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Streamline forwarders
It is a clearing house agent. Established in 1 !!. "artnershi# concern. Ser$ice oriented organi%ation. &ollects ser$ice ta' (ro) its clients. *ranches+ &hennai, Delhi, Mu)bai, tuticorin.

Warehousing Local and container trans#ortation Selection o( )ode o( trans#ort "ac-ing, )ar-ing and labeling &o)#leting custo)s and #ort (or)alities &argo insurance "rocuring docu)ents

Clearing agent
An. #erson /ho is engaged in #ro$iding an. ser$ices,

either directl. or indirectl., concerned /ith the clearing and (or/arding o#erations in an. )anner to an. other #erson and includes a consign)ent agent.

Role o( clearing house (or e'#ort

Processing of an export order

An o((er to sell )ade b. the e'#orter and its acce#tance b. (oreign It s#eci(ies0 descri#tion o( ite)s 1uantit. and 1ualit. o( the ite) unit ter)s Deli$er. #rices insurance re1uire)ents labeling, #ac-aging and #ac-ing "a.)ent ter)s

Processing of export order

E'#orter locates the trade en1uir. The e'#orter sends his #ro(ile to -no/ the interest o( the E'#orter sends the 1uotation o( certain #roducts /hich the intends to bu.. * s#eci(ies his re1uire)ents regarding sha#e and si%e and other ter)s. E'#orter sends the "er(or)a in$oice. * con(ir)s it.

Shipment of export goods

The #rocess o( shi#)ent o( goods in$ol$es essentiall. the clearance b. central excise clearance and customs clearance of shipments.

Central excise clearance

The #rocedure (or clearance o( e'cisable goods (or e'#orts can be classi(ied into0 12 e'cise clearance in case o( e'e)#ted units 32 e'cise clearance in case o( units other than e'e)#ted units.

Excise clearance procedure

The e'e)#ted units should #re#are a docu)ent (or

clearance o( goods in the (or) o( in$oice. Should ha$e IE& code nu)ber. Should state that goods ha$e been cleared (or e'#ort. 4a$e to (ile the 1uarterl. state)ent o( all the clearances /ith the central e'cise de#art)ent in #rescribed (or).

The basic (or) (or central e'cise clearance is AR+

56land7air7sea7#ost2. AR+5 (or)0 di((erent colors original+ /hite du#licate+ bu(( tri#licate+ #in1uadru#licate+ green 1uintu#licate+ blue si'tu#licate+ .ello/

Disposal of AR forms
Tri#licate0 sent to rebate sanctioning authorit.. 8uadru#licate0 &hie( accounts o((icer in the collectorate

head1uarters. 8uintu#licate0 retained b. the central e'cise o((icer. Si'tu#licate0 gi$en to the e'#orter.

Processing of AR4 form

Original, du#licate and si'tu#licate+ gi$en to the custo)s

o((icer at the ti)e o( e'#ort. Original and si'tu#licate+ gi$en to the e'#orter. Du#licate+ sent to rebate sanctioning authorit. declared on the AR5 (or).

Documents for filing rebate

A##lication in the #rescribed (or) Original co#. o( AR5 Du#licate co#. o( AR5 recei$ed (ro) custo)s o((icer Dul. attested co#. o( bill o( lading Dul. attested co#. o( shi##ing bill

Documents in case of shipment by sea

Shi##ing bill &o))ercial in$oice "ac-ing list &erti(icate o( origin &o#. o( e'#ort order AR5 dul. a##ro$ed b. central e'cise o((icer Declaration (ro) e'#ort o( goods under clai) o( dut.


Additional documents
E'#ort license "re shi#)ent certi(icate Marine insurance #olic. in tri#licate Freight declaration Declaration o( 1ualit., 1uantit. and /eight "ort trust co#. o( shi##ing bill or doc- challan

Export by air
"h.sical e'a)ination o( the e'#ort cargo &4A gi$es ANNE9E & to the e'a)ining o((icer &4A arranges to unload the cargo The su#erintend o( the custo)s /ill then issue LET

E9"ORT order i( the records and docu)ents are in order. &4A /ill no/ get the shi##ing bill dul. signed b. the a##ro$ed authorities.

Export by air
A(ter LET E9"ORT ORDER the goods are ta-en to the

storage b. INTERNATIONAL AIR"ORT A:T4ORIT; OF INDIA 6IAAI2 The airline #re#ares the E9"ORT <ENERAL MANIFEST 6E<M2 Loading is done under the su#er$ision o( the custo)s o((icer. A(ter the cargo is loaded the airline (iles the E<M /ith the custo)s in a da. or t/o.

Than- .ou

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