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Teaching Critical Thinking

How to Improve Students Active Learning



Inquisitiveness & scepticism








RENOVATION of MENTAL STRUCTURE Decision making Problem solving Creativity

Ketrampilan berpikir meningkatkan kemampuan seseorang untuk membuat argumen(Hermstein,, 1986) Ketrampilan berpikir meningkatkan kemampuan untuk mengevaluasi dan menyelesaikan konflik (Block, 1985) Berpikir kritis meningkatkan kemampuan penyelesaian masalah ( Schoenfeld & Hermann, 1982) Berpikir kritis meningkatkan kemampuan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan pada dunia nyata (Lehman & Nisbett, 1990) Critical thinking improve the quality of Decision Making (Dewajani, 2000)


Proses berpikir yang melibatkan aspek kognitif, afeksi dan psikomotor secara berhati-hati untuk mempertimbangkan suatu permasalahan sehingga penyelesaiannya dapat menjadi suatu pengetahuan

What is Critical Thinking?

CT adalah penerapan pemikiran rasional dengan menggunakan higher order thinking skills seperti analisis, sintesis, pengenalan masalah dan penyelesaian masalah, serta evaluasi (Angelo, 1995)

What is Critical Thinking?

CT merupakan aktivitas produktif dan positif. Bukan aktivitas antisosial. Saat seseorang berpikir kritis dia akan sadar akan adanya perbedaan nilai, perilaku, struktur sosial dan bentuk artisitik yang ada di dunia. CT adalah proses bukan hasil (Brookfield, 1987)


Mencari topik Memikirkan topik Mencari dan menggali informasi Bertanya mengenai informasi tersebut Mengorganisasikan (how?) Menunjukkan atau mengungkapkan kembali


Memiliki pola pikir Berpikir efektif Open minded Berpikir secara objektif: fakta dan bukti/referensi

Features of Critical Thinking

Skepticism Questioning of assumptions of arguments Operational definitions Caution in using correlational evidence Alternative interpretations No oversimplification No overgeneralization

A List of Processes - 1
1. 2. (per A. Aarons, 1985) Secara sadar membuat pertanyaan Sadar akan adanya gap informasi yang muncul Mampu membedakan antara proses pengamatan dan pengambilan keputusan, antara fakta dan penilaian Mengenali bahwa kata dan kalimat adalah suatu simbol ide, bukan ide itu sendiri.



A List of Processes - 2
5. Menggali asumsi-asumsi yang mungkin muncul 6. Secara tepat mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkan data 7. Melakukan penalaran yang bersifat hipotesis-deductif 8. Menguji hubungan penalaran yang muncul 9. Menyadari penalaran yang dihasilkan

Operational Procedures of Critical Thinking - 1

Identifying key definitions Identifying ambiguity Identifying variables Formulating questions Defining issue or problem Classifying information Sequencing information Recognizing patterns Determining credibility Distinguishing fact from opinion Identifying assumptions Identifying values Noting missing evidence Identifying relationships Comparing & contrasting Cause and effect Summarizing information Using analogies

Operational Procedures of Critical Thinking - 2

Predicting trends from data Predicting outcomes based upon evidence Translating between verbal and symbolic Identifying conclusions Identifying errors in reasoning such as: Logical fallacies Errors in statistical reasoning Alternative conclusions that satisfy evidence

The Critical / Creative Thinking Bridge

Application Comprehension Knowledge

Evaluation Synthesis Analysis

Decision Making Problem Solving Concept attainment

Comparing Blooms Taxonomy to Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking Synthesis Critical Thinking Evaluation

Application Comprehension Knowledge

Comparing Blooms Taxonomy to Critical Thinking

Huitts (1992) classification of problem-solving techniques: Critical thinking--linear and serial, more structured, more rational and analytical, and more goal-oriented Creative thinking--holistic and parallel, more emotional and intuitive, more creative, more visual, and more tactual/ kinesthetic
Huitt, W. (1992). Problem solving and decision making: Consideration of individual differences using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Journal of Psychological Type, 24, 33-44.

