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Andr Luiz Oliveira Ramos

Fsico Mestre em dosimetria do Laser em tecidos biolgicos Universidade de So Paulo (USP) Docente Fototerapia ps-graduao IBECO e Famesp Docente Eletrotermoterapia ps-graduao Universidade AnhembiMorumbi, Universidade Gama Filho, e Interfisio Docente graduao Unimonte, cursos de Biomedicina, Tecnologia em Esttica e Cosmetologia, Engenharias e Arquitetura

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
(Amplificao da Luz pela Emisso

Estimulada da Radiao ptica)

LASER nas Vrias reas da Sade

Odontologia Fisioterapia Bioqumica- Laboratrios Educao Fsica- Atletismo Enfermagem Bio-medicina (rea Clnica e Pesquisa) Medicina Especialidades Esttica

E = m.c2

1917 emisso estimulada de radiao

Absoro de Luz

Classificao dos Lasers

Laser Alta Potncia (LAP) ou L. Cirrgico
> 1 Watt

Laser Baixa Intensidade (LBI) ou L.Teraputico

< 1 Watt, T < 0,5C

LAP em Hemangioma

LAP em Manchas

LAP em Tatuagem


LAP em Tatuagem

Tipos de LASER Teraputicos


Importncia do Tipo de LASER

Endre Mester, 1966, mdico hngaro,

publicao do primeiro artigo sobre o efeito

bioestimulador do Laser em peles de rato. estudos in vitro LASER em culturas de fibroblastos Anos 70: Mester e equipe, estudos clnicos com pacientes portadores de feridas crnicas utilizando o laser de He-Ne.

Efeitos do LBI
Efeitos Primrios ou Diretos - Nvel Molecular
Efeito bioqumico, bioeltrico, bioenergtico

Efeitos Secundrios ou Indiretos - Nvel Celular

Estmulos a microcirculao, estmulo do tropismo cel.

Efeitos Teraputicos - Nvel Sistmico (Imunidade cel)

Efeitos analgsicos, antinflamatrios e anti-edematoso

Laser de Baixa Intensidade - LBI

Efeito Fotofsicoqumico :


Bioestimulao Bioinibio

Lei de Arndt Schultz, 1981

Tipo de Ao

Pr-liminar sem ativao biolgica (em repouso)


Bioestimulao: Bioinibio: inibio ativao dos dos processos processos biolgicos biolgicos


lceras varicosas (MALM e LUNDEBERG, 1991) Queimaduras (CAMBIER, 1996) Proliferao de cls. sseas (LUGER, 1998) e reparao de fraturas (BARBER, 2001) Reparao de ligamentos e tendes (ENWEMEKA, 2000) Feridas em Diabticos (KAJITA, 2002) Deiscncia de Safenectomia (SHOGI, 2003) Preveno de deiscncia incisional em cirurgia (BAPTISTA, 2003)

Efeitos na Reparao dos Tecidos

(+) neo-angiognese ( motricidade)

estimulao do sist. linftico, reduo de edema (Lievens, 1985)

Ao do LBI na Memb. Celular


LBI muda a conformao da bicamada lipdica e estimula a atividade energtica da membrana celular transporte cel. ( Fagocitose) Drenagem Linftica edema Tiss. ATP Influencia terminais nervosos e centros de energia Modificar a regulao do pH celular Homeostase Cel. Atua sobre a Bomba de Na-K e Canais de Ca alterando o potencial de membrana Analgsico ( endorf., seroton.)

Endgenos : Naturais
Citocromo-C Oxidase NADH, FAD

INDIRETO - Citoquinas, Linfoquinas


Citrato (6 carbonos) Acetil CoA


1 3
Oxaloacetato (4 carbonos) NADH Isocitrato


Ciclo de Krebs

CO2 + NADH -Cetoglutarato (5 carbonos)


H2O Fumarato

FADH2 Succinato

Succinil CoA


LASER Mitocndrias
Espao Intermembranas


1/2O2 + 2H+ H20

ATP sintase

ADP + Pi H+



Ramos (2011)

Efeito Bioqumico
LASER (ftons) Luz absorvida por molculas na matriz mitocondrial
Regulao alostrica bioinibio

sntese de ATP (normalizao pH citoplasma) (Karu, 1999) clula estimulada (bioestimulao)

Possvel formao de radical livre [H2O2]

Efeitos Bioqumicos
Acelerao das mitoses (Passarella,1984) Ao anti-inflamatria (Mester, 1983) Analgesia liberao de - endorfina e serotonina (Benedicenti, 1984) transmisso do estmulo nervoso local (Olson, 1981)

(+) sntese de protenas

- Tina Karu - 1988 descreveu Estado Redox mitocondrial

Sabe-se hoje que a cicatrizao se deve a mudanas a Nvel Celular (KARU,1992).

