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Sistem perkemihan
Sistem yang menghasilkan urin untuk mengeluarkan produk2 sisa dari tubuh Terdiri atas sepasang Ginjal, sepasang Ureter, sebuah Kandung kemih, dan sebuah Urethra

Anatomi dan Fisiologi

1. Ginjal - Pada orang dewasa ginjal panjangnya 12-13 cm, lebarnya 6 cm dan beratnya antara 120-150 gram. Ukurannya tidak berbeda menurut bentuk dan ukuran tubuh - Permukaan anterior dan posterior katup atas dan bawah serta pinggir lateral ginjal berbentuk konveks sedangkan pinggir medialnya berbentuk konkaf karena adanya hilus - Ada beberapa struktur yang masuk atau keluar dari ginjal melalui hilus antara lain arteri dan vena renalis, saraf dan pembuluh getah bening - Struktur fungsional ginjal : Nefron

Anatomi dan Fisiologi

2. Ureter
- Ureter adalah tabung/saluran yang menghubungkan ginjal dengan kandung kemih. Ureter merupakan lanjutan pelvis renis, menuju distal & bermuara pada vesica urinaria. Panjangnya 25 30 cm Persarafan ureter oleh plexus hypogastricus inferior T11- L2 melalui neuron simpatis. Terdiri dari dua bagian : pars abdominalis pars pelvina Tiga tempat penyempitan pada ureter : uretero- pelvic junction tempat penyilangan ureter dengan vassa iliaca sama dengan flexura marginalis muara ureter ke dalam vesica urinaria

Anatomi dan Fisiologi

3. Vesica Urinaria
Disebut juga bladder/ kandung kemih. Vesica urinaria merupakan kantung berongga yang dapat diregangkan dasn volumenya dapat disesuaikan dengan mengubah status kontraktil otot polos di dindingnya. Secara berkala urin dikosongkan dari kandung kemih ke luar tubuh melalui ureter. Organ ini mempunyai fungsi sebagai reservoir urine (200 - 400 cc). Dindingnya mempunyai lapisan otot yang kuat. Vesica urinaria mempunyai bagian: Apex: Dihubungkan ke cranial oleh urachus (sisa kantong allantois ) sampai ke umbilicus membentuk ligamentum vesico umbilicale mediale. Corpus Fundus Vesica urinaria dipersarafi oleh saraf otonom

4. Urethra
Merupakan saluran keluar dari urin yang diekskresikan oleh tubuh melalui ginjal, ureter, vesica urinaria.

Anatomi dan Fisiologi

Unit fungsional ginjal adalah nefron, yang pada manusia setiap ginjal mengandung 1-1,5 juta nefron Setiap nefron mempunyai dua komponen utama: 1) Glomerulus ( kapiler glomerulus ) yang dilalui sejumlah besar cairan yang difiltrasi dari darah. 2) Tubulus yang panjang dimana cairan hasil filtrasi di ubah menjadi urin dalam perjalanannya menuju pelvis ginjal. Kecepatan eksresi berbagal zat dalam urin menunjukkan jumlah ketiga proses ginjal yaitu : Filtrasi glomerulus, reabsorpsi zat dari tubulus renal kedalam darah dan sekresi zat dari darah ke tubulus renal. Pembentukan urin dimulai dengan filtrasi sjumlah besar cairan yang bebas protein dari kapiler glomerulus ke kapsula Bowmen. Fungsi primer ginjal adalah rnempertahankan volume dan komposisi cairan ekstra sel dalam batas-batas normal Fungsi lain dari ginjal yaitu memproduksi renin yang berperan dalam pengaturan tekanan darah.

Key terms for Normal structure and function

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) angiotensin calyx A hormone released from the pituitary gland that causes reabsorption of water in the kidneys, thus concentrating the urine A substance that increases blood pressure; activated in the blood by renin, an enzyme produced by the kidneys A cuplike cavity in the pelvis of the kidney; also calix (plural, calyces) (root cali, calic)

erythropoietin (EPO)
glomerular capsule glomerular filtrate glomerulus kidney

A hormone produced by the kidneys that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow
The cup-shaped structure at the beginning of the nephron that surrounds the glomerulus and receives material filtered out of the blood The fluid and dissolved materials that filter out of the blood and enter the nephron at the Bowman capsule The cluster of capillaries within the glomerular capsule (plural, glomeruli) (root glomerul/o) An organ of excretion (root ren/o, nephr/o); the two kidneys filter the blood and form urine, which contains the waste products of metabolism and other substances as needed to regulate the water and electrolyte balance and the pH of body fluids The voiding of urine; urination


