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Technology in Architecture

Lecture 9
Vertical Transportation Elevators Design Considerations Elevator Selection Parameters Example Problem

Vertical Transportation


Passenger Freight Special service




gearless medium-high speed passenger geared lo speed passenger plunger hole-less roped


Performance Criteria
"deal Per#ormance$

minimum aiting time com#ortable acceleration rapid transportation smooth%rapid slo ing accurate leveling rapid loading%unloading &uic'%&uiet door operation good visual travel direction%#loor indicators easil! operated controls com#ortable lighting reliable emergenc! e&uipment smooth%sa#e operation o# mechanical e&uipment

Codes and Standards

()S"%(S*E Code (+,-+ )FP( +.+ Li#e Sa#et! Code )FP( ,. Electrical ()S" (++,-+ /arrier Free

Elevator Design Considerations

Passenger Elevator Components

Traction Elevator

car cables elevator machine controls counter eight hoist a! rails penthouse pit

S$ p- +0912 F-0+-+

Traction Elevator Components

*achine room

34-56 minimum clear

/ottom o# /eam 789:

+,4-56 ; <.4544


number o# #loors

Pit 7P:

+.4-+6 ; ++-16
S$ p- +=092 F-0+-<9

Passenger Elevator Components


car plunger%piston%>ac' elevator machine controls hoist a! rails penthouse%head a! pit

S$ p- +=..2 F-0+-1

Hydraulic Elevator Components

*achine room

,4-96 minimum clear

/ottom o# /eam 789:

+<4-.6 ; +<4044

Pit 7P:%Plunger

=4-.6 Travel ?<4-56

S$ p- +=.<2 F-0+-5

Design Considerations
Door openings

@04-56 #or simultaneous loading%unloading A04-56 #or singular loading

S$ p- +=.12 F-0+-++

Design Considerations

single slide 7<=-056: center opening 7=<-5.6: t o-speed2 side opening 7=<6: t o-speed2 center opening 75.6:

S$ p- +=.52 F-0+-+<

Elevator Selection Parameters

"nterval 7": or lobb! dispatch time

average time bet een departure o# cars #rom lobb!

Baiting time

average time spent b! a passenger bet een arriving in the lobb! and leaving the lobb! in a car e&uals 7.-5 x ":
S$ p- +=<+2 T-0+-=

Car passenger capacit! 7p:

passengers per car

S$ p- +=<<2 T-0+-1

9andling Capacit! 79C:

maximum number o# passengers handled in a 1 minute period hen expressed as a percentage o# the building population it is called percent handling capacity 7P9C: 9CC 0..7p: "

S$ p- +=<<2 T-0+-5

(verage trip time 7(VTDP:

average time #rom passengers #rom arriving in lobb! to leaving car at upper #loor

)ote$ car siEe #loor to #loor height

S$ p- +=<=2 F-0+-<.

Dound-trip time 7DT:

average time re&uired #or a car to ma'e a round trip

S$ p- +=<12 F-0+-<+

/uilding population

t!pical area per person based on net area and building t!pe

S$ p- +=<02 T-0+-,

8##ice building e##icienc!

net usable area as a percentage o# gross area

S$ p- +=<02 T-0+-3

Elevator e&uipment recommendations

building t!pe car capacit! rise speed

S$ p- +=0<2 T-0+-9

Sizing E uations
9andling capacit! 79C:$ "nterval 7":$ 1-min- handling capacit! 7h:$ )umber o# cars 7):$ 9CC0..p%" "CDT%) hC0..p%DT )C9C%h

Elevator Design Example

Example Pro!lem
Design an elevator s!stem #or a +. stor!2 single purpose tenant2 o##ice building that provides an Fgood6 level o# serviceConstruction level is Fnormal6 Floor height$ +<4-.6 #loor to #loor Floor area$ +12... net s&uare #eet 7ns#: each

"# Determine Percent Handling Capacity $PHC%

8##ice building "nvestment

range ++-1-+0 G sa! +<G P9CC.-+<

S$ p- +=<<2 T-0+-5

&# Determine 'nterval $'%

8##ice building FHood6 service

"C<1-<9 sec
S$ p- +=<+2 T-0+-=

(# Determine )uilding Population

8##ice building Single tenant )ormal construction range 9.-++. s#%person sa! +.. s#%person PopC 9 #loorsI+12... ns# +..s#%person PopC+01. people

S$ p- +=<02 T-0+-,

*# Determine Handling Capacity $HC%

P9CC.-+< 9CC.-+< x +01. people 9CC +5< people

+# Determine ,ise - Select Car

9 #loors 7above lobb!: +<4-.6 #loor-#loor DiseC9 x +<4-.4 DiseC+.34 Select Car$ <1..J car I=.. #pm
S$ p- +=0<2 T-0+-9

.# Determine Average Trip Time $AVT,P%

+<4-.6 #loor-#loor <1..J car =.. #pm 9 #loors (VTDPC 5= sec
S$ p- +=<12 F-0+-<+

/# Determine ,ound Trip Time $,T%

+<4-.6 #loor-#loor <1..J car 9 #loors =.. #pm

DTC ++< sec

S$ p- +=<32 F-0+-<0

0# Verify Single Car Capacity $p%

<1..J car pC +0 people

S$ p- +=<<2 T-0+-1

1# Determine +2minute Handling Capacity $h%

hC0..p%DT hC 0.. x +0%++< hC 0=-3 people

"3# Determine num!er of cars $4%

)C9C%h )C +5<%0=-3 )C =-, cars sa! 1 cars

""# Confirm 'nterval $'%

"CDT%) "C ++<%1 "C <<-= sec De&uired " <1-<9 sec Design exceeds per#ormance re&uirements

"&# ,epeat 5ntil Performance Complies

Tr! = cars 7<1.. lbs-2 =.. #pm:

""# $,e%Confirm 'nterval $'%

"CDT%) "C ++<%= "C <3 sec De&uired " <1-<9 sec Design meets per#ormance re&uirements

"&# ,epeat 5ntil Performance Complies

Per#ormance is in compliance Kse = cars 7<1.. lbs-2 =.. #pm:

Elevator 6o!!y ,e uirements

6o!!y Parameters

Proximit! to other cars

single Eone multiEone

Proximit! to emergenc! exits%egress stairs (d>acent to main lobb!

S$ p- +=032 F-0+-<,

6o!!y Sizing
SiEe based on pea' interval

+1 or <. minute pea' time 1 s#%person

From previous example using +1 minute pea' hC0=-3 people%1-min- +.=-= people%+1 min(reaC +.=-= people x 1 s#%person C 1<< s#

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