Pinto, N.C; Pereira, M.H.C; Stolf, N.A.G; Chavantes, M.C.

Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc 2009; 24 (1):88-91.

Antes da 1 aplicao do LBP (15 PO)

2 dias aps a 1 aplicao do LBP

Aps ltima aplicao do LBP (8 sesso)

Ferida cicatrizada

8 Aplicaes Leses Profundas

Paciente SM, 75 anos, deiscncia no 7 PO.

1 aplic. LBI

Ferida cicatrizada

Ps-cirrgico: Reparo tecidual (cicatrizes)

Bordas cicatriciais Possveis necroses/sofrimento

Sem laser Com laser Um ano depois

Cuidados e Segurana
No usar em Neoplasia No usar diretamente sobre Infeco No usar em Grvidas Usar sempre proteo ocular ou cobrir os olhos do paciente

Effect of 405-nm high-intensity narrowspectrum light on fibroblast-populated collagen lattices: an in vitro model of wound healing
Richard McDonald,a Scott J. MacGregor,b John G. Anderson,b Michelle Maclean,b and M. Helen Granta

Abstract. High-intensity narrow-spectrum (HINS) 405-nm light is a novel technology developed to address the significant problem of health-care associated infection. Its potential for wound-decontamination applications is assessed on mammalian cells and bacteria. The fibroblastpopulated collagen lattice (FPCL) is used as an in vitro model of wound healing, and the effect of HINS light on contraction is examined. Effects on cell proliferation, morphological changes, and -smooth muscle actin (-SMA) expression are investigated. Bactericidal effects are assessed using the bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis. Low doses of HINS light were found to have no significant inhibitory effects on FPCL contraction, cell proliferation, or -SMA expression. Doses of up to 18 Jcm2 had no significant inhibitory effects on FPCL cell numbers, and this dose was shown to cause almost complete inactivation of bacteria. These results show that HINS light has potential for disinfection applications without adversely influencing wound healing. 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

(SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.3561903]

Tomohiro Fushimi, MD1,2; Shigeki Inui, MD, PhD1; Takeshi Nakajima, MD, PhD1; Masahiro Ogasawara, MD3; Ko Hosokawa, MD, PhD2; Satoshi Itami, MD, PhD1
Abstract. Because light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are low-coherent, quasimonochromatic, and nonthermal, they are an alternative for low level laser therapy, and have photobiostimulative effects on tissue repair. However, the molecular mechanism(s) are unclear, and potential effects of blue and/or green LEDs on wound healing are still unknown. Here, we investigated the effects of red (638 nm), blue (456 nm), and green (518 nm) LEDs on wound healing. In an in vivo study, wound sizes in the skin of ob/ob mice were significantly decreased on day 7 following exposure to green LEDs, and complete reepithelialization was accelerated by red and green LEDs compared with the control mice. To better understand the molecular mechanism(s) involved, we investigated the effects of LEDs on human fibroblasts in vitro by measuring mRNA and protein levels of cytokines secreted by fibroblasts during the process of wound healing and on the migration of HaCat keratinocytes. The results suggest that some cytokines are significantly increased by exposure to LEDs, especially leptin, IL-8, and VEGF, but only by green LEDs. The migration of HaCat keratinocytes was significantly promoted by red or green LEDs. In conclusion, we demonstrate that green LEDs promote wound healing by inducing

Green light emitting diodes accelerate wound healing: Characterization of the effect and its molecular basis in vitro and in vivo

migratory and proliferative mediators, which suggests that not only red LEDs but also green LEDs can be a new powerful therapeutic strategy for wound healing.

1 dia

7 dia

Desta forma, entende-se que a radiao da Laserterapia um facilitador eficaz buscando e induzindo a Homeostase celular.

Ms. Andr Luiz Oliveira Ramos


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