Key terms for Normal structure and function

nephron A microscopic functional unit of the kidney; working with blood vessels, the nephron filters the blood and balances the composition of urine The outer portion of the kidney The inner portion of the kidney; contains portions of the nephrons and tubules that transport urine toward the renal pelvis The expanded upper end of the ureter that receives urine from the kidney (root pyel/o, from the Greek word for pelvis, meaning basin) A triangular structure in the medulla of the kidney composed of the loops and collecting tubules of the nephrons An enzyme produced by the kidneys that activates angiotensin in the blood The return of substances from the glomerular filtrate to the blood through the peritubular capillaries The main nitrogenous (nitrogen-containing) waste product in the urine

renal cortex renal medulla

renal pelvis

renal pyramid renin tubular reabsorption urea


The tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder (root ureter/o)
The tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body (root urethr/o)

urinary bladder
urination urine

The organ that stores and eliminates urine excreted by the kidneys (root cyst/o, vesic/o)
The voiding of urine; micturition The fluid excreted by the kidneys. It consists of water, electrolytes, urea, other metabolic wastes, and pigment. A variety of other substances may appear in urine in cases of disease (root ur/o).

Roots yg berhub.dgn Ginjal

Roots for the Kidney ROOT ren/o nephr/o MEANING kidney kidney EXAMPLE infrarenal nephrosis DEFINITION OF EXAMPLE below the kidney any noninflammatory disease condition of the kidney near the glomerulus plastic repair of the renal pelvis

glomerul/o pyel/o

glomerulus renal pelvis

juxtaglomerul ar pyeloplasty

cali-, calic



dilatation of a renal calyx

Roots yg berhub. dgn St. perkemihan

Roots for the Urinary Tract (Except the Kidney) ROOT ur/o MEANING urine, urinary tract urine ureter urinary bladder EXAMPLE urosepsis DEFINITION OF EXAMPLE generalized infection that originates in the urinary tract discharge of urine narrowing of the ureter incision of the bladder

urin/o ureter/o cyst/o

urination ureterostenosis cystotomy


urinary bladder


within the urinary bladder

endoscopic examination of the urethra

Pathology of the Urinary System

Patologi St. Perkemihan

1. Glomerulonefritis peradangan pada ginjal yang dimulai dari glomerulus, ditandai dengan proteinuria dan hematuria. Dapat berkembang jd Gagal ginjal. Glomerulonefritis akut (GNA) adalah suatu reaksi imunologis pada ginjal terhadap bakteri atau virus tertentu.Yang sering terjadi ialah akibat infeksi kuman streptococcus , ditandai dengan timbulnya hematuria, edema, hipertensi, dan penurunan fungsi ginjal Pengobatan : istirahat, diet, pembatasan cairan dan garam, antibiotik, anti hipertensi, antidiuretik bila perlu Glomerulonefritis kronis adl kerusakan ginjal yang terjadi selama 3 bulan atau lebih, berdasarkan kelainan patologik atau petanda kerusakan ginjal seperti kelainan pada urinalisis, dengan penurunan laju filtrasi glomerulus ataupun tidak. Ditandai dengan penurunan semua faal ginjal secara bertahap, diikuti penimbunan sisa metabolisme protein dan gangguan keseimbangan cairan dan elrektrolit.

2. Sindrom nefrotik suatu sindroma (kumpulan gejala-gejala) yang terjadi akibat berbagai penyakit yang menyerang ginjal dan menyebabkan: - proteinuria (protein di dalam air kemih) - menurunnya kadar albumin dalam darah - penimbunan garam dan air yang berlebihan - meningkatnya kadar lemak dalam darah. bisa terjadi akibat berbagai glomerulopati atau penyakit menahun yang luas 3. Nefritis Peradangan ginjal, ditandai dengan hematuria (darah di dalam air kemih), proteinuria (protein di dalam air kemih) dan kerusakan fungsi ginjal, yang tergantung kepada jenis, lokasi dan beratnya reaksi kekebalan.
Daerah yg terkena Pembuluh darah Glomeruli Penyakit yang timbul Vaskulitis Sindroma Nefritik Akut, Sindroma Nefritik Progresif, Sindroma Nefrotik, Sindroma Nefritik Kronis Nefritis Tubulointerstisialis Akut , Nefritis Tubulointerstisialis Kronis

