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Eukaryotic Parasites: Fungi, Algae, Protozoa, and Helminths

Chapter 12


Fungal Cell Structure

Fungal Structure
Capsular Polysaccharide
Produced by some fungi (Cryptococcus)
Primarily causes meningitis in immune-compromised people

Protects yeast cell from protozoan predators Increases virulence because protects against phagocytosis by host cells

!east "yphae (molds)


T o basic morphologies

#oth can be present in gro ing cultures-dimorphism $epends on environmental conditions of gro th (generally% temp or C&' concentrations)

The fungal thallus consists of hyphae( a mass of hyphae is a mycelium)

Figure 12.2



#ranching% threadli*e tubular filaments +longate at their tips by apical e,tension Coenocytic- multinucleate .eptate- divided by partitions (septa)

/ycelium- mass of hyphae (0 mold) 1egetative- gro into medium to absorb nutrients

!ypes o" Hyphae

Unicellular fungi Reproduce asexually: Fission yeasts divide symmetrically Budding yeasts divide asymmetrically

Figure 12.3

Candida al$icans
Can be yeastli*e or filamentous Can assume a pseudohyphal morphology% an e,aggerated form of budding
$aughter cells remain attached

Fungal %iseases & ycoses'

Systemic mycoses: Deep within body Subcutaneous mycoses: Beneath the skin Cutaneous mycoses: Affect hair, skin, and nails Superficial mycoses: ocali!ed, e"g", hair shafts Opportunistic mycoses: #aused by normal microbiota or environmental fungi

Fungal Pathogenicity
2eratin metabolism
+,hibited by fungi that colonize cutaneous layers (hair% s*in% nails)

&thers can overcome host defense mechanisms3specifics mostly un*no n Can gro at higher temperatures of the host (456C)

(a$oratory %iagnosis
Isolation of fungi from diseased tissue /icroscopic e,amination 7ro th on various media
.abouraud8s de,trose agar
.upplemented ith chloramphenicol

#iochemical% molecular% and physiologic tests

$hich of the following terms best describes the cell in the above figure% A& 'eritrichous flagella B& Amphitrichous flagella #& ophotrichous flagella D& (onotrichous flagella )& Axial filament

An organism of the genus Staphylococcus will be ***** while an organism of the genus Spirochaeta will be *****" A" spherical + rod,shaped B" rod,shaped + coiled #" spherical + coiled D" coiled + spherical )" none of the above


Includes mostly photosynthetic% plant-li*e organisms (but a fe chemoautotrophs lumped in ith this group) 9nicellular and multicellular a:uatic organisms( often called ;plan*ton8

Pathogenic Algae
.ingle-celled microscopic algae ith intricate cell alls containing silica /a<or component of marine and fresh ater plan*ton
Pseudo-nitzschia australis3produce to,in (domoic acid) hen they are eaten( accumulates in shellfish and can cause =mnesic .hellfish Poisoning

Pathogenic %ino"lagellates
.ingle-celled ith flagella( some photosynthetic% some feed on other plan*ton =ppro,) 5>? of *no n to,ic algal species are dinoflagellates( associated ith potent neuroto,ins (e)g)% sa,ito,in that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning) .ource of red tides( many a:uatic fish and mammalian deaths associated ith them



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