Comparing Blooms Taxonomy to Critical Thinking

Springer & Deutschs (1993) classification of brain-lateralization dominance: Left brain thinking--analytic, serial, logical, objective Right brain thinking--global, parallel, emotional, subjective

Springer, S., & Deutsch, G. (1993). Left brain, right brain (4th ed.). New York: W. H. Freeman and Co.

What is CTQL
Question List that is developed from a generic Question and can stimutale the presence of certain thinking skills, such as :
Identification Comparison Analysis & Synthesis Evaluation Prediction Application

What could used to...? What would happen if....? What are the impliccation of...? What is....analogous to...? How are the.....and...similar? What is the best...and Why...? What are the possible solution for..? How do you think...would see the issue of....?

Thinking Skills Induced

Application Prediction/Hypothesizing Analysis/Inference Identification Comparison Evaluation Synthesis Taking other perspectives

Characteristics of an Effective Critical Thinker

Mampu menanyakan pertanyaan secara kritis Menilai pernyataan dan argumen Mampu untuk mengakui kekurangan pemahaman ataupun informasi Memiliki rasa keingin tahuan

Characteristics of an Effective Critical Thinker

Mampu untuk menunjukkan secara jelas kriteria yang digunakan untuk menganalisa ide Mau untuk menguji keyakinan, asumsi dan opini serta menimbang fakta yang ada Selalu mencari bukti Menguji permasalahan secara detail

Characteristics of an Effective Critical Thinker

Mampu mendengar secara kritis perndapat orang lain serta memberi feedback Mampu menunda penilaian sampai fakta yang benar diperoleh dan dipertimbangkan

Challenges and Barriers to Teaching CT

Takut salah Impulsiveness Overdependence on the teacher Missing the meaning

Challenges and Barriers to Teaching CT

Rigidity, inflexibility Lack of confidence Dogmatic, assertive behavior Inability to concentrate Unwillingness to think (Raths, et al., 1986)

Teaching Critical Thinking

Working Model of Thinking Process
Description Selection Representation Inference Synthesis Verification

(Donald, 2002)

Teaching CT: Reflective Thinking Model

Define the Problem Analyze the Problem Establish Criteria for Solutions Generate Possible Solutions Select the Best Solution (Dewey, 1910)

Teaching CT: Universal Intellectual Standards

Could you elaborate further on this point? Could you give me an example?

Is that really true? How could we check that? How could we find out if it is true?

Teaching CT: Universal Intellectual Standards

Could you give more details? Could you be more specific?

How is that connected to the question? How does that bear on the issue?

Teaching CT: Universal Intellectual Standards

How does your answer address the complexities of the situation or question? How are you taking into account the problem inherent in the situation? Is your answer focusing on the most significant factors?

Teaching CT: Universal Intellectual Standards

Do we need to consider another point of view? Is there another way to look at this question? What would this look like from a conservative standpoint?

Teaching CT: Universal Intellectual Standards

Does this really make sense? Does that follow from what you said? How does that follow?

(Elder & Paul)

Teacher Strategies
Motivate students to learn CT Create conducive classroom atmosphere Use real problems and issues Affirm students self worth Listen attentively Show support for student efforts

Teacher Strategies
Reflect and mirror CT ideas Regularly evaluate student progress Help students create networks Be critical teachers Learn how your students learn Model critical thinking (Brookfield, 1987)

Instructional Strategies
Ask clear and unconfusing questions Find out how much students know about course content Distribute learning styles inventory Use small group discussions Pair and share

Instructional Strategies
Provide quiet, reflective time Require writing assignments Design tests that require higher order thinking, such as essay test with problem-oriented questions Use classroom assessment techniques

Instructional Strategies
Ask students to write down questions on lecture content Write down specific questions after lecture to be discussed in small groups Use simulations Employ teacher-guided discussion

Instructional Strategies
Require student journals Ask students to free write and brainstorm

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