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Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception

Dr. Jiajun Wang School of Electronics &Information Engineering

Soochow University

Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Outline

Structure of the human eye

Image formation in the human eye Brightness adaptation and discrimination

Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Structure of the human eye

The cornea and sclera outer cover

The choroid
Ciliary body Iris diaphragm Lens

The retina (two kinds of receptors)

Cones vision (photopic/bright-light vision) : centered at fovea, highly sensitive to color Rods (scotopic/dim-light vision) : general view Blind spot

Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Structure of the human eye

Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Structure of the human eye

Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Image formation in the human eye

Flexible lens: the principle difference from an ordinary optical lens.

Controlled by the tension in the fibers of the ciliary body
To focus on distant objects flattened To focus on objects near eye thicker Near-sighted and far-sighted

Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Image formation in the human eye

Radiant Energy

Light Receptor


Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Brightness adaptation

Dynamic range of human visual system: 10-6~104 mL (millilambert)

Can not accomplish this range simultaneously

The current sensitivity level of the visual system is called brightness adaptation level

Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Brightness adaptation

Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Brightness discrimination

Weber ratio (the experiment) : I C / I

I: the background illumination

I C : the increment of illumination

Small Weber ratio indicates good discrimination Larger Weber ratio indicates poor discrimination


Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Brightness discrimination


Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Psycho-visual effects

The perceived brightness is not a simple function of intensity

Mach band pattern Simultaneous contrast Optical illusion


Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Mach band pattern


Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Simultaneous contrast


Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Optical illusion


Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Optical illusion


Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception Optical illusion


Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization and Other Simple Operations

Dr. Jiajun Wang School of Electronics & Information Engineering

Soochow University

Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Outline

Image formation model

Uniform sampling Uniform quantization

Digital image representation

Relationships between pixels Arithmetic operations Logical operations

Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization and Other Simple Operations Image Formation Model

Monochrome image
f x, y may be characterized by two components : i x, y
r x, y


f x, y i x, y r x, y 0 i x, y
0 f x, y

0 r x, y 1

Typical values of the illumination and reflectance:

Illumination: sun on earth: 90,000 lm/m2 on a sunny day; 10,000 lm/m2 on a cloud day; moon on clear evening: 0.1 lm/m2; in a commercial office is about 1000 lm/m2 Reflectance: 0.01 for black velvet, 0.65 for stainless steel, 0.80 for flat-white wall paint, 0.90 for silver-plated metal, and 0.93 for snow

Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Uniform sampling and quantization

digitalized in spatial domain

digitalized in amplitude


Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Uniform sampling and quantization


Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Digital image representation


Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Image resolution

Spatial resolution : the more pixels in a fixed range, the higher the resolution
Gray-level resolution : the more bits, the higher the resolution


Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Image zooming and shrinking

Both applied to digital image

Creation of new pixel locations

Assignment of gray levels to those new locations

Pixel replication, when increasing the size of an image an integer times Nearest neighbor interpolation Bilinear interpolation

Bicubic interpolation


Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Bilinear Interpolation


Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Relationships between pixels

Neighbors of a pixel
4-neighbors diagonal-neighbors 8-neighbors

4-adjacency 8-adjacency m-adjacency

(i-1,j(i(i-1,j) 1) 1,j+1) (i,j-1) (i,j)

(i,j+1 )

(i+1,j (i+1,j -1) )

(i+1,j +1)


Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Relationships between pixels



Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Relationships between pixels

Path: 4, 8, and m-paths

A sequence of distinct pixels from pixel p to q.

Connect set: only has one connected component.

Region is a connected set.

The set of pixels in the region which has one or more neighbors that are not in the region.

Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Arithmetic operations

Subtraction Multiplication



Digital Image Processing

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Logical operations

OR Complement (NOT)



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