Jaringan Tubointerstitial

5. Gagal Ginjal (Renal Failure) suatu penyakit dimana fungsi organ ginjal mengalami penurunan hingga akhirnya tidak lagi mampu bekerja sama sekali dalam hal penyaringan pembuangan elektrolit tubuh, menjaga keseimbangan cairan dan zat kimia tubuh seperti sodium dan kalium didalam darah atau produksi urine. Penyebab : Hipertensi, Diabetes, Sumbatan saluran kencing (batu, tumor), Kanker, Kista, Glomerulonefritis, dll Akut : Bengkak mata, kaki, nyeri pinggang hebat (kolik), kencing sakit, demam, kencing sedikit, kencing merah/darah, sering kencing. Kelainan Urin: Protein, Darah/Eritrosit, Sel Darah Putih/Lekosit, Bakteri. Kronik: Lemas, tidak ada tenaga, nafsu makan kurang, mual, muntah, bengkak, kencing berkurang, gatal, sesak napas, pucat/anemi. 6. Pyelonefritis infeksi bakteri pada salah satu atau kedua ginjal.Disebabkan oleh Escherichia coli (paling sering). Gejala biasanya timbul secara tiba-tiba berupa demam, menggigil, nyeri di punggung bagian bawah, mual dan muntah,bisa terjadi pembesaran salah satu atau kedua ginjal

7. Hidronefrosis penggembungan ginjal akibat tekanan balik terhadap ginjal karena aliran air kemih tersumbat (batu, tumor, arteri atau vena yang letknya abnormal) 8. Batu Ginjal dan Ureter massa keras seperti batu yang terbentuk di sepanjang saluran kemih dan bisa menyebabkan nyeri, perdarahan, penyumbatan aliran kemih atau infeksi. Batu ini bisa terbentuk di dalam ginjal (batu ginjal) maupun di dalam kandung kemih (batu kandung kemih). Proses pembentukan batu ini disebut urolitiasis (litiasis renalis, nefrolitiasis). 9. Vesikoureteral Refluks aliran balik urin dari Kandung kemih ke ureter, karena kelemahan sambungan vesikoureteral, dapat menyebabkan pembesaran ureter dan ginjal. 10. Cystitis radang kandung kemih. Sebagian besar peradangan disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri, selain itu penggunaan alat semprot pembersih genital wanita atau penggunaan kateter dalam jangka waktu lama. Cystitis dapat juga terjadi sebagai komplikasi penyakit lain.

11. Urethritis peradanganpada urethra (Spesifik dan Nonspesifik) 12. Striktur Urethra penyempitan lumen uretra karena fibrosis (terbentuk jaringan ikat)pada dindingnya. Penyebab: kelainan bawaan, operasi, trauma, infeksi


bacteriuria cast cystitis

Excessive acidity of body fluids

Presence of bacteria in the urine A solid mold of a renal tubule found in the urine Inflammation of the urinary bladder, usually as a result of infection


Painful or difficult urination

Inflammation of the kidney primarily involving the glomeruli. The acute form usually occurs after an infection elsewhere in the body; the chronic form varies in cause and usually leads to renal failure. Presence of blood in the urine



Collection of urine in the renal pelvis caused by obstruction; causes distention and atrophy of renal tissue. Also called nephrohydrosis or nephrydrosis
Excess amount of potassium in the blood Elimination of small amounts of urine

hyperkalemia oliguria

DISORDERS..Cont proteinuria pyelonephritis Presence of protein, mainly albumin, in the urine Inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidney, usually as a result of infection Presence of pus in the urine Radiating pain in the region of the kidney associated with the passage of a stone Presence in the blood of toxic levels of nitrogencontaining substances, mainly urea, as a result of renal insufficiency

pyuria renal colic / kolik renal


urinary stasis

Inflammation of the urethra, usually as a result of infection

Stoppage or stagnation of the flow of urine

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT catheterization Introduction of a tube into a passage, such as through the urethra into the bladder for withdrawal of urine An instrument for examining the inside of the urinary bladder. Also used for removing foreign objects, for surgery, and for other forms of treatment Separation of substances by passage through a semipermeable membrane. Dialysis is used to rid the body of unwanted substances when the kidneys are impaired or missing. The two forms of dialysis are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Removal of unwanted substances from the blood by passage through a semipermeable membrane Intravenous urography



hemodialysis intravenous pyelography (IVP)

intravenous urography (IVU)

