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SONNET 18 By William Shakespeare

POEM Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate

MEANING Shall I compare you to a beautiful day in summer? Bolehkan saya bandingkan anda dengan hari yang terindah di musim panas? You look more beautiful and you are also more moderate in behaviour Anda kelihatan lebih cantik dan sederhana kelakuan The strong winds that blow in May can destroy the delicate flower buds Angin kencang yang bertiup di bulan Mei akan memusnahkan bunga yang sedang berkembang Summer season is too short. It only last a few months in one year Musim panas selalunya terlalu pendek, hanya beberapa bulan sahaja dalam setahun. (3 bulan)

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May

And summers lease hath all too short a date



Sometimes too hot the eye of Sometimes the sun shines too bright and strong in heaven shines summer Kadang-kala sinaran matahari terlalu panas di musim panas And often is his gold complexion dimmd Sometimes the sun will be hidden by the clouds and cannot be seen by the people Pada hari mendung, matahari dilindungi oleh awan dan menyebabkan matahari tidak dapat dilihat oleh orang. Beautiful things will not last forever. Kecantikan itu tidak akan kekal lama Beauty can be destroyed accidentally or through the passing of time Kecantikan boleh dirosakkan secara tidak sengaja dan boleh rosak kerana perjalanan masa.

And every fair from fair sometimes declines By chance, or natures changing course, untrimmd

POEM But thy eternal summer shall not fade

MEANING Beauty of the poetss beloved will not vanish/disappear. Kecantikan kekasih penyajak tidak akan hilang

Nor lose possession of The beauty that you possess will last forever. that fair thou owst Kecantikan yang ada pada anda akan kekal selamalamanya. Nor shall Death brag thou wandrest in his shade When in eternal lines to time thou growst Even you die people will not forget you because you can NEVER DIE! Walaupun anda telah meninggal dunia, orang ramai tidak akan lupakan anda kerana anda tidak AKAN MATI! Your beauty will be immortalized in this poem Kecantikan anda akan kekal dalam sajak ini



So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see So long lives this, and this gives life to thee

As long as people are alive they can read this poem Selagi manusia masih hidup dan membaca sajak ini As long as people read this poem, the beauty of this lady shall not be forgotten. It shall live forever in this poem. Selagi manusia membaca sajak ini, kecantikan wanita ini tidak akan dilupakan. Kecantikan wanita ini kekal ditulis dalam sajak ini dan akan dikenang oleh orang ramai sampai bila-bila.

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

If you put all your money into one business Kalau anda boleh melabur semua duit anda dalam satu bidang

And risk it on one And take the risk of losing everything in that business turn of pitch-and-toss Dan mengambil risiko untuk menanggung kerugian dalam bidang itu.
And lose and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss If you can force your heart and never and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone And lose everything and start all over again. Hilang semuanya dan memulakan yang baru. And do not complain Dan tidak merungut If you can discipline yourself Jika anda dapat mendisiplinkan diri sendiri. To keep on doing your best when you are not longer strong. Teruskan buat yang terbaik walaupun anda penat.



And so hold on when there is And carry on working when you have lost nothing in you everything Terus bekerja walaupun anda hilang segala-galanya Except the Will which says to Except your own determination them : Hold on! Kecuali kesungguhan anda sendiri!

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue

If you can mix with all kinds of people and still maintain your value Kalau anda boleh bercampur-gaul dengan semua lapisan manusia dan masih mengekalkan prinsip hidup anda.

Or walk with Kings nor Or mix with the rich and still be humble lose the common touch Atau bercampur dengan orang-orang kaya tetapi masih rendah diri. If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you If all men count with you, but none too much If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds worth of distance run If you can live with friends and enemies Jika anda boleh menyesuaikan diri dengan kawan dan musuh. If you can treat everyone equally Jika anda boleh melayan semuar orang secara adil. If you value your time Jika anda menghargai masa Do not waste your time because every minute count Jangan bazir masa, kerana setiap minit penting.

Yours is the Earth and everything thats in it

And which is more youll be a Man, my son!

Everything you want in life you will get them Semua yang anda inginkan dalam kehidupan, pasti akan dapat!
And the most important thing is youll be a mature human being. Yang paling penting ialah anda menjadi seorang manusia yang matang, anakku!

1. What has happened to the mattress? The mattress also wet. 1. What did the wet air look like? It looks like fat white slugs, silverfish and centipedes. 1. What do the first two lines of the poem tell us about the air? The air is damp. 1. What do the words Again, we are taken over by clouds and rolling darkness. tell us? The rain is going to fall again. 1. What do you think the word grandfathers means? ancestors/ fore grandfathers. 1. How do you know the people in the poem has good command in English language? She reads a book by a tennyson.

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