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Ujian Formative 1 Quantitative

1. If you do not have a clear understanding of a theory then you will have difficulties in answering the problem you formulate since you can not formulate _____ you need empirical evidences to prove it.

2. After finding the gap between expectation and reality, you need to find _____ explanation why the reality happens the way it does.

3. The Effect of Information Gap Techniques on Speaking Ability. This title is not accepted as the thesis of S2 Program here because the title

4. In your attempt to plan a research, the first thing to do is -------to find ----------

5. The Effect of Curiosity on Reading Comprehension In writing down the background of this title you have to write (1) The ------ about---------(2) The ------- about-----(3) The ------- of why ---- is -----

Remedy (1) Formative 1

Tgl. 14 08 - 2010

1. In the background of the study, you have to write three main aspects, what are they..? (a) Reality (b) Expectation (c) ----------------

2. According to Mariaty (2005), most of the English Department students of FKIP Nommensen Siantar obtained very low score in understanding implicit meaning while in literal comprehension, they are quite good. In your proposal, where should you write this down?

3. According

to Mariaty (2005), most of the English Department students of FKIP Nommensen Siantar obtained very low score in understanding implicit meaning while in lieral comprehension, they are quite good.

Silberstain (2000) stated that a writer does not write every information in detail, those assumed to be already known by the writer are not necessarily written. This knowledge technically known as background knowledge or schemata should be activated by the readers in order to be able to comprehend the text maximally. The problem may appear to the readers in understanding a text when a writer assumes the knowledge the readers have wrongly.
In the writing of your proposal, what function would you assign to the second quotation? 4. Write down possible title and problem of a research based on the two quotations

Title: The Effect of Schemata Activation on the Students RC Write the research problem(s):.______

5. In formulating a quantitative research problem, you need to formulate it in the form of (a) and the problem should contain a word which must be present in the problem. What is the word?

Remedy (1) Formative 1

1. The writing ability of SMA students of the state schools in Medan is not yet satisfying. Almost 85% of the total number of the students failed to write a coherent paragraph (Okta, 2003). In the writing of background of the study, the quotation serves as (1a)Realityand (1b) it was found from Research/journals

The writing ability of SMA students of the state schools in Medan is not yet satisfying. Almost 85% of the total number of the students failed to write a coherent paragraph (Okta, 2003). Having written down the quotation in your back ground, (2) what is the next (very next) to it that should be done? The very next thing to do is to read(expectation), curriculum.

The writing ability of SMA students of the state schools in Medan is not yet satisfying. Almost 85% of the total number of the students failed to write a coherent paragraph (Okta, 2003). This quotation has been written down and the expectation has also been written down, then the third thing to do is, to explain why the (3a) writing/reality happens (3b) theoretically.

Title: The Effect of Cognitive Monitoring Exercises and Curiosity on Reading Comprehension. Are there significant effect of CM and Cr on RC Do CM and Cr significantly affect RC Problem: What are the significant effects of Cognitive Monitoring and Curiosity on Reading Comprehension? (4a) Is the problem correctly formulated? No (4b) if it is not improve it.

5. In doing a quantitative research, the answers to your research problems have been known even before you do the research. (5a). Is the statement correct? YesIf it is yes, how do you formulate the answer in your research proposal? I formulate it in the form of hypothesis (5b) If your answer is no, explain why! There is no answer before doing the research because ____________

Remedy 2 for Formatif 1

1. Having found the reality, you need to read related theories to find expectation, then read further theories from which you can understand why the reality you find happens, and all these will enable you to _____ ______.

2. The Effect of Meta Cognition and Communicative Language Teaching on Reading Comprehension. In order to be able to write the hypotheses that you will empirically prove through your research, you need to read __________.

3. In starting to write a thesis, you should begin by writing the research title first. -------------------------------------------------------Is the statement correct? Explain why If your answer is No, then what should you do first and for what you do it?

4. The KTSP for English Curriculum said that the English teachers have their own autonomy to partly create the teaching materials to meet the students local needs (Kepmendiknas, 2005). -------------------------------------------------------Most of the SMA graduates of Kota Parapat, around 87%, cannot use English orally and appropriately to serve communication need of the tourists coming to the city (Dinas Pariwisata, 2008). --------------------------------------------------------------Now what are you going to do after you have found the two quotations? And for what?