Radiographic visualization of the urinary tract after intravenous administration of a contrast medium that is excreted in the urine; also called excretory urography or intravenous pyelography, although the latter is less accurate because the procedure shows more than just the renal pelvis
Crushing of a stone


DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT (Cont..) peritoneal dialysis Removal of unwanted substances from the body by introduction of a dialyzing fluid into the peritoneal cavity followed by removal of the fluid Pyelography in which the contrast medium is injected into the kidneys from below, by way of the ureters The weight of a substance compared with the weight of an equal volume of water. The specific gravity of normal urine ranges from 1.015 to 1.025. This value may increase or decrease in disease. Laboratory study of the urine. Physical and chemical properties and microscopic appearance are included. A substance that increases the excretion of urine; pertaining to diuresis A urinary tract catheter with a balloon at one end that prevents the catheter from leaving the bladder Instrument for crushing a bladder stone

retrograde pyelography specific gravity (SG)



indwelling Foley catheter



cystectomy ileal conduit Surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder Diversion of urine by connection of the ureters to an isolated segment of the ileum. One end of the segment is sealed, and the other drains through an opening in the abdominal wall Incision of an organ to remove a stone (calculus) Surgical implantation of a donor kidney into a patient

lithotomy renal transplantation

Supplementary terms/istilah tambahan

SYMPTOMPS AND CONDITIONS anuresis anuria Lack of urination Lack of urine formation


Presence of an increased amount of nitrogenous waste, especially urea, in the blood

Presence of an increased amount of nitrogen-containing compounds, especially urea, in the urine Herniation of the bladder into the vagina Excessive loss of body fluids A condition caused by inadequate production of antidiuretic hormone resulting in excessive excretion of dilute urine and extreme thirst Involuntary urination, usually at night; bed-wetting A congenital condition in which the urethra opens on the dorsal surface of the penis as a groove or cleft; anaspadias Presence of glucose in the urine, as in cases of diabetes mellitus


cystocele dehydration diabetes insipidus

enuresis epispadias glycosuria

SYMPTOMS N CONDITIONS (Cont..) horseshoe kidney A congenital union of the lower poles of the kidneys, resulting in a horseshoe-shaped organ Distention of the ureter with urine caused by obstruction Decreased amount of protein in the blood; may result from loss of protein because of kidney damage A congenital condition in which the urethra opens on the undersurface of the penis or into the vagina A decrease in blood volume Inability to retain urine. Incontinence may originate with a neurologic disorder, trauma to the spinal cord, weakness of the pelvic muscles, urinary retention, or impaired bladder function. Term also applies to inability to retain semen or feces.

hydroureter hypoproteinemia


hypovolemia incontinence

neurogenic bladder

Any bladder dysfunction that results from a central nervous system lesion

SYMPTOMS N CONDITIONS (Cont..) nocturia pitting edema Excessive urination at night (noct/o means night Edema in which the skin, when pressed firmly with the finger, will maintain the depression produced A hereditary condition in which the kidneys are enlarged and contain many cysts

polycystic kidney disease

polyuria retention of urine staghorn calculus

Excessive thirst
Elimination of large amounts of urine, as in diabetes mellitus Accumulation of urine in the bladder because of an inability to urinat A kidney stone that fills the renal pelvis and calyces to give a staghorn appearance A cystlike dilation of the ureter near its opening into the bladder. Usually results from a congenital narrowing of the ureteral opening


SYMPTOMS N CONDITIONS (Cont..) urinary frequency urinary urgency A need to urinate often without an increase in average output Sudden need to urinate

water intoxication

Excess intake or retention of water with decrease in sodium concentration. May result from excess drinking, excess ADH, or replacement of a large amount of body fluid with pure water. Causes an imbalance in the cellular environment with edema and other disturbances.
A malignant tumor of the kidney that usually appears in children before the age of 5 years

Wilms tumor


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