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beating your targets

10 common issues in Target Setting

1 Forecast based on Past Performance 2 Inappropriate Target Allocation 3 Too High or too Low Targets 4 Based on Wrong Performance Measures 5 Entirely Based on Financial Indicators 6 Based on Poor Data 7 Not Periodically Reviewed 8 Forced on Manpower 9 No Consistency 10 Action Plan as Exception than Norm

Session Objectives

How to set Goals? How to achieve set Goals? Achieving Difficult Targets Building Teams

What Could be tough Targets

Unachievable Unrealistic Time Consuming Unplanned Limited Resources

How to achieve tough Targets?

Setting Goals Action Plan Positive Outlook Keep Climbing Give Your Best

Why set goals?

Goals can give you a target to aim for.

We work and feel better when our energy is fully engaged going after a clear target.

Why set goals?

Goals can help you concentrate your time and effort.

Why set goals?

Goals can provide motivation, persistence and desire.

First try many times fails Thomas Edison-failed 1k times Obstacles, struggles are always there

Why set goals?

Goals can help establish priorities

Mission, Vision, Dreams which inspires

Why set goals?

Goals can provide a roadmap to take you from where you are to where you want to be.
Strategy with action plan Break into small steps Yard is hard-inch by inch clinch Moving on course

Why set goals?

5-10% of people bother to think about their goals on a regular basis 1% to 3% have clear written goals. If goal setting is such a powerful tool, why don't more people use it?

Setting Goals

Set Smart Objectives Align Targets with the Values Share your Targets with others Assemble Everything Minimize Potential Challenges Complete at least one action per day Establish a Support System Reward Yourself

How Can you Achieve Goals?

Step 1 Identify your goals and their importance Step 2 Write them down Step 3 Use the power of visualization. Visualize what your goal looks like. Visualize what accomplishing this goal feels like. Step 4 Have an action plan (Intermediate Goals) Step 5 Follow through on action plan Step 6 Monitor progress

Achieving Goals- A grade

Achieve an A in a certain class lets say Algebra Maybe you thought that you could never earn an A in Algebra

Achieving Goals- A grade

Goal: Earn an A all 4 quarters

Action plan:
Do my best to be in class everyday. Spend 30 minutes doing homework each night. Complete ALL assignments to the best of my ability Study for 30 minutes for each quiz, and 2 hour for each test.

Achieving Targets

Identify your Strengths Use your strengths for improving targets Ask for feedback from Manager Keep your Manager informed Work with a Coach Value of work & Job Alignment Tap into other Resources



you can dream it, then you can do it. Walt Disney


Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. Stephen A. Brennan

What is Visualization?

To form a mental image, a technique involving focusing on positive images in order to achieve a particular goal


Visualization works in a combination of ways. First , it activates the law of attraction. Secondly it unlocks the motivation inside that you need to strive for your goals. Lastly, it burns the mental picture, feelings and emotions into your subconscious mind

Visualization- an exercise

First, each one of you write out a goal you have and why the goal is important to you.

Visualization- an exercise

Second, how would you visualize yourself accomplishing this goal?

Visualization- an exercise

How does it feel to accomplish it? How will your parents , your family your friends, your seniors, your colleagues react? Most importantly, how will you feel about yourself?

Visualization- an exercise

Third, write your specific action plan to achieve your goal(s).


Change will happen

One of the secrets to life

You cant control the events in your life, but you can control what they mean to you
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it

When things go wrong When they are out of your control When drastic changes occur You have two options: 1. You can look out the WINDOW and blame this, that, and the other. Or 2. you can look in the MIRROR , take responsibility, and make changes to work through it.


When you get what you want in your struggle for self, And the world makes you king for a day, Then go to the mirror and look at yourself, And see what that guy has to say.


For it isnt your mother, brother, or friends whose judgment you must pass, The person whose verdict counts most in your life is the one staring back in the glass

PERSON IN THE GLASS You can go down the pathway of yours Receiving pats on the back as you pass But your final reward will be heartaches and tears If you cheated that guy in the glass

Keep Climbing

Climb Till your dream Comes True

Often your tasks will be many And more than you think you can do; Often the road will be rugged And the hills insurmountable too.

Climb Till your dream Comes True

But always remember, the hills ahead Are never as steep as they seem And with faith in your heart start upward And climb till you reach your dream

Give it all Today

What you dont give today, you cant make up tomorrow. John Wooden

Give it all Today

If you give only 75% today, you cant give 125% tomorrow to make up for it. Anonymous

Be Persistent like a Bear

Achieving Difficult Targets

Achieving Difficult Targets

Stop Fantasizing Start Committing Start Starting Visualize Process not Outcome Avoid the what the Hell Effect Side Step Procrastination Shifting Focus Reject the Robotic Behaviour Dont Forget the Goal. Know when to Stop

Think of Strategies to achieve Tough Targets

Know your Manpower Know your Customers Be Business Intelligent Regenerate Stopped Accounts Targeting Profitable Business Keep in Touch Find Performing Market

Motivate team

Building High Profile Team

Clear Objective & Vision Listen to them..70:20:10 Talk about Targets How to achieve Targets Follow on their Commitment Let others Speak first Face up non performing players Be confident of them Is there an alternative?

Team Building Game..dahi


1. Form 4-5 teams 2. Time is 15 minutes 3. Give each team a Kit & one Handi.The Height of Handi is at 3 ft 4. They need to reach the Handi through a Pyramid of Blocks in proportion of 5. Prize Money for Handi Breaking.Promotion of team in 6 months 6. No Prize for not reaching up to the Handi 7. You can involve another team in achieving the target, But the Promotion would proportionately delayed by numbers of Blocks borrowed from other team/s. 8. Option 8 is available only after trying upto Number 4


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