in parte in bancile private.

This is because they get the biggest subsidy of them allthe licence to print money. Acest lucru se datoreaza faptului ca ei primesc cea mai mare parte de subventie- dreptul de a printa banii. Hard to believe? Greu de crezut? Martin Wolf, the chief Economics Editor at the Financial Times said it recently: Martin Wolf, seful economiei, editor la Financial Times a spus recent:

The essence of the contemporary monetary system in the creation of money, out of nothing by private banks often foolish lending. Esenta sistemului monetar contemporan in crearea banilor din nimic de catre bancile private,adesea este ceva necugetat.
You heard that right. Ai auzit bine. Private banks create money out of nothing! Bancile private creaza banii din nimic! Then they loan it to us and ask for interest an top. Apoi ei ni le imprumuta ca mai apoi sa ceara dobinda.

If youve ever wondered why the bank buildings around the world so higher than any place or spire ever did, you know now the answer. Daca v-ati intrebat vreodata de ce cladirile bancare din intreaga lume sunt atit de raspindite in comparatie cu orice loc, acum stiti raspunsul. But the bank dont simply print the money using secret printing prisses in their basements. Dar banca nu imprima folosind tipografiile secrete in subsolurile lor. They dont have to! Ei chiar nu trebuie sa o faca!

Like so many other things in nowadays, printing money has now gone digital. Ca si multe alte lucruri din zilele de azi,printarea banilor acum sunt in forma digitala. Whit a popular use of debit cards, electronic fund transfers and internet banking, only 3% of the money in the UK is now made paper and metal coins. Cu o popularitate mare in folosirea cardurilor de debit, transferuri de fonduri electronice si internet banking, doar 3% din banii Regatului Unit consta din hirtie si metal. The other 97% is entirely in computers. Celelalte 97% sunt in intregime in computere.

Electronic money is convenient for everyone, but is especially convenient for the private banks, since they own run and control the entire digital money system. Banii in forma electronica sunt convinabil pentru toti, mai cu seama pentru bancile private, inca de cind ei au facut si detin controlul a sistemului monetar in forma digitala.
And what do they do with this special privilege? Oare ce fac ei cu aceste privilegiu special? Do they channel new money, the blood supply of the nation, towards the things we need like hospitals, schools,universities and public transport? Oare transfera ei banii noii printati intretinind natiunea cu lucruri de care noi avem nevoie ca: spitale, scoli, universitati si transportul public?

Not if it doesnt make a profit for them. Nu si in cazul daca nu au profit din aceasta.

Instead they use their license to print money to gamble financial markets and pushing house prices out of reach of ordinary people by pumping hundreds of billions of pounds into risky mortgages. In schimb, ei se folosesc de dreptul de a tipari bani pentru a juca pe pietele financiare si de cresterea preturilor locuintelor la indemina oamenilor obisnuiti prin pomparea a sutelor de miliarde de lire sterline in credite ipotecare riscante.

This is exactly how the banks caused the financial crisis, and now the rest of us are being asked to pay for it. Acesta este modul in care bancile au cauzat criza financiara, iar acum fiecare din noi este rugat sa plateasca pentru aceasta. George Osborne is essentially asking us to protect the gambling habits of a gang of overpaid paper pushers by raising taxes and slashing public services, both of which hurt the poor more than rich. George Osborne este rugat ca sa ne protejeze de obiceiurile jocurilor de noroc a grupurilor de contabili bine platiti de cresterea impozitelor si inasprirea serviciilor publice,dintre care sunt afectati mai mult saraci decit bogatii.

If we cant afford to run hospitals and schools, can we really afford to subsidised the financial industry? Daca noi nu ne permitem sa conducem spitale si scoli, ne putem permite sa subventionam industria financiara? Should we have to live with less so the bankers can have more? Trebuie sa traim cu mai putinul ca bancherii sa aiba mai mult?
This is ludicrous ,and its time to put a stop to it. Aceasta este ridicol,si e timpul sa punem punct acestora. The private banks cant be trusted to hold the reins to our entire economy. Bancile private nu pot fi de incredere pentru a tine friniile intregii noastre economii.

Instead of cuting vital public services so that bankers can continue to enjoy the high life ,we need to take away the banks power to create money out of nothing. In loc de reducerea serviciilor publice vitale ca functionarii de la banca sa poata avea un trai decent, noi trebuie sa interzicem bancilor dreptul de a face banii din nimic. This will stop them from causing get another financial meltdown and allow us to afford the crucial services that we as a society need. Aceasta ii va opri de la o alta cadere financiara si ne va permite serviciile esentiale de care avem nevoie ca si societate.

So join us in sending this message straight to Mr.Osborne: This is a Plan B for the UK Economy. Deci, implicati-va si dvs cu expedierea acestui mesaj Domnului Osborne: Acesta este Planul B pentru Economia Regatului Unit. Cut the benefits to bankers out, not the things we care about! Reduceti profitul bancherilor,nu lucrurile de care noua ne pasa!

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