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By Mr.

Radhakrishnan Pillai

Radhakrishnan Pillai, Formally educated in management and consultancy, has an MA in Sanskrit and a doctorate in Arthashastra. Director of SPM Foundation and part of the University of Mumbai team, he designed various leader ship programs. He is the founder-director of Chanakya Institute of Public Relation Ship, a leader ship instutite which trains aspirants. He also the founder of Atma Darshan, a spiritual tourism venture.

Born in 3rd Century B.C. in India, Chanakya was also known as Vishnu Gupta and Kautilya. Through the centuries, scholars have described Chanakya as a rare mastermind who became an expert in varied and specialized fields like management, economics, politics, law, leadership, and several others. The 6000 sutaras have been classified in to 15 books, 150 chapters , and 180 topics by Chanakya himself. He was responsible for bringing down the Nanada Dynasty and estabilishing his able student Chandra Gupta Maurya on the throne as a emperor. Hence, he is called a KING MAKER. He is also credited with masterminding the defeat of Alexander in India who was on his march to conquer the world

The Strong foundation is the key for an successful business. Your vision, your Commitment, your Purpose, all these form the all important pillars of an organization, the most essential part of any building. 7 elements are. 1. The King ( The Leader) 2. The Minister ( The Manager) 3. The Country ( The Market/ Client / Customer) 4. The Fortified City ( Head Office) 5. The Treasury 6. The Army ( The Team) 7. The Ally (Friend/ Consultant ) Look at the seven Pillars. Only when these are built into firm and strong sections cans the organization shoulders any responsibility and face all challenges. And while building them do not forget to imbibe that vital ingredient called VALUE

The Root of any business lies in its Core Value System- its philosophy. This was also pointed out by the father of modern management, peter ducker. He said, Profits are by-products of business, not its very goal. in the above verse, Kautilya brings out the finer points of the importance of ethics in business 1. Guidance. 2. Decision in Action 3. Adhering To Law 4. Doing ones Duty

This is where we need Kautilyas advice about focusing on knowledge. A leader should focus on making his organization a knowledge organization. But, first he has to start with himself. 1. Gather More Information 2. Study The Information Acquired 3. Experiment 4. Train

Who is a leader, and how can one identify him? This is a challenge by it self. One will realize that a person successful in one area can be failure in another area. Or, one who is a successful leader in a particular group may be a failure while leading another group for a different Task. But, before we start training and creating leadership programmers, it is important to identify the right leaders. You need to ask few questions that will tell you weather that candidate will fit in to the leadership frame work. Question: Does he Give credit to others when he is appreciated. Question : Is he firm in his opinions, or does he change his view point every now and then.

Question: How does he conduct meetings?

Question: Does he command the respect and attention of his seniors ? And his subordinates

Question: Give a challenge, how fast does he complete the task

Human Capital Intellectual Capital Human resources- This are the terms used to define the value of people in any organization. This days every organization is focusing more and more on this aspect. Today, a companys ROI (Return On Investment) Productivity as well as profit in all areas , are based on the quality of people it has. An Organization may have good manpower in terms of numbers. But if these people are not fully Productivity or not working to their optimum potential the organization is at a loss The first challenge for any organization is to get good people. The next challenge is to train those good people in to becoming good leaders On this Chanakya Says When he (price) is ready for it (knowledge) experts should train him Here Some Tips

1. 2. 3.

Leader ship is a mind set Solution Focused Implantation.

In human terms, we can understand how much thought goes in to choosing the right person for the right job. After all a mistake at this stage can result in real frustration in long run. But how one do this? 1. Evaluate People. 2. Different Situations. 3. Different Timings All successful businessmen and leaders know the art of delegating the work. If you want to be a successful man-manager too, then thinking. Planning, studying, and experimenting with human psychology will become essential

Disciplined behavior during meeting is very important. Chanakya also listed other important aspects of a well prepared meeting. Why have a meeting 2. The Benefits of a good Meeting 3. Preparing for a good meeting

A Business Scholl conducted Survey of its former students carriers, grading them 20 years after they completed the course. Surprisingly, the successful ones are not the topper, but those who knew how to work in terms and more importantly had good communication skills. Chanakya Knew the power of communicating well. In fact he highlighted how it is even easy to use words as a weapon, and how to avoid this from happening Defamation, vilification, and threat constitute verbal injury When you get down to it , you realize that every person requires appreciation. if you cant appreciate others, you certainly cannot indulge in the opposite 1. DEFAMATION :2. VILIFICATION:3. THREAT:The best way to communicate is in a soft, yet firm, manner. Chanakya had ones said, When you communicate, it should be Satyam and Priyam, i.e. being truthful in a nice manner


Presentation By. Ravi Kiran K

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