5. The Effect of Meta Cognition and Communicative Language Teaching on Reading Comprehension. In the background of this research, we read the sentences: English is an international language and as an international language it is very important to master. English has four skills, namely Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. 2. Can it be deleted from the background of the title? and why?

The Effect of Communicative Languauage Teaching and Curiousity Levels on Reading Comprehension ---------------------------------------------------------Notes: ni = 5; CLT= Role Play, Simulations, Visual Games, Gap Dialogues; CL = High, Mid and Low levels. ----------------------------------------------------------1. Write down the research problem(s)? 2. Write down the Hypotheses of the study 3. Draw concluions realted to the hypotheses after you have done statistical analysis on the data.

Ujian Formative 3
22 Nop. 2010

Data (Scores) obtained after the Post test administration 1. 70 11. 90 21. 80 31. 70 41. 90 51. 60 2. 70 1 2. 80 22. 90 32. 85 42. 90 52. 70 3. 80 13. 70 23. 50 33. 90 43. 80 53. 40 4. 70 14. 90 24. 60 34. 70 44. 70 54. 60 5. 60 15. 80 25. 60 35. 50 45. 60 55. 80 6. 70 16. 85 26. 60 36. 90 46. 60 56. 80 7. 80 17. 75 27. 50 37. 60 47. 70 57. 90 8. 80 18. 80 28. 50 38. 80 48. 60 58. 80 9. 90 19. 70 29. 40 39. 60 49. 50 59. 50 10. 85 20. 85 30. 70 40. 80 50. 80 60. 60

KUmpulkan F4 Pkl. 18.00 Jam saya: 15.17 Terlambat 1 menit menurut jam saya, kertas ujian tidak diterima.

1. 2. 3. 4. 3 Rumusan Masalah 1= 15 2= 10 3 pasang Hypotheses (Ha, H0) Fob A, Fob B, and Fob AB 2=5 Check:
(1) Fob A: Ha > accepted? Mul (2) Fob B: Ha > accepted? Mul C? (3) Fob AB: Ha > accepted? Mul C

4= 10
5 = 40

5. Check: Fob Correct?.

Fob A: Fob B: Fob AB:

6. Check: Ftable, correct? Ftbl A Ftbl B Ftbl AB

6 = 20

Special Remedy for F3, 06/12/010

1. The Effect of Schema Training, Inqury Exercises, Visual Gamesand Brain Storming on Writing Ability. (a) Write down the research problems (b) Write down the hypotheses ----------------------------------------------------ni= 20, Dy= 5800, Ay= 671; p= 0.05 (c) What is your conclusion? (stat and Narr)

Special Remedy for F3, 06/12/010

2. The Effect of Story Telling Techniques and Personal Traits on Listening Comprehensions. (a) Write down the research problems (b) Write down the hypotheses -------------------------------------------------------ST= TwV, TwP, TwD,TwG ; PT= Ev, Iv, Ml, ni=10 Ey=85, By=734 --------------------------------------------------------(c) What is your conclusion? (stat & Narr)

Special Remedy for F3, 06/12/010

3. The Effect of Genre Trainings and Creativity Type on Writing Achievement (a) Write down the research problems (b) Write down the hypotheses -------------------------------------------------------GT= DsT, ArT, ExT, ; CR= Vcr, MCr, ACr, Ccr, Bcr, ni= 9 , Ey= 75, A= 191, p= 0.05 -------------------------------------------------------(c) What is your conclusion? (both Stat & Narr)

Special Remedy for F3, 06/12/010

4. The Effect of Audio Visual Games and Students Interest on Vocabulary Achievement. (a) Write down the research problems (b) Write down the hypotheses ------------------------------------------------------AVG= CRt, RMv, DMv; FMv; SI = HI, MI, LI, ni=10,B = 234; Ey= 70, p= 0.05 ----------------------------------------------------------(C) What is your conclusion? (Stat & Narr)

Special Remedy for F3, 06/12/010

5. The Effect of Meta Cognitive Techniques and Curiosity Level on Reading Comprehension. -----------------------------------------------------(a) Write down the research problems (b) Write down the hypotheses -----------------------------------------------------MC = MAc, MAw, MBl; CL = HL, ML, LL ni = 10; AB = 158; Ey= 61, p = 0.05 ---------------------------------------------------------(c) What is your conclusion? (Stat & Narr)

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